Monday, May 31, 2010

China gives trucks to Cambodia

May 31, 2010

PHNOM PENH - CHINA has promised more than 250 new military trucks to Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday, signalling deeper military cooperation between the two nations.

PM Hun Sen said a donation of 257 military trucks and 50,000 military uniforms was agreed during a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Shanghai earlier in May.

'They are all brand-new trucks... from the factory,' PM Hun Sen said during a ceremony to open a Chinese-funded bridge.

The trucks will arrive in Cambodia June 18 and then be featured in a parade, said PM Hun Sen, who went on to praise Chinese leaders for 'talking less, but doing a lot' to help Cambodia.

The announcement of Chinese military aid comes after the US in April stopped a shipment of military trucks to Cambodia as punishment for sending ethnic Uighur asylum-seekers back to China in defiance of international appeals.

Cambodia in December deported the 20 Uighurs, members of a largely Muslim minority group in western China, even though they were seeking UN refugee status and said they would face torture if returned. The decision to deport the Uighurs came a day ahead of a visit by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, during which he agreed US$1.2 billion (S$1.69 billion) in aid and loans to Cambodia with Hun Sen.


Anonymous said...

Chinese is speaking less but doing more. yes. Chinese is deeply involved killing Khmer people, robing Khmer natural resources like mining, timber.

Khmer must balance the two super powers: US and China or will consequence like in the past. You can't play one and against one with these two giant or you will end up death.

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as FREE LUNCH in this World. In that respect China is no better or no worse than the US.
Both superpowers look after their interests first and foremost. Eh! who can blame them?

Anonymous said...

Chinese supported the Khmer Rouge fighting the government of Lon Nol in the early 70s and Chinese still supported the Khmer Rouge after Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and 1.7 million people got killed by the hands of Khmer Rouge . Now Chinese supports the governemnt of Hun Sen . I am worry about the fate of Cambodia in the future.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia do need big country like China for backing our ass...otherwise, YOUNs will swallow cambodia for along time, but right now..not yet? cambodia has enough weapons plus big help from China...when you are weak, you do need someone with big muscle to help saving your ass..!! Fucken US? forget it! they left us in the dark, and turning cambodia into a killing field zone..

Anonymous said...

Hey,hey,hey 1:42AM.Be nice to the U.S.It's your x-king and khmer rouge who created killing field.

Anonymous said...

It's called politics. Whether you want to be involved or not, you have no choice. So you are better off play it and play it well.

Anonymous said...

It's all fucken US's policy in South east Asia, it's all ah Nixon and ah Kissenger faults...!!

Anonymous said...

How about ah kantorp vietcong and ah CHEN si chruok spey ? don't you blame those two also?.

Anonymous said...

Go back and read...US started and fuck everything up from day one!

Anonymous said...

And so ah kantorp yuons.They started from nothing in CHINA to conquering the whole CHAM,part of the khmer land ,LAOS,and now on the quiet move to conquer the whole Cambodia.When yuon is in complete control,you're done.

Anonymous said...

Ye, because Khmers offered their ass for people to fuck, your fucked up brain, Khmer morons

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The jobs of Chineses and Americans are not to run Cambodia, they act for their country, it's up to Cambodia leader to manage the relations with these two giants, China gave help to Cambodia because it wants something from Cambodia, USA gave some help to Cambodia because it wants something from Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

250 trucks from China ist very good for Hun Sen priority but how long Cambodia can use them, may be one or two year they will in the Garage because of lacking of its quality. China will give 250 trucks but China take from Cambodia x-time things.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia doesn't have enough weapon. And Cambodia doesn't need weapon from China to back off Vietnam. Why? Because the Cambodian military and the Vietnamese military are the same! Don't you understand that?

We have military artillery and weapon from Vietnam hidden all over Cambodia why? because they control our military and country so there is no point in saying Cambodia has enough weapon to protect itself from Vietnam. Its a stupid statement. Cambodia does't care about protecting itself from Vietnam. It happily gives Vietnam land any time Vietnam wants.

Anonymous said...

Dear 12:10am and all, when you compair China to Viet, Jap, Amer and Franc in the last 30 years in the fact of they have been helping or investing in Cambodia, Chinese GOVT do not have much profit from Cambodia compair to Viet in term of capital investment between these two countries. The Viet'GOVT is the nation next door they are investing less but they steal more over shadow of their power, perhaps geting more profit than any of those countries abow.
My point of view is, it's a good for Khmer nation to future as long as Chinese GOVT keep eyes on Khmer wisely.
Have I said that, because Khmer could not avoid of dependent on foreigners any ways, what I want see is Khmer must be avoid the Viet aid at any form periots. The Viet aid is not Viet money It's still Khmer money, They sold the Khmer timbers 5 to 8 times higher then helping Khmer back less then one but on the Viet seatlement only, over all Khmer have nothing from Viet GOVT but The Khmer distruction is.

Anonymous said...

I'm GAY said...
Yuon exercising its colonial power.
Yuon's new strategies see in an article:
« Le Vietnam au Kampuchéa : La stratégie de consolidation »
by Justus M. Van Der Kroef.
Études internationales, vol. 15, n° 2, 1984, p. 291-309.

I copied a little portion from th abstract. To share.

[Hanoi govemment has sent some 40,000 Vietnamese party cadres, civil officiais and professionally trained to direct public affairs. Additionally, some 100,000 Vietnamese farmer s hâve migrated
into Kampuchea, settling in such key provinces as Kompong Speu, Takeo, and Kompong Cham. Additional tens of thousands of Vietnamese settlers hâve moved into
cities and the disputed frontier area. As fighting between the Vietnamese and résistance
groups affiliated with the ''Coalition Government of Démocratie Kampuchea" intensifies,
the Hanoi régime also has been expanding its logistical-military network. This inciudes the construction of a new road network — popularly called the "New Ho CM Minh Trail" — linking the Vietnamese cities of Hue and Vinh, across Southern Laos,
with Northwestern Kampuchea. Additionally, during the early weeks of 1983, a twentyfive
kilomètres long trench, studded with landmines and bamboo spikes has been constructed just inside the Kampuchean frontier, running from the village of Kop
beyond the village of Yeang Dangkum — a région of fréquent guérilla clashes. Along
with the 180,000 man force of regular military maintained by Vietnam in Kampuchea, thèse measures indicate intentions of Hanoi's consolidation of power. Especially in Southeast Asia fears hâve arisen of a permanent Vietnamese "colonization" process in Kampuchea.]

KI if you are serving Khmers not Yuon, you need to stop mocking around in RED. Your job as KHmer if you are, then search all secret informations (History wrote by real historians by the west) that Yuon have been doing to Cambodia. Post the history How Yuon did kill Khmers, so the Khmers can learn the real history not gossiping. I have so many old documents were written since 1800's, 1900's, I copied from the libraries in Ducth, France, but I have to store them all before they may disppeared. I knew when I start to post them, Yuon will try to kill me as they did to Khmer intellectuals. But I will post them in this very near future for you all to know the facts of savage Yuon.

Anonymous said...

So the fucking idiot khmer that need to be blamed 4:50AM?.

Anonymous said...

8:03 AM
OMG, are you masturbating?? Haha, nobody cares about your shit, okey? Be a good refugee, ok??

Anonymous said...

Hi ah Yuon kantorb 9;06am. Khmers care.