Monday, May 03, 2010

China promises trucks for Cambodian military after US rap

People's Liberation Army uniform: the new standard issue for Cambodian soldiers?

Mon, 03 May 2010
Cambodian military regularly guard huge private land concessions across the country, and have been used in the past to evict the rural poor.
Phnom Penh - China is to donate more than 250 trucks to Cambodia just weeks after the United States withheld a shipment of military vehicles in response to Phnom Penh's recent expulsion of 20 Uighur refugees, local media reported Monday.

The donation was announced by Cambodia's Foreign Minister Hor Namhong on his return from Shanghai, the Phnom Penh Post newspaper reported.

Hor Namhong said China would donate 257 military trucks and 50,000 military uniforms.

He said the gesture was made by Beijing of its own accord during a meeting in Shanghai between China's President Hu Jintao and Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen.

"[Hun Sen] did not ask them, but they know our requirements, and [Hu Jintao] promised to provide further military assistance in the future," he said.

The US embassy in Phnom Penh declined to comment Monday.

China has growing business and strategic interests in Cambodia, and is Phnom Penh's most important investor.

In the past four years Cambodia has approved more than 6 billion dollars of Chinese investment. Much of that is in infrastructure, particularly hydropower dams.

The investment figure excludes 880 million dollars in Chinese grant and aid during that period.

It also excludes 1.2 billion dollars in economic assistance awarded by China immediately after Cambodia expelled the 20 Uighur asylum-seekers in December at Beijing's request.

Both countries denied any link between the two events, though that denial was not widely believed.

The expulsion of the Uighurs drew strong criticism from Washington, which promised penalties for Cambodia's failure to meet its international obligations. Cancelling the shipment of US trucks was the first of those punishments.

Human rights workers have expressed rising concern at growing ties between private business and the military in Cambodia after Hun Sen encouraged business leaders to "adopt" military units.

Cambodian military regularly guard huge private land concessions across the country, and have been used in the past to evict the rural poor.


Anonymous said...

China and Cambodia have different uniform, we do not want it.

Anonymous said...

Ugly colors.

Anonymous said...

With such bright colors, it would be impossible to camouflage.

Anonymous said...

That's communist uniform. Like it or not? Plus it the cheapest uniform, it for free.

Anonymous said...

I think the military uniforms donated by China will be the same as those we used to see. The camouflage or the plain clothes. Why not accept them since the US have suspended their military supply. We cannot wait.

I am not a CPP but I am wondering why those 20 UGHUIRS had made a long way to Cambodia through China and Vietnam, Instead of fleeing to the neighbouring Countries, like kirgykisatan , Ubekistan or Karzastan who are also muslim Countries. They know that Cambodia is not a HEAVEN for those who seek security and Jústice.

Anonymous said...

Last similar donation for in pre-paration for KR after Pol pot

This is after Hun Sen, any ideas what next blue print Hun Sen have install to kill it own people?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the chinese want khmers soliders to look like the chinese soliders with that uniforms. hehheh

Anonymous said...

Communist is bad, but us Khmer defenitely needs China,
of cause we need USA and EU or super power country to help us but will they help us? I know we need to help ourself first, but how? Will USA help us? Between Khmer, Vietnam and Thai who will benefit most for the US?
So we Khmer must be with China, as we all know the friendship of China and Vietnam. We realy want the US to be our closest friend but no chance!
The US will be with Viet and Thai 100% and us Khmer will be Kaput, finished.

Anonymous said...

ពិតណាស់ប្រទេសកុម្មុយនីសមិនល្អទេ តែកុម្មុយនីសសម័យនេះបានប្ដូរខ្លះៗហើយ បុន្តែរខ្មែរយើងពេលនេះគឺចាំបាច់ត្រូវតែការចិនមិនអាចអត់បានឡើយ ខ្ញុំមិនចូលចិត្តបក្សប្រជាជនទេ តែយល់ថាតាមចិនគឺយើងអាចរួចពីការលេបទឹកដីពីអាកន្ទបយួនបាន សីុភីភី នៅក្រោមយួនត្រួតត្រាប្រាកដណាស់ តែដូចជាហ៊ុន សែនចង់រើខ្លួនពីនឹមយួនដែរ តែមិនងាយរួចទេ ដូច្នេះបានជាយើងតាមចិនទៅ យើងចង់បានប្រទេសអាមេរិក និងអឺរុបជួយយើងណាស់ តែពួកគេមិនជួយយើងអោយមានសុវត្តិភាពទេ យើងមិនចំណេញដល់គេ!

Anonymous said...

Communism is finished, it is no where, China is not communist anymore, Rusia either is not communist or socialist, the real socialist countries are USA, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Finland..
They have welfare, medical system..
It's better to be friend with your next-doors first and the rest after..

Anonymous said...

7:25pm do you mean Vietnam and Thailand? No way my friend, these two countries looked down at Khmer, invaded Khmer... never be friend with these two, maybe Thailand but not Vietnam, either CPP,SRP or others still Khmer so these two neighbours does not like Khmer, and Khmer never like them too.
We are not racist or what ever but these two nations are alway wanted to distroy Khmer.
Maybe you are talking about making friend with China and others but NOT with Vietnam and Thailand, no way.

Anonymous said...

To be friend with the US, your house should not only have rules but mechanism to enforce those rules. There got to be a mechanism to reduce corruption, have a justice system that is fair, human rights are respected.

Apparently these qualities are not high priority for Cambodian gov't. Cambodia have evolved to be almost like a beggar nation that accept hand outs from anyone, and in any shape that it comes, yes including these sorry military uniforms.

It is not that the US have any thing against Cambodia. It is that Cambodia makes herself to be a kind of a nation where US does not look for in a friend.

Anonymous said...

what's uniform ah Kwack and sons would look belong in that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, it doesn't mean cambodia is wearing china's military uniform; it just the materials to make into khmer military uniform, you know. it's not antong veng chhnang veng, you know. don't take things literally, you know!

Anonymous said...

what's a uniform ah Kwack and sons would look belong in that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we can come up with our own uniforms. So many folks can sew in PP, will create jobs also. Right now we are using British and American uniforms, better not be Chinese. We are stupid if we use their uniform.

Anonymous said...

10:27pm you better be naked???? ah kwack have no eye don't you know???

Where is the money do you want to force people to work for free???

Anonymous said...

lucky tou get cloth and donated food, beggars!!!!

Anonymous said...

I got to be fair on my judgement. KI Media just found a Chinese decorative (ceramonial) military uniform and posting with the article. This uniform is by no mean a combat uniform. Belive me, the Chinese are not stupid to wear this kind of uniform for combat. Cambodia too. Thier uniform are just like the US. Camourflage according to the terrain (green jungle or desert). Think about it. Even the U.S. uniform cloth are MADE IN CHINA. China has plenty of resources.

Anonymous said...

good point, 11:56pm. everything is made in china, why are they complaining here? maybe they get jealous that china likes cambodia. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I thought we got billions of $$$ from China recently. Where is the money? The cost for the first Sky bridge, or overpass is $10M, yet we have not money. They had to rent the island to a company for 99years. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

4:32am do u know why? Another 5 or 10 more years Hun Sen will be gone, he does not care, 99years we, our young child will be big shit.