Friday, May 14, 2010

Concerns software piracy deterring Cambodian investment

Friday, May 14, 2010
ABC Radio Australia

Microsoft's Cambodian country director says widespread software piracy is deterring foreign companies from working with the kingdom.

Pily Wong says the sale of counterfeit computer software - which includes programs such as Windows and the Adobe Creative Suite - is considered prevalent throughout Cambodia.

A report from Washington-based Business Software Alliance and market researcher IDC says the value of unlicenced software worldwide has hit $US51.4 billion.

It says piracy rates increased 2 percent worldwide last year, from 41 percent to 43 percent.

Although Cambodia was not included in the report, Vietnam was reported to have an 85 per cent piracy rate, and Thailand a 75 per cent piracy rate.

Microsoft says continuing concerns over the poor enforcement of intellectual property rights has led many international software firms to avoid entering Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

A few years ago, I read a paper concerning the MS's software piracy in Bangladesh. To minimize the chance of piracy, the government of Bangladesh imposed the rule on the suppliers to install already the basic software with license in all PC before it sold out.

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of Cambodians are earning less than a dollar a day, are we expecting these people spend $400 on a software. The choice is clear.

Anonymous said...

what make you think cambodia about piracy when microsoft make $1 billion profit every single month sick...

Anonymous said...

False loss!
The piracy is the source of Microsoft success story.
By allowing every body to copy Windows, the operating system, most of software in the world are developed under Windows.
More sofware are developed under Windows, more people use Windows. Winer circle.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian would make a year saving just to get a genuine MS software while it just a day for western or the us does.

sophay said...

Support Nida for Open Source Software for Cambodia. We already have Khmer Operating System and Khmer Open Office. Noone seem to like to use it.

Ubuntu is also a great choice of operating system with lots of software built in and guarantee to be free. Latest report from Ubuntu, they already completed about 40% of translation for Khmer Localization. Open source is not bad and very much easy to use for office user.

Anonymous said...

piracy in asia is rampant, not just in cambodia, really. in youn, chin, singapore, hong kong, and even korea, siem, etc... really!

Anonymous said...

yes poor is what drove this, you know! it could happen anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Piracy is every where in Cambodia, China, USA, Russia, Canada, Australia, French..

Microsoft becomes a success company because of copying.

Microsoft allows user to copy its operating system and takes the largest market portion.

Anonymous said...

i know, they didn't do it illegally. i'm sure they paid for it, even piracy cost money to copy, you know! why just bias on cambodia? it happens everywhere on the planet, you know, if you care to scrutinize them all! cambodia is definitely not immuned to it!

Anonymous said...

At least 50 000 000 Americans used pirated Windows, how many Cambodians do it ? 10 000 :(