Thursday, May 13, 2010

S. Korean Christians praying for Buddhist temple to collapse

The posting of this video and article was requested by Intra Jit, a reader of KI-Media.

The reason I publish this video clip here is to show that some evangelical Christians are unbelievable evil-minded people. I believe this is due to the aggressive nature of the religious organisation to 'conquer' the others. This nature is fueled by none other than the three poisons - Attachment (greed, control freakery, domination), Aversion (aggression, intolerance, hatred, anger, rage, destruction) and Ignorance (deluded view, irrational).

The Three Poisons are the primary causes of evil-mindedness and this is what Buddhists are to be aware off at all times. The way to eradicate the three poisons is by cultivation of the mind through diligent meditation. And to meditate properly, one needs to keep the Five Precepts and practice the Noble 8-Fold Path. This is the way to higher spiritual attainment and loving-kindness.

It's not by covering the Three Poisons with the enforcement of love by the doctrine of a religion. As shown in the video clip, the Three Poisons are so glaring in the mass prayer, which is supposed to be wholesome, turning it into an unwholesome act to be condemned. The love and compassion is not real but with motive and agenda supported by the hidden Three Poisons which are very much alive.

It's sad that these people are blinded by their faith.

Originally posted at:


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see and hear what's the prime minister of Cambodia response and reaction to this video footage. Yet, the prime minister has to be careful since his former chief economic advisor is now the sitting prime minister of S. Korea.

Or does Mr. Hun Sen know how to play religion-and-politics game?

War is peace

Anonymous said...

Thank you Korean people for praying for us.

There will be many Cambodians who wil be angry with this. But don't expect them to understand why you do what you do.

I'm a Cambodian and have been praying that the grip of Buddhism be loosen from our society. I love my home country and I know Buddhism is not the answer.

Go ahead Cambodians, you can start cursing me.

Anonymous said...

Should all Christians who live in Cambodia be burned alive? Or should all the churches be burned to the ground?

Anonymous said...

We should pass this message to the student movement leader in Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

If God ever answer your pray , there will be no war and killing each other in this world . Keep on praying to God you weekmind and hopeless people .

Anonymous said...

what a fuckin idiot this guy really is its only make them look like a shit these kind of people are the reason of wars and killing ,who the bad one after huh? this is a shame for korea.

Anonymous said...

No worries, it just a human kind trouble makers. Just ignore and be patient as Buddha message. Make sure you are cleaned and do the right things.. Work for living, not hatred for a living. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:17 and 4:14,

Such peaceful comments from you two. Hopefully Buddhism did not influence you two to say these things or else you'd be bad witnesses to Buddha's peaceful teaching.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Cambodian Christians can learn to pray for Cambodia as bold as these Korean brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

When close to a million Cambodian refugees live in camps on the Thai border, how many aid agencies and organizations came in the name of Buddha to help us?

On the contrary, Thailand, a Buddhist nation killed, raped, and pushed off the cliff, fellow Buddhist people from Cambodia.

What has Buddhists or Buddhism done for you lately? One answer: plenty of beautiful pagodas and temples but people go hungry.

Cambodians wake up!

Anonymous said...

5:07 PM

Perhaps you'll be the one be burned.

Fuck the Christians, and Marry, Josep and Jesus. All of you must be burned alive and see if Mr. Jesus can save you.

Anonymous said...

5:32 PM

Perhaps you'll be the one be burned.

Fuck the Christians, and Marry, Josep and Jesus. All of you must be burned alive and see if Mr. Jesus can save you.

Anonymous said...

5:32 PM

Perhaps you'll be the one be burned.

Fuck the Christians, and Marry, Josep and Jesus. All of you must be burned alive and see if Mr. Jesus can save you.

Anonymous said...

5:40, 5:41, and 5:51,

One of the names you cursed really loves even you, despite the fact your mom and dad should have taken you to a shed and beat you with a belt to teach you some respect and good vocab. usage.

Anonymous said...

TO:3:00 PM
You are not the owner of Khmer society. don't forget that who are you...where are you come from.

Anonymous said...

Not only christians want boudhist temple collapse, muslims laso do..
Some praticians of those religions are very agressive, in Alganestan, they broke down a 50 meters Boudha status.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in this kind of posting. It only attempts to highlight a misunderstanding between some Christians and Buddhist and further sew animosity between the two religion. Because clearly this video does not represent your typical Christian congregation, and, to highlight this seem like a mockery of some Buddhist who finds an excuse to advance their own belief in their own righteous and correctness of their religion.

That is my opinion. And what does Hun Sen have anything to say? Some posters above asked. I ask, why would Hun Sen say anything? it was not done in Cambodia or direct at Khmer Buddhist temples. They were done in Korean, by over religious congregation.

Hun Sen is not a kid, point and screaming at everything like crazy.

There is no need for us Buddhist to point out the flaws and ridicule other religion.

We need only concern about ourselves and demonstrate our own capability for the truth

Anonymous said...


Are you the ownder? or is Buddhism and Buddhists the owner of Khmer society?

I am Cambodian and thankful to be one, but I'm definitely not a Buddhist and also thankful that I'm NOT. Does that NOT qualify me to be a true Cambodian? Perhahps I'm a traitor according to your definition.

For you info. to be a Cambodian one does not necessarily have to be a Buddhist. The grip of Buddhism does not have a hold on Cambodian lives like it once had.
Perhaps prayer does work, and that is why these Koreans are fervent at it!

Anonymous said...

I have done extensive research on Buddha, Jesus and Mohamed.

I believed and accepted Buddha as my great teacher because his teaching is good and logical.

I believed and accepted Jesus as my God, my Savior and my Creator. His teaching in the Bible is not only logical but it is miracle and powerful.

I cannot accept Mohamed because he involved with killing and adultery. He used force and weapons to conquer Mecca ( the holy city of Islam). Mohmed has 11 wives and he allowed his followers to have 4 wives.

I am not able to tell you everything here, please do research for yourself. Don't just believe what someone said.

Anonymous said...

Priminister SEN may come to the defens of buddhism. but. he only do so for his benefit of popularity. you know he was khmer rough and he still is. if he say he is buddhist that just his best of pretending.

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian but I do not support these Koreans. What they did is not conform with the teaching of Jesus in the Bible.
Please read the Bible on Matthew 5:43-48 says:

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your friends, hate your enemies.' But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may become the sons of your Father in heaven. For He makes His sun to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to those who do good and those who do evil. Why should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that! And if you speak only to your friends, have you done anything out of the ordinary? Even the pagans do that! You must be perfect- just as your Father in heaven is perfect!"

My dear brethren Christians, please read the Bible every day and practice what Jesus teaches you.

Anonymous said...

Why we care that much about all of these stupid people.
We Khmer just happy to have our own culture with different believes.
Buddhism is our identity and the fundamental grassroots of our language, our culture and our society. It is very important for us to follow and rebuild the teaching of Buddha in our country.

Anonymous said...

I pray there will be no more dogs in Korea so they have to eat shit instead. Fucking communist!

Anonymous said...

Although this video clip is troublesome, it needs to be investigated further as to why the some Korean people, including PM, did what they did.

The story needs to be told in whole, not just this small context.

Anonymous said...

People, all religions maybe good in its own views. But only one "religion" that is above others. It was not originate with man's idea but was given to us by him whom we have to do. If we reject this truth we have not given our belief a good assessment of what we really believe is absolute sure without a doubt; confusions and fighting will surely continues. Man by nature is hostile toward the truth--the bible-which is God's authority to govern us in his ways and wishes. To reject the wisdom of our loving heavenly Father is to love death. It's the parents that nourishes the new born. A child cannot survive by itself; death is certain - Likewise, God, our heavenly Father wants to teach us his ways so that it will go well with us as human beings on his earth. He was the one that "birth" forth the first human being-Adam.

Remind me of an event that took place in Toronto, Canada. The location may be wrong but it goes in line with Christians praying and a wat was struck by lightning even with monks inside the wat, but they were not hurt. I can't remember all the details, it was true account.

Anonymous said...

Do we have a "sin-problem" or an "ignorance-problem"? "If ignorance is the source of man's dilemma, the logical deduction is that salvation comes through knowledge."

We have a "sin-problem" by sin death reigns. In Christ, all shall be made alive.

Anonymous said...

Yo,the South Korean Christian troublemaker,you don't pray for the destruction of others.You should pray for world peace, peaceful coexistence and the like.

I HOPE kim jong il keep an eye on you or NUKE the fuck out of you.

Anonymous said...

to 5:07PM
Having spoken so, you might no fully understand the nature of human beings. It doesn't matter what race a person is. Ifhe's an evil, then he's an evil, just like yourself. I don't give a fuck to those Koreans, who are not Buddhists, but I'm ashamed as one of the Cambodians, to see some of my Cambodian people living abroad, especially in Long Beach, where I have personally witnessed them practicing Chistianity but insulting Bddhism at the same time. I am a Buddhist, but I listen and watch some Christian pastors, like Joel Osteen, Dr. Richard, Dr. Wayne Diyer, every week and I have found that they never insult any religions. Is it a real shame that Khmers themselves, who have very little knowlegde about Buddhism, insult their ancestors' religion?

Anonymous said...

that is so evil for this man to pray that other belief be destroyed! individuals like him are giving christians a bad name, really! for once, he, as a christian, should be tolerant of other religion. this is evil, really!

Anonymous said...

Jesus was just an ordinary fanatic and most likely consumed many hallucinogenic substances. He was a cult leader and a radical. He did not perform any miracles. His followers at the time when he was alive were brainwashed into his cult.

The Bible itself (Old Testament)is not more than a collection of myths and make-belief stories that were passed down from generation to generation. People had no understanding of science back then so they created myths to help explain certain unexplainable natural phenomena and the world around them (i.e. Judeo, Greek, Egyptian, Norse mythology). Books from the New Testament were created by blind religious fanatics that had too much time on their hands and a vivid imagination and no rationality.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are nothing more but an organization with good marketing campaigns for a product and greedy middle-men to sell them.

Anonymous said...

Oh God! This is the very reason why million and million human around the world die for fighting each other in the name of God !

By nature Human are greedy and selfish animal! Right now they pray to God because they want to go to heaven and once they are in heaven and what will these human do next! I wouldn't be surprise if they want to be God themselves! ahahhahahhahh

There is nothing can satisfy these so called human! No other animal species have the capability in killing their own kinds in the million and million just to achieve something so called great, greater, and greatness!

Now the Human began to question themselves why are they here on planet Earth and the Human want to know or what put them here on planet Earth! For me it doesn't matter who or what put the human on any planet and the outcome would be same!!!! Ahahahahhahahahha

Don’t you wish you could live in planet Ape??

Anonymous said...

Jesus said, " I am the only way. You could only go to the father through me." If this is the only truth, than any other religions that do not include Jesus as their savior, is false. Base on this concept of belief, it is only natural for the beliver Christianity to condem other belief. And it is also natural for other nonchristian to fight back. This is where the core of conflict lie. Despite the fact that that Jesus preach tolerant to love your neighbors and your enemy, it is just cosmetic cover up of a deeper core of conflict induced philosophy. Through the eyes of Christian, any other belief is pretty much a devil worshipers.

Khmer K

Anonymous said...

Yes dear 11:34PM you're completly right, you're using the right words of christianity.
I understand the christian core, it's encourage the people to commite bad thing(from good gesture to destroy the other, to spie, to kill, it's type of soft killing then they ask Jesus for pardon, it's not much different from the other religion, just the ways how to kill the other not their belong.
Some Khmer have convert to it because: 1- they have a domestic animal's mind, 2- They're same sex lovers, 3- They're poor disperity of lives, 4- They're involving in killing during Khmer rouge Regime, it's might help them somehow?,5- They're the gards dogs,6- They need interaining,7- They're inocents, 8- They need bible sheet of paper to wrap Tobaco for smoking(back in Refugee Camp). These are many of the reasons Khmer joining christian. not the spiritual power.
The conclusion the Buddhist is the ways to go when people practicces.

Anonymous said...

People--->Bouncer + Entry fee--->God,sin,sex,alcohol,guns, power and money...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


" A GROUP OF S. Korean Christians praying for Buddhist temple to collapse"

Not just S. Korean..........

Extremis are everywhere in any race, group, or organazation!

Don't just post any thing with stupid title PUSSY HEAD!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He may be businessman try to sell his believe to dumpy,stupid,mindless people.
God never said anything about other believe.
You have to understand GOD is just human educated human of wrong and right before human become socialize.

Anonymous said...

Dude 1:51 AM,
Socheata is just KI's nick name, this nincompoop aka Socheata can be a man. Don't expect KI will play fair game.

People who went through sufferings in their lives already made up their minds whom they shall follow.

Korea was once a Buddhist nation, but sadly the Korean people went through too many sufferings abused by foreigners like Japanese who used them as sex slaves. Now half of Korea with 25 million population are living in hell in North Korea.

Their prayers to Buddha never work.
Their many sufferings forced them to choose another realm and that is the Kingdom of GOD.

As we know Buddha was here for one purpose is to teach us the way of life we should live, but Buddha cannot save us from our Karma.

Only Preah Se-Ar-Metreya can and he is Jesus Christ.

Don't blame those suffering people.
BUddha's religion will soon end as He predicted his own religion. Now Preah Metreya (Jesus) arrives.

We witness the Buddhist Temples continue to collapse one by one, Nepal, India, .. Afghanistan as an example.
Don't fight over the destiny we cannot control.

Anonymous said...

2:25 AM,
your god will bring you directely to heven, after you die,
why you wait, die today.
Why you stay on earth.
You don't trust your god, ha ?

Anonymous said...

i know, not all religions have the same set of principles and philosophy. some are less strict than others, while other like christian are based on western philosophy of doing thing like living, gov't, etc... i don't think buddhism is bad like it sounds. remember, it is the abuse some individuals used to hide behind religion is questionable, not the religion itself, you know! all religions in their purest forms are sacred and deserve highly respect, etc... it's alright if you don't belief the same as others might belief and so forth. mutual respect is a key to living peacefully side by side. remember too the world is so diverse in many ways. accept it what it is and we all be a lot happier at the end, really!

also, some bad people used religion as a way to control others as well. so, you have to be educated and learn for yourself.

Anonymous said...

What is the true meaning of Religion word (or what is the meaning of Sasna word)
The political Parties around the world:
Republica, Democrcy, Labor, National, Green ..bla..bla..bla and you happy to support which one that you think good for you

Neak Loeurng

Anonymous said...

Korea was once a Buddhist nation, but sadly the Korean people went through too many sufferings abused by foreigners like Japanese who used them as sex slaves. Now half of Korea with 25 million population are living in hell in North Korea.

Their prayers to Buddha never work.
Their many sufferings forced them to choose another realm and that is the Kingdom of GOD. Yes, and it is work. Please go to the link below to see how it is work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

ah/me jumkourt 3:26 AM,
GOD didn't create those sufferings, but humans like a fucking dumbest like you.
Have you done anything good to just your own family members?
What a nincompoop like you cannot even lead your very own family and why claiming to know GOD?

Anonymous said...

3:53 AM,

Buddhism is good if we follow it properly. But Buddhism is not good if we practice while foreigners invade our land.

Buddhism is good when we pratice among our own family and neighbors, but is bad when we have to defend that nation.

Cambodians claim themselves to be Buddhists, but 99% are evils.good Buddhist.

Enough is enough, Korean people now found what they are looking for is Messiah.

Anonymous said...

The heart of most khmers is hard. So hard. Harder than than diamond that the teaching of Buddha cannot penetrate and make it into a heart of flesh with love, compassion, tolerance, patience, God fearing and worshiping. The teaching of Buddha is good for he who pratice. To have good relationship in society. But the corrupted mind and the devil misused it and most Cambodians do not know it and let alone to practice it. Most say they are Buddhists. But they are not and know nothing of the teaching. So why the Buddha had precicted that his religion will last only for 5000 years. The Sangha are the Buddha Embassador to bring the Dharma to the people. But they utterly failed the mission. They do not learn and practice themselves, let alone to bring to the lay people. They become the curse to the people. They eat and nap and do nothing but evil deeds.. So why they are cursed in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge and the curse flowed down to the people.
Like the Israelites who do not follow the Moses laws, the Cambodians do not practice the Dharma, the teachings of Buddha. They worship idols (statute made from cement or from wood or of stone etc.) So why God sends His only one Begetten Son to redeem and tosave them from the death of sin.
Cambodia and Cambodians and Khmers also need Jesus to come to touch our heart in order to repent, to be forgiven and to be saved from our sin and to see the light and walk in the light and have eternal life.
Thanks Jesus. Pray to God to send Holy Spirit to dwelt in each of our heart and touch our very heart to know you more and to accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Amen

Anonymous said...

Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!

Anonymous said...

Paedophiles, rapists and other sex predators, please KEEP OUT OF CAMBODIA.

Anonymous said...

Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!

Anonymous said...

All of you are PATHETIC. When will you lurn to respect to live in peace.Chame on you all!

Anonymous said...

Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!

Anonymous said...

True christian usually pray for others,e.g. may god help those who do not know what they are doing. It is not about, wishing for those who did evil to die but to revive from the evil act and turn into a decent person.E.g. when Jesus was about to die he said "father please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing". So, real christian have to pray for those who maybe be confused and believed in the wrong God. As we will can see that for thousand of years those who have believed in Buddha gotten no where but more loss of lives and free will. Where as those who have believed in Christ tend to have peace of mind and much happier people. This is the result that can be defined as who is the true god. E.g Jesus is the son of God whereas Buddha is the son of the Indian King whom given up his place in search for enlightenment. To me Buddha is an enlighted person who believed that both king of peasant has equal value and that life is limited for all of us as a "human being". Whereas Jesus the real son of God stated that the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated. The righteous those who have the a loving heart with unconditional positive regardless and which also included the all the wisdom of life, that include in the knowledge of the bible. Please read more about that you too will be enlighten. Aust

Anonymous said...

Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate. Live in joy, in health, even among the afflicted. Live in joy, in peace, even among the troubled. Live in joy, without possessions, like the shining ones. ~ Buddha

Anonymous said...

7:47 8:11 9:12 ah pong kdor ah crocodile....

Anonymous said...

learn about christianity too, it is very interesting to understand it. try it. christianity is as beautiful as buddhism. i like both religions; i don't have any problem with my fond for both religions, really. are you? i wear a cross neckless and i kept a buddha statue in home because it looks beautiful made from marble. nothing wrong with keeping something you enjoy and like and love, you know! for me, it's about my peace of mind. i made peace with myself, thus i'm less stressful. god bless cambodia and god bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Buddhism is a philosophy not a religion and Buddha never claim that he is God either.

Anonymous said...

Some facts:

Buddha: During his life on earth he retreated into seclusion to escape the suffering he saw around him, and meditate to seek enlightment. He taught people to be peaceful and do good to others.

Jesus: During his life on earth, He healed the sicks, raised the death, feed the hungry, died for what He believed, and rose again.
He commanded his followers to not only do good to others, but further to love your enemies.

Which one sacrificed more for what he believe?

Which one's definition of love go deeper?

Though Jesus taught to love your enemy, He never shy away from getting into conftration with the religious leaders. Jesus NEVER compromise His claim that He is the Son of God. He stand by what He claimed even on the cross. He said after He died He would rise again, He did.

This claim either make Jesus either a madman or He was telling the truth, there is no middle ground with regard to who He was.

Countless individuals who believe in Jesus testified to have their lives transformed for the better. They testified of having peace, and purpose for living.

If Buddha's teaching is your choice in life so be it. But there one whose life and teaching have transformed millions of lives, that is Jesus. Perhaps you should investigate.

Truth is truth regardless of culture. If you say I believe in Buddhism because that is a Cambodian religion, this is a weak reason for believing.

Anonymous said...

Christian Missionaries on one hand preach high moral values, yet at the same time, they follow the lowest most despicable ones in order to convert people to their religion. Missionaries especially prey on the poorest, most rural folk under the guise of helping them out of poverty when in fact they have chosen to convert them because they are the most uneducated and therefore most likely to fall for their deception.

Anonymous said...

Christian Missionaries will not hesitate to distort, deceive and defame others in order to propagate their religion. Their devious tactics break every fundamental rule or human benevolence. Instead Missionaries often bring out the worst of humankind.

Anonymous said...

"When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "let us close our eyes and pray." When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."

Anonymous said...

Most Missionary organizations disguise their conversion efforts as charity organization. Often in the press, we hear about “faith-based initiatives” but that is just a euphemism for aggressive and violent conversion organizations. In the Western media, Missionaries are portrayed as true saviors who feed the hungry and nurse the sick.

However, Missionaries do not do this for the good of humanity, but instead to convert people to Christianity. Missionaries have also decided to target the poorest for conversions, not because they are the neediest, but rather, because they can be easily bribed into changing their faith, and they can not easily report to the press the atrocities which the Missionaries have inflicted upon them.

Anonymous said...

God doesn't help unless you help yourself first.

Anonymous said...

One common tactic employed by Missionaries is to give a sick villager fake medicines which have no medicinal value and ask them to worship in the name of their faith for wellness. After several days, the missionary gives the villager an identical dose of the medicine, but this time it is the real medicine. Then the missionary will instruct the villager to now pray to Jesus. Soon after, due to the medicine and not due to Jesus, the villager will be cured. The uneducated and gullible villager, however, will attribute his cure to Jesus and convert to Christianity.

Anonymous said...

I remember a British friend of mine, an anthropologist researching the lore of a Nilgiris tribe a decade ago. One day he visited a village hospital to comfort a sick tribal. A troop of Christians from a particular denomination entered noisily, and kindly informed all the patients in the ward that unless they accepted Christ, they would soon die and go to hell for ever. Is this Jesus' love, or mental torture? Were the patients' human rights respected or violated?”

- Michel Danino
(World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am a white American Buddhist who was raised a Christian. I can tell you all about the Christian hate agenda and attempt to evangelize the world forcing them into their twisted version of Christianity. They want more members so the church leaders are fat with money when you donate money so you can "go to heaven". They hate gays, they hate PPL of Color, they hate everyone - but they love war! A favorite Christian saying is "Kill them all, let God sort them out". Most American so-called "Christians" are for war, own weapons of death and support such people as George Bush. If you live in a peaceful Buddhist country shun these evil missionaries and drive them from your country. These are false prophets - the REAL Jesus was a brother with Buddha and did not preach hate and was against war. James Redley - Kansas, USA

Here is a blog showing the hate: