Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sorry, NO universities in the top 200 from Cambodia

ASIA: Hong Kong and Japan top latest rankings

13 May 2010

Yojana Sharma
University World News

Universities in Hong Kong and Japan dominate the upper echelons of the QS Asian university rankings released today, with universities in Singapore and South Korea also making a strong showing in the top 20. But China's universities have not performed as well as expected in the regional comparison.

The 2010 Asian rankings drawn up by QS (Quacquarelli Symonds), which also issues annual world university rankings, show the most economically developed countries of Asia also have the region's top universities.

Despite rising numbers of citations by top Chinese universities such as Peking and Tsinghua, they came 12th and 16th in this year's table respectively, Hong Kong's more international outlook meant several of its universities outperformed the best of Japan, China and South Korea.

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Chinese University of Hong Kong took first, second and fourth places respectively.

Meanwhile, Japanese universities, with Tokyo highest at 5th place, occupied 57 of the top 200 and five of the top 10 places in this year's table, only the second time QS has produced Asian rankings since the inaugural Asian rankings last year.

"The Japanese and Hong Kong universities have been investing a lot in faculty and in improving their international profile, and that has fed through into the rankings," said QS Managing Director Nunzio Quacqarelli.

National University of Singapore's showing at third place was underpinned by a drive to internationalise, according to QS. Strong academic peer recognition also benefited NUS as well as 15 South Korean universities and seven Indian Institutes of Technology placed in the top 100.

QS researcher John O'Leary said: "The rise of Chinese universities is not much in evidence in this table. Although there are Chinese universities in the top 15, the Chinese higher education system as a whole is some way behind the Japanese.

"China's huge higher education system is not an advantage in rankings. It is going to take a while for government investment to have an impact. In smaller countries it is possible reforms can have an impact across all universities and come through within a short space of time such as in Hong Kong and Singapore."

Quacquarelli said that in larger countries there were more differences between universities but governments were beginning to focus on small groups of elite universities. He predicted the elite universities, particularly in China, would rise in future Asian rankings.

"We would expect the Chinese universities to improve steadily in the next few years with their massive investment in infrastructure, more autonomy and opening up to partner universities through exchange programmes," he said.

Top Indian institutions were also likely to rise through the ranks: "I think their standards of quality are very high as more companies seek to employ their graduates," Quacquarelli said.

But there were no universities in the top 200 from Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos, and just three in the top 100 from Thailand, two from Indonesia and one from the Philippines.

Universities in Asia were improving faster than institutions in the rest of the world, including in citation counts, and investing in faculty, Quacquarelli said. He pointed to a "pan-Asian trend to invest more in their higher education institutions and establish centres of excellence".

The QS Asian rankings do not simply extract the Asian institutions from the annual QS World University Rankings but employ slightly different criteria.

These include review by peer academics in the region, accounting for as much as 40% of the total measure, review by employers in the region, accounting for 10%, student/faculty ratio, 20% of the total, and citations per paper, as well as productivity in publishing papers. International students and staff amount to another 10%.

"The chief difference between the Asian rankings and the world rankings is that there are two bibliometric measures (of citations) and that's mainly to give credit or research in languages other than English," said O'Leary.

One of the criticisms of past QS-THE World Rankings was that they relied too heavily on publications in English.

The Asian table also differs from the better-known international rankings in gauging employer reaction with a questionnaire is sent out to major companies recruiting within Asia. The aim is to assess the employability of a particular university's graduates.

Richard Holmes*, a lecturer at Universiti Technologi MARA in Malaysia, and a commentator on global rankings, including those for Asia, said such rankings were open to manipulation.

"You can get a short term boost fairly quickly by recruiting staff and students internationally," Holmes told University World News. "Increasing publications take much longer to give a university a boost, as does increasing the staff-student ratio. But many universities are doing things like this to improve their positions."


Anonymous said...

I cannot find vietname's, loa's, Burma's, etc. Not only cambodia.
No need to sorry, just try to study hard by ourselves from Internet (best sources of knowledge);)

Anonymous said...

That's right,but our poor khmer krom,khmer Surin and khmer kandal haven't enough the Internet.

Sok An said...

We don't need top univertsities in Cambodia, while we had lot students graduate with Phd, Doctors and also our officiers most of them were earning Phd degrees without studying.

(Signed) Sok An

Anonymous said...

Cambodian universities are not even ranking bottom 1000 universities in Asia because we are very poor and struggling to survive our daily life and no time to study or learn any higher education without government supports.

Anonymous said...

We don't need university, we need only Hun Sen, everything came from Hun Sen, other Khmers are dump, do nothing but wait for Hun Sen parole.

Anonymous said...

We're just a little more ten years after the official end of the decade-long civil war. KI, don't be a bunch of jackasses too often. I'm sure you assholes are proud to degrade your own country just to serve your selfish political agenda.

Anonymous said...

Please remember.
We Khmer only started rebuilding our educational system from 1990 on. We therefore need time to update the value of our knowledge.
Later or soon we sure will able to compete with them.

Anonymous said...

When your mother rules Cambodia, there might be some universities in the top 200. Stupid!

Anonymous said...

How is China going to make it to top 100 or even 5000? It'll never going to be. Why? Because China doesn't even know what real life is. China continues to ignore the fact and the fundamental of human right over and over. Their professors and people continue to stay ignorance day after day month after month year after year and forever. Who fool is going to vote or give an award to such ignorance country? It's about the same in Cambodia and we have along way to go, yet. Especially when it comes to the credibility of the teachers , professors and materials necessary for teaching. In United States, there are loaded of professors with doctorate degree and just about anything they need to make school looking better and easier for the faculties and students. How many PH.D professors do we have in Cambodia today? Wake up Hun Sen. Ph.D from Hanoi or from a fake Univ. on the internet. Although, Cambodian students are very bright and starving for learning.

Anonymous said...

Based on this ranking, none from the Vietcongs school either!!!Dictator Hun Sen must be proud to receive Hanoi-PhDs!!!Such a loser rewarding loser mentality. This proves that dictator still uneducated and incompetent as leader!

No wonder Dictator Hun Sen is still inhumane and cruel against human-kind.

KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia were at our highest in education during Angkor's period and in 1975. During Angkor, as we all know today, those monuments speak for themselves about their finest and unique architectural wonder and education. In 1975, our most nurturing root started in the 50's and in 60's when many Cambodian students were able to receive higher education from both inside and outside of the country. This enable us to have good job and excellent earning salary. It allowed many parents to send their children to better school and to continue/pursue even better and higher education. Again, it allowed young Cambodian to study in better schools and universities for both inside the country and abroad.

We have to fully acknowledge King Sihanouk, France and The United States for providing such fine opportunities.

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

From 9:14pm, also all Cambodian Kings and people during Angkor Era.

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

Giving more PhD degrees to PM Dr Hun Sen and the position of country's higher education can be easily improved. It's quick and cheap. No money spent. You don't even need to attend any class. You need to give some to Dr Bun Ray as well. And a lot more to Dr Sok An. Please more of those papers.

Anonymous said...

Oh well! What do you expect Cambodia is the Kingdom of Wonder.
Wonder no more my Cambodian people...the Hun Sen brand schools won't cut in the real world which encourage cut throat competition not cut throat corruption!

After 30 years of Hun Sen rule Cambodian educational institution is nothing more than a corrupted institutions which Cambodian students can buy their fake degree and for Cambodian leaders such Hun Sen and his wife and others they can get their free degree from a foreign countries that have national interest in Cambodia and these foreign countries have no problem in giving a piece a paper called degree just to make stupid Cambodian leaders look important and in return stupid Cambodian leaders can give out economic concession at the expense of dirt poor Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

learning has no boundary all over the world. in the listed rated universities, what are they based it on? and i think good universities all over the world as rated based on their rigorous academics and their strict requirement, etc... however, it has nothing to do with the education, the knowledge itself, just the way they run those universities, really! and they are very competitive as well; that's why they are well known. however the knowledge, the training and the education itself are all the same everywhere. maybe you pay more for the well-known universtiy, but other than that, they all the same, really!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agreed. We shouldn't be SORRY, because Cambodia just came out from a long dreaded civil war. Cambodia is progressing at this time. We need to help her move towards a progressive direction. No need to BASH our country.

Anonymous said...

If we want to do better. We must be serious in what we do. Rule is rule. Nepotism and corruption are the mother of all evils and it is striving in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Good universities for what? when the companies coming to Cambodia most are all low paying jobs, requiring no brain and most of them are there to cut and run. They have no long term interest in our country to train, treat, pay our people the right way. In other words, unethical companies are doing very well in Cambodia. They bribe their way to make money and move on. They don't care about the people or the environment and the Cambodian government condone these companies and people.

Anonymous said...

Our leaders have given bad examples of having degrees without going to school. They want just a paper sheet and dressed as a doctors. That's all you need. After that you can make money as a corrupted government employees.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad, but do not worry too much about top 200. Some of kmere kids who just came to the US. for just 3-4years can go to elite universities with full scholaship. Of course,back in Cambodia, these kids had no money to bribe their teachers because their parents did not work at the( Klahn) job, so they had to studied harder to beat the odd. And for sure those brat, rich kids of the monster parents came to the states to just waste their time and bloody money that those monsters suck from the poor khmer people everyday.

Anonymous said...

To 10:17PM

"however the knowledge, the training and the education itself are all the same everywhere. maybe you pay more for the well-known university, but other than that, they all the same, really!"

=You speaking from your arse again! In fact the knowledge, the training, and the education are not the same! Tell me if Cambodian possesses the same knowledge, the same training, and the same education and they should be able to manufacture car, motorcycle, airplane...and many more consumer products...there should be countless doctors, engineers, and many more specialists all over Cambodia and the fact that you don't see them because Cambodia doesn't have the knowledge, the training, and the right education...Please don't be ashamed to admit that Cambodia is the most backward in Asia!

Shame on you!!!

Riguen said...

I strongly agree with Anonymous. Even Cambodia is not included in top ranking, we Cambodian should be in Cambodia. Lots of students can get scholarships to study abroad, so we can express that we are not not bad. We get skills in our hands and start to help our nation to be in the top ranking in ASIA one day. I believe Cambodia can reach that point unless we are too chicken to get the truth in front of you all. Suffering, facing problems are our best lessons, but it does not mean you have to face them all the time.