Friday, May 14, 2010

Take your Cambodian dream girl back home with you! [-Commercialization of Cambodian women?]

Thursday 13 May 2010

By Frederic Amat
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Mo Ly Yeah!
Click here to read the article in the language of Molière

The jerks dare to do anything, that’s what they are known for,” said the father in the French movie “Tontons flingueurs” (Crooks in Clover). However, in this case, one really needs to be very daring.
Following the false article published by a local news media [Koh Santepheap] offering a young woman for marriage for the modest sum of $1 million, now, it is about a real advertisement openly comparing Cambodian women to exotic souvenirs that the [foreign or expat?] men can now “take back home.” Thus, in addition to the local consumption [of these women] during the few short weeks of vacation under banana trees [because it’s a banana kingdom?], you can now discover new methods to bring these Cambodian women of your dream back home in your luggage [none the least?] !

When heard about this news in a bar somewhere late at night, such comparison would have shocked even the most machos of the misogynists. But, in this case, the news is spread on a half-page ad in a free English-language tourist guide which is distributed in Phnom Penh. The guide is also used a bible source by a handful of compulsive partygoers. “The” late night guide is aimed at men who prefer to spend their night of solitude in parlors known for sharpening their male libido [sex parlor or brothel in plain English]. The latest edition of this guide includes a hallucinating claim placed among traditional ads which usually give out details on the charms of identical bars whereby sardines are disguised as mermaids. However, this peculiar ad boasts the merits of a company which specializes in obtaining for Cambodian women (and women only please!) real visas allowing them to travel overseas. While very explicit, the ad is not placed there by chance because, after all, this guide is aimed towards single men who, preferably, like the ease of their encounters….

Four pictures are shown: the first one features a young woman who is all smile, she is happy because she just obtained her prize, a visa allowing her to leave for Europe. She is showing her passport with great pride, just like Marcel Pagnol’s father showing off his rock partridge birds [allusion to a French novel by Marcel Pagnol]. The second picture shows a handsome blond man next to a local damsel, both of them busy filling out forms. The other two photos show visas affixed on other passports, both belonging to pretty local ladies.

The large and bold letters in the ad read: “Get Visa…! Take her back home with you.”

One can almost imagine the more explicit question that would go like this: “Did you sample her? Does she fit your taste? Don’t leave her behind on the sidewalk. Take her home with you!” The ad does not mention if one can take back to one’s own “home sweet home” several of these delicacies. Since one took such a long journey, might as well take advantage of it… [sic!]

This type of society, where [paid] local services are provided for administrative steps needed for foreign consular offices, can be found in several countries in the region, starting with Thailand. However, there, the ad is addressed to everybody, men and women without distinction. Furthermore, the Thai ads would never refer to human beings as products that one can take back home.

In some countries, such as the US and those belonging to the Schengen Agreement [Europe], suspicions are raised when a visa application is filed for young women, especially when they declare that they are traveling on a tourist visa with a foreign man who is three times older than them. How then can a damsels? But, it is also true that the ad only claims that it “can help” to obtain the visa.

Short of being able to obtain a visa for the women of their dream, the [male] sex tourists can always take back home a full human size wooden Apsara statue that can be bought at the Russian market. For sure these statues are very cumbersome, but at least they do not talk back and they do not require any maintenance either. When you settle these Apsara statues on the mantle of your chimney at home, you can at least wait patiently until your next vacation in Cambodia, which hopefully by then, you would be able to successfully bring back a real one “home,” just like what the ad claims! The ad should have added also: “Hurry up! This is a limited time offer, not everyone will get one!”, shouldn’t it?


Anonymous said...

what is this? I hope it is just a movie, but not a real one.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Khmer pussies for sale. White tourist will come for sure, please add boys for more choice

Anonymous said...

It is very sad how khmer gov't don't have a human control order to watch over our own citizen and allowing others to take advantage of our poor people where they can place a value on our women's head as if we are animals in the market for sale. What happen to our culture and tradition where women used to be treated like diamon and men treated like gold. So, please if khmer don't love khmer and protect khmer, no one in the world will. Aust

Anonymous said...

Under U.S. immigration law, a marriage must be bona fide (real). Being married to a US citizen is not enough,and certainly any marriages procured through this service will have a difficult time being approved.

Anonymous said...

who wrote this kind of movies, they are salling combodia women for sure. what ta fuck of this kind of title is that fuck to the person who wrote this fucking movies title if she want to sale her own possies just do for yourself. don't try to advertise for the whole country possies.

this show that how dump government is that and the education faculies dummies are they. fuck the whole dump country. especialis ah kwack Hun Sen how much your mother, wife and your daughter pussies going to cost? is it $1 or $0.50. show all you mama and daughter's pussies see is any european want to buy some. open your dump brain to see how cheap your country is. fuck off ah kwack Hun xen

Anonymous said...

We sell land for Viet, temple for Thais, sand for Singapore, and pussies for White, What else can we sell??

Anonymous said...

Do you want to see this Real in Phnom Penh?

Go to the street 51.
There is the Walkabout Hotel,
in real it is not a Hotel, not even a Guesthouse.

It is the worst place in town where you can get Khmer and Viet Girls starting from US$5 for one hour.

Some of this Guys bring the Girl to their country, of course not telling their Embassy that she is a former Hooker.

The Cambodian Government know about this place but the Walkabout is protected by a high General so nothing happen to the Australian Guys who run the Brothel.

Anonymous said...

Under AH HUN SEN regime it is immoral to wear short skirt but it is okay to commercialize Khmer women!

I am just amazed that AH HUN SEN doesn't even know about this!

Anonymous said...

I'm fucking hates those Red nick poeple they went to Asian Country just looking for pussy that all. fucking uglies ass Red nick. Who da fuck ever married to those red nick people it doesn't match all, look likes one bufflo and one cow. It look so funny when they walks to gether. Take a look at your self first b4 you doing anythings Khmer Women thinks mores.

Anonymous said...

You bring the girl, if someting wrong, you leave her and you marriage another..
You live with her, have child with her, love her, love your child and you find your hapiness..

Anonymous said...

Me love you long time. You have money I wife you.

Anonymous said...

look at these two dump hores said, they don't care they are a horse. they sell their arse for money. the horse of 9:19, and 7:31 pm said ready to selly their pussies

Ben said...

I'm shocked by the tone of this article and the replies. Cambodian women are wonderful, family-oriented human beings. Many tourists fall in love with locals. We in the West have been raised to think that man and women should be the same, so we are surrounded by muscular independent women who want to be CEOs, not mothers. Is it so wrong to want a higher caliber of wife, one who shares your life goals?

As far as the ad goes, it is VERY hard to get a fiancee or spouse visa from at least the U.S. It costs $2,500-$4,000 plus between 7 months and 2 years of waiting. Y'all need to save your hateration for those who deserve it -- the foreign corporations which steal Khmer land every day (with the help of RCAF and police)

Anonymous said...

9:31 PM, you're not fair!
You're in USA, you don't know, "have nothing" is what.
Imagine, you're 18, you have no money, no skill, you live with your parents, they earn $2 a day, no hope, you eat meat once a year, you see others ride car, eat KUYTEAV..
You want to dress, go out, eat, danse..
You could worse than those girls.

Anonymous said...

3:54 am

If other people in Cambodia could survive with just a $1.00 a month, so could you. You should be thankful for what you have. So what if you're 18 and live with your parents. Isn't this the right thing to do? So what if you can't afford Kuyteav, nice clothes, eat out, etc..
So what? The life style you described here is for rich and upper middle class people. if you are poor, lets act like one. You should be satisfy in your life. Work hard, work smart and get education. Don't use poor as an excuse! 18 is a good age! Work on the rice field and get connected with other people. The most important thing is to get educated. You must do something to get away from the poverty. Don't just sit on your ass and whine! Remember, do the right thing! If other people can survive with $1.00 a month so can you. I understand completely! BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT! Get it!

Anonymous said...

Just to clear the air a bit in here ... speaking from the perspective of an expat who has lived in cambodia for several years, not ALL cambodian girls are gold diggers ... yes, most of the ones who work in the "entertainment industry" are, sadly ... but the girls who work in that sector are only a small proportion of the population ...
as for visas ... tourist visas for cambodian girls, especially those in the 18-30 age group, are extremely difficult to obtain, notwithstanding that some applications are genuine ... as for the company advertised, yes they are a real company ... personally, i would not use their services, since i personally believe they overchange for what services they provide, and have some issues with their staff (ie. rude staff) ... however, they do have a loyal following of satisfied customers, so that says something, i s'pose?