Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Untold Stories: Vietnam Arrested, Defrocked, Imprisoned, and Tortured Khmer Krom Monks

Danh Tol and Kim Moul at the 4th World Youth Conference of the KKFYC

On May 2, 2010, the VOKK interviewed the former Khmer Krom Buddhist Monks, Danh Tol and Kim Moul, who were arrested, defrocked, imprisoned, and tortured by the Vietnamese communist government.

Visit http://www.vokk.net to listen to the interview, or click here to access directly to the radio file.


Anonymous said...

What else can KKF does to wake up our Khmer and Khmer-Krom people from around the world.

Wake up we need your support. Just a $1/day from all Khmer people can save our beloved Khmer history, culture, tradition, and many historical facts from the Vietnamese aggression.

People rather buy $5 coffee and drink countless bottle of beers each and everyday. If we all can cut back on our consumption of coffee, beer, cigarette, and other unnecessarily items and donate those money toward KKF, Khmer and Khmer-Krom issues will resolve in no time.

Please you can donate anonymously or outright in plain sight. Either way it doesn't matter. You know that the money will be utilized to help save our Khmer nation.

Bravo KKF, we support you all the way. May Buddha protect you from the YOUN aggressor.

Anonymous said...

I met them and talked with them at UN last week. Their lifelong commitment, and devotion as well is to fight for the buddhism cause back home in KK, and none of them are apostates.

Anonymous said...

people are too afraid of being "known". It is funny to me that some people think they would be target even in the U.S.A if they support Khmer Krom issues, scoff!

If you're that scare, why even bother claiming yourself a patriot! Maybe there are too many people working like that in their chapters, slow, and unresponsive because of fear of whatever.

Shouldn't we be hearing more actions from the local Khmer patriots as well? It seem to me all the work have been shouldered on the KKF, but no Cambodian or Khmer communities in their own city are doing anything.

Sad. The work of rights, you must dare to announce your opposition. Otherwise, you are doing nothing and accepting oppressions.

Anonymous said...

That's a free world here. You can say what you will, and they can do what they will. Don't ever expect anyone go your way.

Anonymous said...

Doomsday for the Vietcongs is coming!!!Democracy must take place in the land of Kampuchea Krom.

A Voice of Khmer Preah Treapang