Friday, June 04, 2010
Request to former King Sihanouk to provide dharma education to the younger generations rather than songs: Ven. Hok Savann
Hok Savann,
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Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
In the past, there were no law, no rule, DHAMA was a rule, a moral rule, dictated by Boudha.
Now we have law.
DHAMA and laws have the same goal, frame people to fit to a society, how to live together.
School already has that kind of course, they call that LOKA-NI-TEK.
Why address to this "has been" ( Ex-king Sihanouk). It's like to play a flute to a buffalo or to give diamond to a pig. Sihanouk incarnates the devil.
Surely after death, his spirit will go to hell to be tortured for eternity for the sins he committed here on earth against his own people he intended to lead to peace and justice, but insted he lead them to hell.
ល្អណាស់ ព្រះអង្គមានបន្ទួលយ៉ាងនេះ ពេញចិត្ត ខ្ញុំព្រះករុណាណាស់។
ស្តេចសីហនុ គួរណាស់ព្រះអង្គទូន្មាន ឲ្យឧិវាទល្អៗ ដល់យុវជនជំនាន់ក្រោយ ជាជាងច្រៀងលេងឥត ប្រយោជន៍។ បើព្រះអង្គចង់សប្បាយការាអូខេ គួរណាស់តែលាក់បាំងខ្លះទៅ ព្រោះ.......
Oh! comeon do not ack like Shihanouk! expect people to folow him to the fool!
Let him have freedome to do what he think he ho best as long as it not hurt no one!
Forgive him and let himhave freedom! we not hate himlike the way he hate millions of people who happen to be controle by Lon Nol!
who say cambodia has law? who say hun sen a strong man? Don't be fool by Youn black teeth vc sleeper in srok khmer early 70s ok!.In fact hun sen just a cartoon boy .
This is a result of Munich, she had waited until she became queen, the assured that her son proposed to be king although it was reluctantly accepted by him,with reassurance from the king father.
Be reminded that it was hung parliament,then the package deal was proposed as Hun Sen is prime minister,Ranarith was head of assembly and Sihamuny is the king.
Later stage there was a coup of constitution by having Nhek Bun Chhay signed extended treaty while Chea Sim escorted by late Hok lundy to Bangkok.
Add to that even Kiet Chhon's wife is Viet, and knowingly that Hor Nam Hong has been Viet's spy all along.And many more.
Chhey Chhetha II lost land to vietnam due to viet wife, or the idea of maintaining stability and relationship between two countries.
Killingfield was a result of viet intervention,knowing that khmers will pay respect and GRATITUDE, the vietnam holds khmers for RANSOM.
Now some of us starting to see that what khmer leader's wish,but tricked by viet and portrayed themselve as killers.
Vietnam applies same trick again and again, in order to achieve its target.
Kaun Khmer
Shithanouk not gonna worry about Khmer people because he eat Munich' pussy every day. Only he worry about is yuon Munich' pussy.
Why Hon. Hok Sovann gets involved in politic? That is beyond my imagination as a Khmer.
ar-choy-mray.shihanuk....ar-communish and i am going to kill your fucking son make it even = you kill cambodian people more than AR-YOUN
YES THAT GOOD IDEA TO MAKE AR-SHIHANOUK DIE FASTER WE NEED TO KILL HIS SON TO MAKE IT EVEN and to all cambodian people who is still interasted and belive with AR-KING is animal brain
why ah thmil vc tep vong oder khmer monk to ah Dung vc?
Khmer never has a real king since Ta Trasak PaEm. To me, they were all bastard kings including Sihanouk. No need to read history to understand it. Just look at Sihanouk right now it tells all. This is the reason why khmer land becomes smaller and smaller.
Kaun Khmer 4:52 AM
There is no truth to what you stated. Even if it is true, you miss the point. What is wrong with Cambodia has nothing to do with the women you mentioned in your comment. Cambodia is governed by people with limited education and limited vision. The truth is Cambodia is governed by men who could not see beyond the interest of the circle their families. Better men would have find way to include all political parties and the resources and ideas that each party brings.
Blaming these women makes you sound more like a sexist than an analyst.
Kaun Khmer who respects women
I love to read all articles for Ven. Dr. Hok Savann.
The idea of Kaun Khmer and Kaun Khmer who respect women, all are right.
But if try to re-read again, the analysis of Kaun Khmer has relevant ground.
Lokta Hok Savann should provide dharma to people, not HM Sihanouk.
Can Lokta Hok Savann compose songs like HM Sihanouk?
One can only say do whatever you do best...
Achar Kui
Teaching of any religion must be banned at schools.
why banned ??????????????
Have you ever seen any kings in other countries still singing like our Loung Chamkout? please tell me.
Fun time and useful time but Khmer King waste all the time, or Vietime
Lok Ta Hok Savan can tell Khmer children to look at Somdech Ta Sihanouk doing charity to the Khmer poor.
11:17 AM
King father helps the poor is good.
But this is only short term mean.
Providing khmers with jobs and security is much better, so khmers do not oblight for false gratitude,but they become self-reliant and respect themselve.
In any religion,even Buddhism there is humanitarian compassion in helping the less fortunated ones. And why can't king father or any king leaves this activities to the monastry to provide that assistance.At the same time it helps strentening relationship between the surrounding poors and the monks at any monastry, and also this will give the monk a great satisfaction in their monkhood.
There are plenty more to achieve a better society if concentrate in helping one another on NOT cheatin but compassionate ground.
Kaun Khmer
Sihanouk sing badly,no good this khmer rouge.He is afraid of dying and International court.
From kaun preah Puth.
HM Sihanouk is a gifted monarch in the the world...
There is nothing wrong to be talented...
During this consolidation strategy, Hanoi has many tactics, and one of them is taking away of all attentions of Hanoi's activities in Cambodia but fabricating a story of King Sihanouk to make some idiot Khmers angry. Do not FALL into it.
I don't care this guy Hok Savann is monk or no Monk, he is playing Yuon Hanoi's game.
This Angkor Borei is under Yuon controls.
To some who curse Sihanouk,
for you a king has no pennis ?
A king is not a human ?
A king excrement is not smelly ?
Why you think that king is god ?
You're a monkey if you belive that.
Sihanouk is not bader than you, he is just a little bit richer than you about few millions.
Hey Mr.I"M GAY,
How many dicks get in your ass hole or your mouth today?
If you not getting enough I got my chinese bamboo stick sharpen ready(you know the size?)and plug in your ass once again to satisfy your desire,
No stupid gay in the politic, they are just the street vendors selling sexual oral practice by mouth and asses and they are the sources of HIV&Aids
Lok ta HOK SAVAN,that isn`t right!,just stay in the pagoda and praise for what you have learnt for,do not get involved in any politic!,ortherwise no one will show you respect!.How about inside the temple you have put the big television and every KHMER`s new year,you allowed peoples sang karaoke all the times,what is that for ahh?????????????.And one more things,how about your wife who is still living in CALIFORNIA????.A lot of peoples have known what you used to help LOK TA SON SANN`s daughter!!!??? and you like to make sponsorship to every beautiful widow women,during the KHMER refugees were living in the camp.The kingfather,he is beeing ok!but for you! i don`t think so! because monk is a monk!you know what i meant! don`t be followed like DALAYLAMA!.Just keep following LORD BUDDHA have tought you in the book that `s enough!.
to,ah!5:59am,ah!6:06am,you two go fuck yourselves in the toilette ok! motherfuckers,you are shitheads,you`re nothings assholes,shut the fuck off!you scum!,son of the bitches!.To ah!,7:03am,i think you probably never ever have a real fucking mother,you fucker!!!!!,what`s the fucking hole you motherfucker came from ahh??????.To ah!11:18pm,i want to fuck your asshole and i really want to know how are you going to feel,ah! (chhoy maray!)you motherfucker!.Leave my king alone!,all you scum,son of the bitches!.
Angkor Borei is sold to Yuon Hanoi.
All the articles from Angkor Borei have nothing to do with the geopolitics in SEA or the world geopolitics but it has only one purpose is to make Khmers hate Khmers. Only King Sihanouk story not about the geopolitics anything.
Hok Sovann is a Monk but he has been brainwashed by Ly Ngoc Dinh.
Some said KI's members are Yuon spies, so I keep watching and reading their articles to see if any thruthfullness in that accusation.
lok Ly Diep maybe yourn spy but still beter than yourn slave like you
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