Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bt10m put aside [by Thailand] to fight Cambodia on Preah Vihear

July 14, 2010
The Nation

The Cabinet yesterday allocated Bt10 million for the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to use in the campaign against Cambodia's management plan on Preah Vihear's, which it will present at the World Heritage committee meeting in Brazil later this month.

The HinduKhmer temple near the Thai-Cambodian border was listed in July 2008 as a World Heritage Site, but Thailand has been lobbying member countries to delay Phnom Penh's management plan owing to disputes in areas adjacent to the temple.

The Thai authorities want Cambodia's management plan to be delayed until the border dispute is settled, the government's deputy spokesman Marut Masayawanit said.

The Bt10 million will be spent by a delegation representing Thailand at the meeting, which runs from July 25 to August 3, he said.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti would lead the delegation and present Thailand's stance to the Unesco World Heritage committee.

"We want to delay the plan because we are still in a border dispute with Cambodia and we have not seen any documents for the management plan," Abhisit told reporters.

Thailand is concerned that Cambodia might use the disputed 4.6-square-kilometre area near the temple as a buffer zone for the site.

Abhisit added that the committee's decision would not affect Thailand's boundary with Cambodia, but it was advisable that no decisions were made while the disputes remained.

According to a 1962 verdict from the International Court of Justice, the Preah Vihear temple is located in Cambodia, but Thailand claims that areas adjacent to the temple belong to Thailand. The two countries are still in the process of negotiation for boundary demarcation.


Anonymous said...

I just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

I just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

7:38 AM

GOOG is the stock market symbol for google on the NASDAQ stock exchange market.

From now on you “the original google kid” is nick named GOOG.
You have started it all, and now there are so many of your copycats, and we don’t know who is who.
So GOOG is for your only, ok Viet kid.

GOOG, years ago you were my neighbor and I told you several times not to let the horses fucking your big mouth, but you did not listen to me. Now look at what has happen to you; you stutter in public 2 to 3 and sometime 4 times before you can hear yourself talking. And you think that other people were like you. No kid, you are wrong, we are not messed up like you are, ok.
Your mouth and hearing are all fucked up. Your brain is functioning at 50% capacity and it keeps on declining…. I don’t want to mention about your sight and sense of smell, they are probably FUBR = fuck up beyond recognition.
Your breath stings, but I cannot figure out the strange pungent smell. Oh, it ought to be from those horses’ cum, heh. So, do us a favor, just shut it; people can smell it for miles when you are around. Can you smile for me; I like to see how many teeth you have left. ; )

Anonymous said...

Dog Thailand... why Thailand continues the trouble? Is 4.6 sq is worth all the resource? When most are not sure it Thai's anyways... Or Thailand just wanted to give Cambodia a hard time in each of the ways?

Anonymous said...

No "Overlapping" or "Disputed" 4.6 km2 Area...It's all within Cambodia!
ไม่มีพื้นที่ 'ทับซ้อน' หรือ 'โต้แย้ง' ๔.๖ ก.ม.๒...เป็นดินแดนในกัมพูชาตลอดมา!

The delineation of boundary between Cambodia and Thailand by the mixed French-Siamese commission was not a mere coincidence. It was done on the agreement that the French position in Indochina gave up Chanthaburi and Trat provinces; and Siam returned Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, and Battambang provinces, which it had conquered and occupied for over two centuries back to Cambodia. It's a misconception for Thais to think that the Franco-Siamese treaty of 1904-07 was an unfair treaty while France was a super power at the time. King Sisowath considered the treaty a major accomplishment during his reign by regaining Cambodia's most important historial land back. On the other hand, King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) of Siam believed it was to the best interests of Siam for gaining Chanthaburi and Trat provinces from the French possession and safeguarding their major core country from being a colony of the west. Chanthaburi and Trat provinces proved to be a great bargain for Thailand today with a vast area of the Gulf of Thailand, islands, and large oil and gas deposits beneath the sea floor. This land trade off also gave Bangkok a more proportional distance away from Cambodia, roughly 120 miles from the border. The Franco-Siamese treaty of 1904-07 showed Annex I map with a clear and finite boundary line between Thailand and Cambodia. There were no so-called "overlapping" or "disputed" 4.6 km2 between the two kingdoms. The Annex I map was subsequently being used by the Royal Government of Cambodia under the leadership of then King-Father Norodom Sihanouk in the World Court case regarding Preah Vihear in 1962, in which the court ruled by a vote of 9 to 3 that Preah Vihear Temple and the adjacent areas were in the territory of Cambodia.

---Khmer Surin

Anonymous said...

you are a f... outsider mad person so stop using this cite to devalue us!! sun of B....

Anonymous said...

7:38 AM

GOOG,dude, go get some help--you are completely psychotic and unbalanced. I'm quite
sure Dr. Nips will schedule you an appointment. You have completely lost it--you post rambling and repetitive nonsense and I don't think you're trying to be funny.

Anonymous said...


Go goog on your stupid Bang-cock online news, not on Khmer!

Siem motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

Thai people have no mortality. It is clearly that Preah vichear belongs to Khmer, just look at the world mape, it is located within its boundry and dare to claim as their, what a shame!!!. can't they see that khmer suffered enough from the genocite already?. where are their conscience. We all are human being and we all need to be respected regardless of who they are or where they come from. It is a shame to see such evil act upon anther human being. The only different is language but it can be translated into same meaning. we all have red blood cells and have the same feeling.....I hope good thai people will do something about it. They will not let evil overtake them for sure. wisdom

Anonymous said...

Ah!,7:38am,what`s wrong with you,Goog???.Are you out of your mind Goog??,do not let your brain fuck up with your fucking mind,Goog!!!.I think you want to make your rotten brain transplant,ahh....ah!.Goog!!!.Don`t try to fuck up with your spychopath leaders(ABHISIT VEJJAJIVA)and the other one else!!!.Don`t be stupidity,silly,idiotic,moron and epilepsy.All your leaders and you,are epileptic men!!!,bring all your clown go to hell,OK!!!!!.

Anonymous said...

Abullshit Vejjajiva must have gotten his degree from Oxfoot University with his nonesense demand on Preah Vihear temple in Khmer sovereignty...

Anonymous said...

Fuck Ahbishit and his Thai thief govt.

Anonymous said...

This is why KI need to have people register on here so that way they can block accounts and keep things civil in here. So far KI has done nothing and this site is becoming a joke for me to come on here and read these ignorant bastards posting childish things on here.

Anonymous said...

what, siem think money can buy everything? i hope unesco and cambodia will prove them wrong! cambodia's preah vihear is priceless; even all the money in siem country can't buy cambodia's preah vihear!

Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?

Anonymous said...

shame on siem thugs!

Anonymous said...

No need to Google, Thai whores are everywhere added by Google. The one is more fun Thai whores are on the Thai Monkey King videos. Thai Monkey King & Thai whores look great together.

Anonymous said...

Loas and Cambodian had no remorse of befriend with vietnam and leaving Thailand on her cold feet, because of her stinking ambition and having no respect for the neighbors. Today, she still deosn't get it. Abhisit is the dumbest of all.