Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Country of the Blind

Thank you to our anonymous reader for forwarding this story!

Apparently it was Erasmus, a Dutch thinker, who first penned the phrase, 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king'.

The idea of course is that sight amongst the blind is a precious gift and one which would be lauded.

If only it were so.

In 1904 H.G. Wells wrote a short story called The Country of the Blind.

A lost climber Nunez falls and descends into an isolated and inaccessible valley whose people over many generations have grown to become sightless. With the realisation of his situation, Nunez at first believes that he will be feted as king of his new domain. He comes to learn differently.

The people do not feel deprived awaiting being released from their darkness. Indeed quite the opposite. Their beliefs, religion and rituals have all expunged any reference or recollection of sight to the extent that it has become little more than an echo buried within childish fairy stories.

Nunez's attempts to demonstrate the power of his fifth sense are to no avail. The enhancement of their senses of taste, touch, smell and hearing have replaced the need for sight, and his protestations to the contrary are seen as no more than the rantings of the feeble minded and insane. They no more miss or accept the value of a fifth sense, than do the sighted a sixth sense.

In time he is absorbed into the society, required to renounce his belief in sight. Indeed in order to be assimilated into the community by marriage, the village elders propose to cure his insanity by removal of the facial features he, in his insanity, insists on referring to as 'his eyes'.

As society speeds headlong, head-down and with little thought, it is perhaps more appropriate to say that
In the land of the blind, the world will beat a path to the door of a man who can teach them a few new words of Braille, but will have little time for the man who seeks to open their eyes.
Review by Steve Unwin


Anonymous said...

just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

KhmerIsrael said...

In reality, Satan, the god of this world has blinded the eyes of many from seeing the truth that can set them free.

Anonymous said...

Eh “I just google kid”, I banged your mother and sisters over and over. Do you know how I know they are yours, because the way they talked sounded just like you do. And they are all retarded just like you are. If you don’t have anything to do, go fuck yourself, and leave your mother and sisters alone; they are mine.
If you want to respond me, do it in English; I don’t understand khmer. Hell, you are so retarded that you don’t even know how to write English decently. All you know is coping and pasting.
From now on I am your nightmare, if you keep on coping and pasting shit on this website.

Anonymous said...

Eh “just google kid”, I banged your mother and sisters over and over. Do you know how I know they are yours, because the way they talked sounded just like you do. And they are all retarded just like you are. If you don’t have anything to do, go fuck yourself, and leave your mother and sisters alone; they are mine.
If you want to respond me, do it in English; I don’t understand khmer. Hell, you are so retarded that you don’t even know how to write English decently. All you know is coping and pasting.
From now on I am your nightmare, if you keep on coping and pasting shit on this website.

Anonymous said...

I just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...The war of words never end unless we find out the cause of the problems.some people said what s/he wants to say, whom we called him/her had blind eyes.Some blind eyes persons did the right things,but the other ones did pretty evil things.Some other persons had blind heart.This ones were the prettiest bad ones in the world.He/she always said: I am the number one person in the planet.Please ignore him or her,if we want peace in mind.Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I just google and notice that Khmer loves to suck cock both guys and girls. Khmer male loves to suck White tourists' cock to earn few bucks, bang their ass will pay the extra. Khmer girls love to marry Korean, Chinese men to practice being raped and gang bang. Ask your mother and wives, they sure love to and contact us at:

Anonymous said...

Eh “just google kid”.
Some people might love sucking human cocks.
But it seems to me that you love to suck the donkeys’ cocks; they are bigger and ejaculate more to satisfy your thirst.
Now you have to choose, the human or animals cocks? But, I am sure “the doo meh mey” you will pick the donkeys; it is juicier.