Friday Ruminations
By Theary C. Seng
By Theary C. Seng
I’ve had the joy of reading many books over the last year as part of my research for the reflection book on the topics of justice, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness in the healing process and in light of the Khmer Rouge experience and Tribunal. The last three consecutive Hello VOA, I’ve been a radio guest to address the topic of the Cambodian judiciary. And the ongoing political saga of using the courts to silence opposition leaders Sam Rainsy and Mu Sochua has generated many discussions. Permit me to share excerpts of today’s reading from Lewis B. Smedes’ Mere Morality on the topic of justice which I hope will serve as food for thought, particularly for us Cambodians:
“In the long run, justice will be lacking when people are not just in their hearts. Plato spoke words of universal wisdom when he insisted that there can be a just society only where just persons live. A just person has an inner push toward justice; he is disposed to treat people fairly even if it costs him a profit… “…justice in a society will eventually break down unless a high percentage of the people in society are just… For one thing, a society could hardly be just if people routinely sought to take unfair advantage of each other in their private relationships.”
And from one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis (The Abolition of Man):
"We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
Have a great weekend, everyone… despite…
“In the long run, justice will be lacking when people are not just in their hearts. Plato spoke words of universal wisdom when he insisted that there can be a just society only where just persons live. A just person has an inner push toward justice; he is disposed to treat people fairly even if it costs him a profit… “…justice in a society will eventually break down unless a high percentage of the people in society are just… For one thing, a society could hardly be just if people routinely sought to take unfair advantage of each other in their private relationships.”
And from one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis (The Abolition of Man):
"We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
Have a great weekend, everyone… despite…

i like online education. hey, nowadays, you did you know people can take college courses online as well? take education to the new level, advance with time, that is. god bless.
Seng Theary,
You don't have to read books or do research from western scholars, such as Plato, or anyone else to find justice, peace..etc,. You missed out about khmer religion: Buddhism. Read more about this religion, or ask buddhist monks to give you advice.
There are many sources of studies or knowledges other than from Religions.
Most of Cambodian monks are not educated enough to teach Cambodians properly about Buddhism.
Regular people have no time to appreciate authors paroles, they want to hear educated poeple explain to them what is good and what to do.
i like western philosophy, too. it's part of a learning diversity in college. eastern philosophy is good too, so, it's ok to infuse both the western and eastern philosophy in our learning or education, etc... trust me, cambodia can use all of the above when it comes to learning. they say an open mind welcomes all learning, a closed mind is a narrow mind and not good for leadership, really! good job ms. theary. you're an inspirational, model khmer new generation of intellectuals. god bless you and cambodia. everything we do and everywhere we go, there's always people who criticize us all, please understand that and don't let it bother any of us, really! it's probably not personal at all.
nobody should take advice from Khmer monks. Most of them sing Karaoke, watch sex videos, own/use cell phones for business activities.
Forget those who don't like you. You are one of the rear gems in Cambodia. Please continue your noble contributions.
You too have a great weekend! Peace out!
now do distinguish between good monks and bad ones. it's not fair to say all monks are that way, really. this topic calls for your critical thinking skill, ok!
"Seng Theary,
You don't have to read books or do research from western scholars, such as Plato, or anyone else to find justice, peace..etc,. You missed out about khmer religion: Buddhism. Read more about this religion, or ask buddhist monks to give you advice.
10:18 PM"
Let her does what she can and know best! You 10:18PM go for the estern philodophi and bring those knowledge to share like her!
Don't be a shit head like ah Kwack hun Xen PhD that never read a book!
Of course students can take courses on line. Recently, in Long Beach I found some young Khmer girls who have been sent here from Cambodia for their education in college, but they come here to hire someone to study on line for them. They'd rather save to have fun, like American-style sex acts, and they like this style so very much, or dancing at Dragon House on every week-end. They drink expensive wine that ordinary people like me cannot afford to buy it. All these young K.girls are very intoxicated with sex; they cannot miss a sigle week-end, damn!
correction; save time for fun
I agree with some folks above. We need to be open-minded. Reading books of different authors is good for us to distiguishe their philosophical ideas. Some ideas are universally true, but some are the authors' own opinions on any particular subject. The more we read the better we know, but make sure sure that we read good books about moral, book like "Words of Wisdom, the Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations, which is very good, Moral Guidance, Moral Compass, Book of Virtue; the last two books were compiled by Willian Bennet, the Secretary of Education in MR. Reagan administration. If we are open-minded, good book will teach us a lot and make us to gradually change our inappropriate conducts.
Thanks Theary for sharing your interesting reading. I wrote it in my book as I don't want to forget. I appreciate your work and suggest to translate in Khmer for people who can not read English if you can.
Please continue to share your interesting ideas or reading from wisdom or intellectual people.
i think there ought to be an organization that advocate khmer literacy and translate all the world books, e.g. textbooks, etc, into the khmer language to help cambodia and khmer people read more in order to understand the world and be educated, etc... can someone go into the business of translating all materials in the world into khmer language and writings, etc...? that would help cambodia a lot to gain knowledge from all over the world. and it may make all our khmer people smart, knowledgeable, informed, educated, etc, etc... god bless cambodia.
1:58AM1 don't over do it! No one need to read all the books! just try to understand what's right and what is wrong and try to use your braine and find the midle way of thinking and doing thing!
Think it over about what you just said. If very Khmer think the way you do, they are and will be just like they have been. Never think that you know enough. Learning never ends. I know what you mean; yoy mean everyone just follow the Buddha's middle path, because only the middle path will solve most problems. Dr Wayne Dyer, who is well-known American phiosophy in these days, teaching similar to what the Buddha taught. You don't need to read all books, because you might not like all books; for instance, if you are about to go into stock market investment, you might read books about stock market investment. As for me, I like to read books about moral including philosophy; and the mental state of people who read books about moral is quite different from that of people who read books about making money.
I want ta know what the hell is "rumination". I don't want to Google "what is rumination". KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) so that it is more readable to average Joe's like me. Seng Theary's writings tend to be a show off on her styles and vocabularies. Oh yeah, I'm really impressed big time. But please, KISS.
You can KISS my ass (and suck my dick, too).
Sieng Theary,
Cover up your bony chest will ya?? Only western men wants to see that stuff and not in Cambodia. Without your degree, you'd look just like any other Khmer sisters in the ghetto!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rumination: Ever been around a cow? It brings up grass that been eaten earlier and rechew it and send it down to a different compartment of its stomach.That is a rumination process.
For understanding of a literature passage-you reflect upon it over and over to try to understand the author's thinking or meaning behind the phrase.
"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: and the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple."
To be wise all I need is the law of the LORD. Its perfect! No need for UN tribunal court. The bible is a book of law and order. The truth is; men will shun it for a imperfect man-made law so we become fools instead of being wise and simple.
The truth is; This world will be rule by the law of God, because it is PERFECT. Can't add to something that is already perfect, right?
Ruminate on that my friends.
first of, reading books is good. but if you don't have an ounce of common sense then what you know from those books isn't worth jack shit. theary seng is a prime example. she is purely a show boat.
Please be compassion toward each others. If one doesn't have anything nice things to say - don't wast one's time...Leave Theary a lone...just let her do her job the way she knows how!
people tend to get jelous when they couldn't earn any degree for themselves and loved to put other down, in doing is to feel better about themselves. In the end they have no one to blame but themselves. So, stop critise her base on her looks or her capability and shame on those who think they are smart. wisdom
job, what job? she doesn't have one.
Hay 9:34 am, how do you know that she doesn't have a job? Are you her personal secretary?(Op! - she doesn't have money to pay you for being resourceful on her personal life - unless you are her personal servant than who knows - you might be right!).
Ms. Theary is my hero. She exercises her right as a woman who is trying to bring Cambodia back to democracy. Keep up your good work!
10:31 am, and you don't even have money to buy your personal femanine napkins. ooopppp!!!
Hay 1:23PM - do you know me too? Since when you are washing my dishies for me? But I have to give you the benefit of the doubt that you can writie English this well, but if you use to be a made, I wouldn't want to hire you... you are too costly and useless, my house wouldn't get clean and my dishes would get wash...because you spending so much time gossip of others. By the way, why should you bring up an issue such as "personal femanine napkins"? If one have enough money to pay for an English lesson, one should have enough money to buy PFN...beside that, I have to let you know that even my made can afford her own PFN (just for your inf)...
As an author and educator (with JD degree)I suggest you do somethings more productive for khmer people instead of writing and due diligent on some topics that aren't emergent to the lively hood of our society. Since you're have more time after being ousted from your organization not long ago, perhaps you should forming a foundation to raise fund to help out the children that scavenging the landfill to survive, unless you don't it's not worthwhile of such merits. I've read and owned, First they killed my father, and I think you are a brave women to survive such an ideals.
Theary - just stop quoting from the book. You have enough ideas to express on the issues. No reference needed, you're professional enough to say what you want to say pertaining to Cambodian's issues. Beside that, keep your ideas in your book, if people want to learn, they have to buy your book.
Really...where are you? You have to help Theary out...can you just tell her to stop quoting from the book....furthermore, tell her to stop recycle her articles...have to keep up with the Cambodian's current issues..
Hey, 7:31AM,
Your pseudonyme is KhmerIsrael. You said the world must be ruled by the law of God because it's perfect,but why Israel where your God was born never have peace for one day? We are living in a real world, dude; therefore, constitutional laws must be created by real men of these day to answer to all problems happening around them. You cannot wait for your God to come and make any judgement about them! Stop dreaming, will ya?
college professors do it all the time, reading form quotes, etc... did you know she is smart and maybe one day she event decide to go into teaching as a lecturer at the university. god bless her and my country cambodia.
touk eiy neng dei thlei eiy neng mot, chas!
Yes 6:11am - I agreed it with you "Touk eiy neng dei thlei eiy neng mot..", that is why I said that Theary stop her "mot" of talking - just keep her ideas for the next book - let those who wants to understand her - buy her book...For 5:44am, yes, she could be lecturer at any University in Cambodia - that shouldn't be a problem for her...but you have to understand the process of her thought and strategizes while she living in Cambodia with such a hostal environment against women with interlect like her. Thus, she has to maneuver "the trade-off" between working, which could tie her down with responsibility of lecture or she could use her time taking pictures with those well known people (or better-off people) - which she could use as a springboard for her next career...she is smart - thus, she knows her "trade-off". The problems that she is facing is that - if she does not produce any substantial contengent works would be more difficult for people to continue to support her...production and result that count...not just "mot" without result....
professional people in america are like her. they concentrate or focus on their works for to be good at what they are doing, typically. to cambodian society, she may seemed like she has no life and too focus to be called mental illness, but not necessarily so in america. i think she is americanized for she grew up mostly in america and received american education, etc..., so, i can say she is typical of american professional people. cambodia is lucky to have a daughter like ms seng theary, really! god bless.
10:51 am - are you a "really" - well it is one of your view point on Theary, but I would most agreed with 8:04am on her case. What I gather, she is not get a long very well with the local people (why?), since she is there - she suppose to help the people, but if she cannot clearly understand the issues that Cambodian country is facing - how could she help solve the problems. What she is doing now - isn't it likes the DC-Cam is doing? What is the difference between her organization and DC-Cam? I think DC-Cam is already well establish. The director seems to to be well understand Cambodian situation and their people. Furthermore he is promoting younger Khmer generation to understand Cambodia problems! Why can't she collaborate with DC-Cam (personal problems?). If she is really a profession like you claim 10:51 am - first, she would be able to continue to manage CSD - which was well establish for 15 yrs; second, she should be able to work with others well established NGO such as DC-Cam and others "really"...what is your opinion on that?...
I have seen the Cambodian textbooks used to teach "Western Philosophy" myself.
You get a few quotations from each philosopher --a few sentences from each.
Almost all of it is Christian. It is written about in a strange way that conceals its Christianity.
This problem isn't unique to Cambodia, but it is of some special interest in the Cambodian context.
Of course, the textbooks are also very careful in what they say about Marxism, Communism, etc.
I suppose the "Christian bias" is a normal alternative to "Communist bias". Probably, the bias partly results from the European textbooks they're copying from.
The good news is that anyone can put Isaac Newton's name into google (or wikipedia) and figure out in five minutes that he really was a crazy, Christian zealot. That's equally true of a long list of European figures.
Cambodian Buddhism doesn't prepare Cambodians to be skeptical of European sources. I think the general effect is the opposite: they tend to uncritically accept European sources (including statements from Marx/Communism).
Hopefully, the next generation of Khmer students will be translating Wikipedia into Khmer. That may sound like a joke, but it isn't: the quality of information on Wikipedia really is better than what you find in the standard "Western Philosophy" textbooks. And, hopefully, Cambodian students will learn to read both books and websites with more skepticism.
These quotations from western philosophers are regarded as "edicts" and "declarations". They aren't. They are just turns of phrase used in the middle of a specific argument somewhere, but the context and thesis are easily forgotten.
Well, Theary has to earn a living somehow.
Plato and other Greek philosophy is a thing of the past. That's why I did not major in philosophy in school.
yeah, yeah, everybody has to make a living. even a dog does that too. but don't pretend that you are above everyone else and above all use others as stepping stones.
oh, about being americanized execuse crap, even americans highly value common sense in conjunction with logic. we are not machines or robots.
comment in 1:26pm is in a general sense with none to specific individual.
i think learning from the past philosophers like socrate who was the teacher of plato, etc... is very useful. it all ties to critical thinking, i think.
One important lesson that I learn from American's school is that the more you learn - the more that you realize that you don't know much. The complex of the society is one great puzzle (the puzzle is not static) for the interlectual mind try to put the differences pieces together and make in work. As a leader - the challenge is to recognize every person is significant in a nation building (which is the opposit of the ideaology of the KR). Pertaining to Theary...I hope she finds herself fit to the Khmer society and be useful to help with the nation build....for sure the way she beheave right now is Americanize with the lower class of education. Most American well intelect..the more they know the more they realize that more thing need to be learn, thus they are more humble toward others and morespectful to individualality, vs, Theary is either her way or the high-way...that is why the SCD no long functional..
There's nothing wrong for someone to quote some brilliant ideas of the past wise. We all learn from the past. All Buddhist monks in the world do not quote the Buddha's words, they learn by heart of some of Buddha's Dhamma. I have compiles bilingual English-Khmer books and I quoted a lot of brilliant ideas of the past wise, including the Buddha and some from the Bible.
correction: compiled
have anybody seen "really" lately? is he shy away now?
Hay 10:11 pm - that what is my question as well..where is "really"? Well there is a possibility that he is on vacation with his significant other(s)...."really" comes opinion does matter..
10:11pm, I heard "really" resigned from KI. He/she moving on to bigger/better thing =)
Ok 11:40 pm, I am looking for "really" too - so what you are saying is that he/she natural tell you that s/he move on to bigger/betther thing to do =)) What is bigger/better thing to do than talking about THEARY'S LIFE?? must be kidding O))
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