Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bogus mystic arrested after 'evil mole' sparks nude therapy session [-People still fall for these stupid tricks?]

Tue, 31 Aug 2010

Phnom Penh - A 26-year-old self-proclaimed healer has been charged with sexual assault in Cambodia after he duped a woman into a naked meditation session then allegedly attacked her, local media reported Tuesday.

Police said the victim, a married 24-year-old woman, visited Ouk Sovanny on Thursday with her husband in the hope of curing his illness.

The mystic determined an "evil mole" on her body was harming her husband, and told her to strip in an adjacent room and meditate silently.

"He told her that if he did not do this, her husband would not get better," deputy police chief An Kim Sry told the Phnom Penh Post newspaper.

While she was meditating, the healer entered the room and allegedly began kissing and touching her. An Kim Sry said the woman kept quiet for fear of ruining the cure.

The prosecutor in Cambodia's south-eastern Kampong Cham province said Ouk Sovanny denied the charges.

He was arrested Friday after he refused to pay the victim more than 700 dollars in an out-of-court settlement. She had sought 1,400 dollars.


Anonymous said...

It's these stupid mystical beliefs that makes Cambodians so incompetent. An example was Lon Nol's beleif that Cambodian soldiers can win battles against the Vietcongs and North Vietnamese army by blessing their own bullets with chants and holy water. Even some Cambodians went into battle with no weapons in belief that their tatoos would magically shield them from harm. Unless you are Harry Potter, magic does not replace military tactics, strategy and intelligence.

Anonymous said...

12;56 PM Good observation...


Anonymous said...

What can I see! no comment!...Priceless

Anonymous said...

I call it black Pussy

Anonymous said...

I think it is hard to stop this kind of mystical belief which it has had lasted for thousand years. In Pol Pot regime where did this mystical belief go ? There was no more this kind of this stupid thing. To stop this unless the standard of Khmer living getting higher,or health care getting better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

after the money thing!

CAN BE a case of PEAL SI PEAL?

Anonymous said...

Unless there is a witness or former acusations, how do they knew that she didn't falsify it get his money? Why did she want money instead of putting hom in jail from continue doing it in the future? Just a though.

Anonymous said...

Jail can not help only the money deos!

Anonymous said...

Interested in learning more about mysticism, my partner's dad is Khmer and shamanistic, using Kru as well as western like tarot and stuff. I've begun working combining Wicca with him, my partner thinks anything magical is crazy. Tried to find any books on Khmer shamanism but Cambodia books seem fixed on either Khmer rouge or best backpacker places.