Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Congratulations to Prof. Chhany Sak-Humphry, the 2010 recipient of the Regent's Medal of Excellence in Teaching at the U. of Hawai'i, Manoa

Source: http://www.hawaii.edu/about/awards/teaching.php?award=sakhumphry

The Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching is awarded by the Board of Regents as tribute to faculty members who exhibit an extraordinary level of subject mastery and scholarship, teaching effectiveness and creativity and personal values that benefit students. The board also awards the Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research.

Teaching Medal Award Winner

Chhany Sak-Humphry

Manoa Chhany Sak-Humphry is an associate professor in the Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures at UH Manoa. Sak-Humphry believes that the benefit of learning any foreign language is immeasurable.

She began teaching Khmer at UH in 1983 and has single-handedly developed the Khmer language program into the excellent and internationally recognized program that it is today. She also developed and directed the Advanced Study of Khmer Abroad Program which serves students in the United States and abroad.

Sak-Humphry’s approach to teaching has been to integrate outstanding instruction with innovative research on Khmer language, linguistics and literature.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations professor! you have brought honor and recognition to the Khmer language. I hope your endeavor will continue to florish and expand.

vichet said...

congratulations professor!!

Anonymous said...

That's good to teach American students but It would be better to write Khmer book for Khmer students in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Not only does she has brain, but she's also beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Job well done! I want to Congrat you. good story

Anonymous said...

I say THANK YOU to Chhany Sak-Humphry ,you keep Khmer language alive in USA. I would like you to organize and spread ideas or teaching around USA. Thank you again !

Anonymous said...

wish you ,GOD BLESS HER and family with glory of bright soul of cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing Khmer literature to the next level. Khmers need many people like you... WE can achieve if we put our heart and soul to do it. Who say we can do it?

Anonymous said...

she's been teaching there for almost 30 years, that's a long time!

Anonymous said...

There are mountains of Khmer textbooks written by the today Khmer PhDs.

Anonymous said...

But no kid can affort a book! exept donation! so the king can live in a palace!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dr. Sak. We miss you.

Fresno, CA

Anonymous said...

at the university of hawaii, khmer language program is accepted and can meet the foreign language requirement of the university of hawaii to graduate. did you know that, students? i know some khmer graduated and went on to further their studies to earn master's and phds and doctorate, etc... take advantage of this khmer language program at the university of hawaii. god bless.

Anonymous said...

When preparing her thesis some twenty five years ago, professor Chhany Sak-Humphry came to my house in Long Beach seeking historic informations about Kampuchea Krom. She told me that her had advised her to choose Kampuchea Krom for her thesis. I hope she still interest in helping Khmer Krom in their strughing for their right to live as indegenous people.