Monday, August 30, 2010

Meeting of economic ministers of the communist and dictatorial regimes of SE Asia

CLMV economic ministers meet

August, 30 2010


DA NANG — Economic ministers from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) held their first talk last Saturday to discuss measures to narrow the development gaps between the four countries and other ASEAN member nations.

The meeting was held within the scope of the 42nd ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting, which took place in Da Nang last week.

Ministers proposed closer co-ordination in five major areas:

– Building and implementing projects under the 2nd Initiative for ASEAN Integration Work Plan framework;

– Building priority projects under sub-regional co-operation frameworks;

– Enhancing co-operation with regional and international institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia and ASEAN's dialogue partners;

– Furthering co-operation in Free Trade Agreements and other negotiations for the benefit of each country as well as the whole group; and

– Studying proposals to establish the CLMV Development Fund, as mentioned by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, to attract more assistance from dialogue partners for narrowing developing gaps.

Ministers urged the four countries to have more trade facilitation and promotion programmes, reaffirmed the importance of investment incentives and encouraged the establishment of special economic and export processing zones along CLMV borders.

They emphasised the vital role of vocational training and public administration capacity-building programmes.

They said policy co-ordination among the countries should be one of the main themes of CLMV economic co-operation.

Ministers agreed that the CLMV economic ministers' meetings would be convened twice a year.

ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan said development gaps remained a fundamental issue that ASEAN nations needed to correct, as the bloc headed to the establishment of an economic community by 2015.


Anonymous said...

Cambodian people experience!

Monarchy fail!
Socialism fail!
Communism fail!

Now back to Capitalism and free enterprise...Now what?...The ASEAN?

This is same bullshit all over again because ASEAN can’t even get along with each other!

Anonymous said...

The meeting of economic ministers of the communist and dictatorial regime of southeast asia, I like that topic .

Anonymous said...

The Vietnam govt is greedy,hypocrite race in Southeast Asia.The Vietnam will work step by step to take Cambodia,Lao, Myanmar,also will take Thailand to become Indochina Federation under Vietnam umbrella.Taksin Siwattra is unlucky one;and almost Thai Red shirts took over,Taksin will joint with them. Hun Sen was wanting,Taksin, his close friend among them.

Anonymous said...

are they still communism and dictatorial in this day and age? com'on, be realitic! outdated thinking or history doesn't count much anymore, really, as people reformed or changed, you know!