KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Hey, that's what democracy is all about.You have the right to disagree.For that reason that's why we have the vote.The majority lead and the minority follow.It's very simple.
2 102 451 innocent khmers masacrés,sont ils gratuits?
and 5 612 412 vietcongs dans le Cambodge ,sont ils légals?
La Cour est un corps de magistrats indépendants, élus, sans égard à leur nationalité, parmi les personnes jouissant de la plus haute considération morale, et qui réunissent les conditions requises pour l'exercice, dans leurs pays respectifs, des plus hautes fonctions judiciaires, ou qui sont des jurisconsultes possédant une compétence notoire en matière de droit international.
............................. "Even a young monk who devotes himself to the teaching of the Buddha,illumines this world as does the moon freed from a cloud"
Hey, that's what democracy is all about.You have the right to disagree.For that reason that's why we have the vote.The majority lead and the minority follow.It's very simple.
Ok Ok ,16/20 and
2 102 451 innocent khmers masacrés,sont ils gratuits?
and 5 612 412 vietcongs dans le Cambodge ,sont ils légals?
Article 2
La Cour est un corps de magistrats indépendants, élus, sans égard à leur nationalité, parmi les personnes jouissant de la plus haute considération morale, et qui réunissent les conditions requises pour l'exercice, dans leurs pays respectifs, des plus hautes fonctions judiciaires, ou qui sont des jurisconsultes possédant une compétence notoire en matière de droit international.
"Even a young monk who devotes himself to the teaching of the Buddha,illumines this world as does the moon freed from a cloud"
"yo-hak vétak hak-ror ,phikhu yugn chhati puthsané sor-imaing lokaing ,paphear séti akphea mutorvak munti mear"
ចង់ទៅរំដោះពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ?
តើអ្នកនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ពួកគេសុខចិត្តឲ្យពួកលោកមក
រំដោះពួកគេឬអត់ ?
តាមពិតទៅ បើចង់ជួយខ្មែរ អស់លោក
អនិកជនអើយ៎ គួរតែមកស់នៅស្រុកខ្មែរវិញមក មកស៊ី
ខ្ចង មកស៊ីខ្ចៅ មកជួយបង្កាត់ពូជខេមរា ។
ព្រោះថា នៅឯនាយសមុទ្រ ជាងបីទសត្សរ៍មកហើយ អស់លោកអនិកជនទាំងនេះ មិនដែលធ្វើ
អាចម៌អីមួយ ឲ្យចេញជារូបរាងបានឡើយ។
ក្រៅពីនាំគ្នាស្រែកព្រូសថា យួនៗៗៗៗៗៗ!
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