Washington, DC Wednesday, 08 September 2010
“Cambodia should just fulfill its tasks to ensure the rule of law, human rights and non-corruption, and then a lot of investors will wish to come to our country.”Cambodia should be cautious in its relationship with Iran, which is facing international sanctions for its nuclear policies, an opposition lawmaker said.
“If we generate a relationship with a country that the international community sees as a country that it can barely work with, that makes Cambodia lose credibility too,” said Yim Sovann, a spokesman and lawmaker for the party.
Foreign Minister Hor Namhong visited Tehran last month, signing agreements on trade, economics power and investment with leaders there. But Yim Sovann said making such deals was not necessary to draw investment.
“Cambodia should just fulfill its tasks to ensure the rule of law, human rights and non-corruption, and then a lot of investors will wish to come to our country,” he said.
However, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Koy Kuong said Cambodia's international position is one of non-alliance, so there should be no divide in its diplomacy.
“Iran has a lot of friends also,” he said. “It is not only Cambodia who is a good friend of Iran.”
Cambodia has had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1992, but it has not established an embassy or consulate there. This month Cambodia provided for diplomatic visa exemptions and passports in its embassies abroad.
A Cambodian diplomat told VOA Khmer Cambodia was looking to Iran for investment and tourism amid a feeling that relationships with the West have not provided enough benefit.
And an analyst said the move toward Iran was likely prompted by a desire to push the West to pay more attention to development rather than “pressure.”
ចង់កំចាត់ខ្ចាយហ្វូងរាជសីហ៍ ។
ក៏ស្រាប់តែសើយគូថដាក់គេ ៕
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ជើងសៀម ដែលធ្វើអោយសៀមហ៊ានឈ្លាន
His father Xihanouk made wrong policy with Viet. Now son made wrong way with Viet and Iran. That is xmer policy. Always go against the destination of wind.
Who are Iran's friends? ...Ah----Umm
Wat do these "friends" have in common? They want the destruction of the Jewish nation. They are in big trouble with the God of Israel.
Fidel Castro told that Iranian president to stop denying the Jewish Holocaust. He also said that the Jewish people got blamed more than any race of people on earth. But the Muslims never got blamed, only the Jews.
In fact, the Iran President does NOT deny the Jewish Holocaust!
That is a media lie based on false translation and deliberate propaganda.
What he does deny is that the story of the Holocaust can be used to justify the crimes against the Palestinians.
Don't believe me, check it out here:
and more here:
Great news if Cambodia and Iran develop positive, co-operative relations for their mutual benefits!
Why not?
Both countries share good reasons to be wary of the real "evil empire" - the USA - a failed state on the brink of economic bankruptcy to match its already moral bankruptcy and addiction to war.
Remember that Cambodia was bombed viciously in the past by the USA, which then went on to actively support Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge.
Remember also that Iran's democratically-elected government was overthrown by the US decades ago, and they have been plotting 'regime change' again for their own imperialist motives.
Enough of USA lies about Iran's peaceful nuclear programme, which it has every legal right to pursue!
There is NO evidence of any nuclear weapons programme. Iran is a member of the IAEA subject to international monitoring of its nuclear material - unlike Israel, the only nuclear-weapons state in the Middle East.
The USA & EU sanctions against Iran go far beyond even the UN sanctions, and are effectively already a dangerous declaration of war against Iran, which should be condemned.
Any military attack by Israel or the USA on Iran would be yet another illegal, imperialist aggression to benefit the western war profiteering ruling class.
Have we already forgotten the deliberate lies and deceptions that led us by the nose into criminal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.?
Cambodia and Iran should be friends, and unite against the bloodthirsty USA empire!
Ah squint and ah blind......
Don't forget,
what muslim people did to Spain people in the past ?
Muslim went to Spain, stayed there for many hundreds of years, killed most of the Spainish men, have sex with Spain women..
Iran under this man is very bad. Chhue pok kum unkuy leu or none should sit over a decay wood, because you as. is going to fall into the ground with it.
Don't believe 10:53am. Iran has no credibility to fool anyone, but the Hun Sen's administration. None should trust a bad man with a nuclear power either. You just don't know what they are going to do with it.
Make friend with iran when it changes regime and president. Hopefully, it will be back to a constitutional monarchy with good PM and not under this weird looking man.
"Don't believe 10:53am."
I agree....and I am 10:53am !!!
Don't believe me, if you don't want to. Do your own research and think for yourself.
Don't believe everything you are told by the mainstream media either. The rich people who profit from war, also own it!
There are many excellent sources of real alternative news out there on the internet....so check them out!
Check out INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE - it is daily and free:
It is a good thing if Cambodia and Iran develop good relations.
Iran is being deliberately and unfairly presented as a 'bogey man' by those just itching for another disastrous war!
This includes media propaganda, so be skeptical!
Contrary to the popular myth...
Ahmadinejad never said “Wipe Israel off the map.”
So what did Ahmadinejad actually say?
To quote his exact words in Farsi: “Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”
Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime.
This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map.
Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase “rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods” (regime occupying Jerusalem).
So this raises the question: What exactly did he want “wiped from the map”? The answer is: nothing.
That’s because the word “map” was never used. The Persian word for map, “nagsheh”, is not contained anywhere in his original Farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech.
Nor was the western phrase “wipe out” ever said.
Yet we are led to believe that Iran’s President threatened to “wipe Israel off the map”, despite never having uttered the words “map”, “wipe out” or even “Israel”.
Also, Ahmadinejad does not deny the Holocaust either –
only the ‘myth’ that it can be used to justify the oppression of Palestinians
See here for more details if you want:
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