Monday, October 11, 2010

Chhey Mongkol asks Moeung Son not to meddle Khmer Surin's effort to teach Khmer language

Mr. Chey Mongkol

KI-Media Note: On 02 October 2010, Mr. Chhay Mongkol wrote a letter to Moeung Son, the president of the Khmer Civilization Foundation, not to meddle in effort initiated by Khmer Surin, such as that of Mr. Chhay Mongkol, to bring Khmer language education to Surin province. Mr. Chhay Mongkol is concerned that Moeung Son’s intention is not necessarily to teach Khmer Surin, but rather to form some sort of movement due to his sentencing by the Hun Xen regime for criticizing the lighting of Ankor Wat temple. Mr. Moeung Son who escaped to France prior to his conviction, has traveled extensively to seek support to have his case overturned. Mr. Moeung Son’s latest attempt to insert himself in the education of Khmer language in Surin is rightfully viewed with suspicion by Khmer Surin who had put tremendous effort in bringing Khmer language back to Surin as they are concerned that Mr. Moeung Son’s intention could undermine their effort.

The following is Mr. Chhay Mongkol's letter to Moeung Son:
Click on the letter in Khmer to zoom in

In response to Mr. Chhay Mongkol's letter, Moeung Son sent over the following invitation and explanation in Khmer. He also wrote in his email to Mr. Chhay Mongkol:

Dear lok khmuy Mongkul

I hope that you'are not unhappy about my letter in file attached, I consider that you are as my son, so I want that you understand my feeling in favor of your work for social education to the Surin people.

After you read my explanation, I hope that you joint our meeting on 08-10-2010 Wat Svay.

Please check our letter invitation in the attached file.
Invitation to a meeting in Wat Svay:

Moeung Son's explanation letter to Chhay Mongkol:


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sonn Moeung,

I do not know that you are still in Thailand until I receive your email.

I am worried about what you are doing at border area. I know that you are working hard to find the way to sell you real estate in Cambodia. I wish you can make it as soon as possible.

As I have seen, besides finding the way to sell your property in Cambodia, you also is trying to associate with other Khmers in SURIN to do some thing which is not related to your real estate. For the true interest of Teaching Khmer and Preserving Khmer culture in Surin, I think you should focus on solving your personal problem first.

I am writing this email to share my thought with you. If you think we have the same idea, I wish you should stay away from the border area and keep yourself in low profile in order to sell your real estate as soon as possible.

As I discuss with you, I stay away from politic in order to concentrate on helping Mr. Cheymongkol and his friends to implement his non-profit organization policy .

Anonymous said...

Thank you KI to clarify the story.

Mr. Cheymongkol, you are doing the right way. Your vision is supper. By contrast, Sonn Moeung is not helping Khmers at all. Please Sonn Moeung come back to France.

Anonymous said...

I love Khmer Surin and Khmer krom,they sing very well,keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Surin had suffered more than enough under the Thai government for promoting institutional racial prejudice against Khmer Surin or other Khmer!

The Khmer government had been blind, deaf, and mute on the issue of Khmer especially Khmer Surin in Thailand! What the Thai government had done is a clear violation of human right for single out Khmer people in Thailand and in any dealing with Thai leaders, the Khmer government must attach great important of the Khmer Surin issue in any dealing with the Thai government in economic, politic, and military!

Khmer peaceful people exist on this Planet Earth for a reason! As Buddhist the Khmer people don't flying airplane into building to kill innocence people achieve what we want to achieve...

The Thai government had been practicing militant Buddhist for the longest time and the present the Thai military continue to shoot and kill Khmer migrants along the border...As for the Khmer and they had been practicing peaceful Buddhist...The world know that militant and peaceful can not coexist!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Ong Vorn, the Oddar Meanchey deputy provincial governor must be very carefull about Sonn Moeung. His group is not with Mr. Cheymongkol.

Sonn Moeung wants to destroy Cheymongkol reputation who has been working hard since 2006 for Teaching Khmer and Preserving Khmer Culture in Surin Area.

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand Chhay Mongkol's concerns about Moeung Son's involvements in the teaching of Khmer language in Surin. Is this about jealousy? Moeung Son is trying to help. He gets no benefit personally. If Chhay Mongkol is sincere in trying to teach Khmer language in Surin, he should welcome Moeung Son's efforts with open arms. After all, Mr. Chakri and others who are also Khmer Surin like Chhay Mongkol, welcome Moeung Son's efforts with open arms. So what is the problems with Chhay Mongkol? Is it jealousy?

Anonymous said...

7:25PM Do you understand that Sonn Moeung is not clean ? Sonn Moeung must clean himself first. It is not a question of jealousy. it is the matter of right person or wrong person.

Please tell Sonn Moeung to go back to France or to Cambodia to serve 2 years term in Jail. Then come back to Surin to do whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

7:25, It's not that simple. But i'm glad you're at least thinking about it unlike some people who immediately jump the gun and judged Mueon Son.

Mr. Moeun Son have to understand Mr. Cheymonkol's position, and I believe Mr. Son understands politic real well so he won't take it personally.

Why do you think Mr. Cheymonkol allows Mr. Muon Son's organization's involvement up to now if he consciously believe that what Mr. Meuon Son do was selfish and wrong?

Mr. Monkol's denouncement of Moen Son shouldn't come as a surprise to astute political observers.

What gives? Mr. Cheymonkol and the Surin's effort has culminated in progress to the point now that they need to create "relationship", which means direct dealing with the government of Cambodia. This is obviously not the will of Mr. Cheymonkol, but the demands of the Cambodian government. Government's precondition to their help for Mr. Monkgol.

To those who pressumed Moun Son's guilt. You should read his history and while he is being sued today.

Kohsantapheap ran a news article, (hopefully you can read Khmer) it displays various lighting equipment used in ancient Khmer temples. Some of these equipment were embedded and shown obvious damaged to the structure.

Mr. Moun Son lodged a complaint against the contract that the goverment allowed because he said (the obvious) that the lightings were harming the structures. Instead of taking down the lighting like ordinary smart people, the government went on a witch hunt for Mr. Son, apparently they had exposed their stupidity, and nothing of that kind of insult can be let to happen!

Mr. Muon Son is innocent Khmer patriot. He is not guilty of any crime except a complaint he lodge against the damages of our temple. Think about it people! What kind of government are you backing if you claim this man is guilty! more importantly think what kind mind do you have to accept anything this ridiculous put forth by the government!

Mr. Cheymonkol, I hope your effort is a great success. I don't believe Mr. Son will take it personally.

Anonymous said...

it's good for khmer surin to see who tries to exploit them by their study of khmer language, etc! there shouldn't be politics involved at all!

Anonymous said...

មានរឿងខ្លះខ្ញុំមិនអាចប្រាប់បាននៅទីនេះ។ ដោយការគោរពចាស់ទុំដែលជាប្រពៃណីខ្មែរយើងទោះជាខ្មែរនៅទីណាក៏ដោយ។ ខ្ញុំតែងតែគោរពចាស់ទុំម៉្លោះហើយខ្ញុំបានអង្វរឲ្យគាត់បានឈប់ធ្វើសកម្មភាពនៅស្រិន្ទ្រមួយរឿងសុវត្ថិភាពរបស់គាត់ពីរវានឹងបង្កឲ្យការងារយើងស្មុគស្មាញ។ ខ្ញុំឥតមានរឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនទេ។ ខ្ញុំមានតែរឿងខ្មែរហើយខ្ញុំចង់ឃើញស្រុកខ្មែររុងរឿងព្រោះនេះជាមោទនភាពរបស់ខ្ញុំដែរ។ អ្វីនិយាយនៅទីនេះគឺនិយាយបានតែប៉ុណ្ណេះទេ។ ខ្ញុំសុខចិត្តឈប់ធ្វើការងារនេះបើមានអ្នកណាដែលអាចធ្វើអ្វីបានច្រើនជាងខ្ញុំឬបងប្អូនប្រាប់ឲ្យខ្ញុំឈប់ដោយមិនទុកចិត្តខ្ញុំ។ រឿងនៅស្រុកខ្មែរខ្ញុំយល់ដឹងក៏ប៉ុន្តែអារឿងហ្នឹងខ្ញុំមិនចូលប្រឡូកប្រឡាក់ទេ។

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ខ្ញុំជឿជាក់ថាខ្ញុំមិនដែលខុសអីហើយខ្ញុំទទួលស្វាគមន៍ជំនួយពីបងប្អូនទាំងអស់គ្នាក៏ប៉ុន្តែជំនួយនោះមិនគួរជាគ្រឿងពន្ធនាគារខ្ញុំ។ ខ្ញុំមានចំណេះអាចរកចិញ្ចឹមខ្លួនបានដែលបានមកទាមទារយកបុព្វសិទ្ធិយើងព្រោះមិងចង់ឃើញភាសាខ្មែរយើងបាត់ទៅពីទឹកដីស្រិន្ទ្រទេ។ មានបំណងតែប៉ុណ្ណោះទេបងប្អូន។ មិនដែលគិតធ្វើសមាគមរងចាំទទួលយកលុយពីអ្នកជួយទេ។ ខ្ញុំមិនចេះធ្វើទេវាបាបកម្មណាស់។ ភរគេមិនជាទេវាទៅដល់កូនចៅ។



ផ្ទះខ្ញុំនៅភូមិគោកក្រពើ ខាងជើងអាងទឹកស្នែង​ ខេត្តស្រិន្ទ្រ ជិះឡានពីស្មាច់មកអស់តែ ៦០​បាតទេ។

Anonymous said...

Phaun Sonn Moeung was interviewed by RFA on Friday morning Oct 8. He admitted his wrong doing. Why did he escape from 2 years Jail term, then come to create a trouble in Surin.

If he come to apply a job for my comapny, I reject right away.

He has property in Cambodia, but he still run away from his eastate. One day he will run away from Surin, too.

In fact, he is a Cambodian-French citizen. Why does he run away from France ?

Phaun Son Moeung ! you should read Mr. Cheymongkol's explanation ib khmer. You should learn from him, and call him father, instead you call him son.

Anonymous said...

Any body know how many pupolation of Khmer Surin that live in Siem ? Chhay Mongkol you did a good jobs keep doing we loving you and all of Khmer people around the world hoping some day Khmer will be united together again.

Anonymous said...

9:14 PM and 9:24 PM. Moeung Son's crime is to criticize Sok An for allowing Korean electricians to damage Angkor Wat's walls, that's all- nothing else. This is not criminal to criticize someone.

My point is, if many other Khmer Surin intellectuals, monks and many other associations who attended the meeting with Moeung Son on 8th October are happy to see Moeung Son helping them, why can't Mr. Chhay Mongkol see the benefits? I have a feeling that Chhay Mongkol is a one man show who doesn't get along with other Khmer Surin intellectuals. I have donated the money to him in the past and many people did the same, but he has not organization, no bank account, no financial reports and no audits, so how can we be sure that the money are well spent. At least this organization like the monk foundation, they have associations and foundations and headquarters and other facilities and equipments.

Chhay Mongkol are also looking for sponsors and Khmer people to help him. This is an opportunity that Moeung Son extended his hands. He got friends in France to support him, so Khmer Surin in general, not just Chhay Mongkol, could benefit. Mr. Chhay Mongkol has alot to explain why he oppose the meeting and Moeung Son's involvements, while other Khmer Surin intellectuals accepted him. Can he explain that he can work with other Khmer Surin? I heard that he often can't get along with other Khmer Surin and Khmer Surin intellectuals.