Monday, October 11, 2010

Former KR leaders celebrate Kan Ben in jail [-What an irony!]

Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith: Born again Buddhists?

10 Oct 2010

By Pen Bona
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Four former KR leaders, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith, who are currently jailed by the KR tribunal, observed the religious ceremony of Kan Ben to commemorate their ancestors, as well as the Cambodia people in general. The KR Tribunal organized the Kan Ben ceremony for them on 02 October at their jail, and 3 Buddhist monks were invited for the occasion. On the other hand, Duch, the former Tuol Sleng (S-21) jail chief, did not celebrate this Buddhism ceremony as he is now Christian.

It’s not only Cambodians who were victims of the KR regime who must commemorate for their loved ones during this Kan Ben and Pchum Ben season, even the former KR leaders who were charged of crime against humanity and genocide also observed this Buddhist ceremony.

The KR Tribunal organized a Kan Ben ceremony on 02 October at the Tribunal jail, in order to allow the former KR leaders who are waiting for their trials to commemorate for the spirits of their ancestors. Three Buddhist monks were invited for this occasion. Dim Sovannarom, the KRT official in charge of information and also its spokesman, indicated that, today, the four accused – Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith – as well as their relatives, participated in this ceremony inside the KRT jail.

On the other hand, Duch, the former Tuol Sleng (S-21) jail chief, did not join this celebration because he is Christian. Dim Sovannarom indicated that the KRT fully respects the rights of the accused in accordance to international standards. This means that Duch also has the right to celebrate Christian ceremonies inside the KRT jail as well, should he need them and ask them to the court.

File for case no. 002 involving Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith, was sent by the co-investigating judges to the court already in mid-September. The KRT plans to try the four aged leadrs during the first half of 2011.

The Kan Ben observation by the four former leaders showed that they are Buddhist who believe in good and bad deeds as well, but then again, how could they lead the country to the path of genocide and crime against humanity as they did? This is the question raised by Cambodian victims as they wait for an answer from these KR leaders during the court hearing of case no. 002.


Anonymous said...

It would be refreshing if these Khmer leaders, while alive, had enough courage to admit, regret, or apologise for, their mistakes, rather than hiding behind their excuses.

Kuoy Pichet

ជនពាល said...

១៖ ជយោ អង្គការមហាលោតផ្លោះ មហាអស្ចារ្យ!
២៖ ជយោ កម្លាំងបដិវត្តកម្ពុជា!
៣៖ ជយោ បដិវត្តសង្គមនិយម !
៤៖ ជាយោ អង្គការមហាឆ្លៀសវ័យ​ មហាភ្លឺស្វាង!

៥៖ ជយោ‌! អង្គជំនុំជំរះវិសាមញ្ញ!

Anonymous said...

khmer rouge leaders are the non religious people, so they do not need Pchum Ben.

Anonymous said...

They are the evil and evil came from
Vietnam so their act of celebrating
Khmer holiday is just a hoax.

Anonymous said...

these idiots did not allowed the any celebration of pchum ben, etc during their reign of terror! are they being hypocritical to the court's sympathy? i say don't let them get away so easily like this!

Anonymous said...

all of them will be born as "Preat" till the end of time.

Anonymous said...

Shut up the 4 animals,
you are not Khmer anymore,
stop faking,
from 1975 to 1979, you avoided us to celebrate our custom celebrations and now we don't beleive you at all.

Anonymous said...

These four Khmer Rouge communist leaders were born unbelievers in any religions.They just woke up from their evil hearts.The nonbelievers are still nonbelievers.These evil persons must go to jail,lock both legs,both hands and necks for million years.