Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heavy rain, strong winds force cancellation of all flights in Cambodia

Monday, October 11, 2010
The Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Cambodia has suspended all flights to its two international airports due to heavy rain and strong winds.

Civil aviation official Him Sarun says the suspension at the airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap started at 10 a.m. Monday (0300 GMT) and would remain in effect as long as the weather was bad. He says some 20 flights to and from other countries were cancelled. Domestic flights were also stopped.

Him Sarun said Monday: "We did it for the sake of travellers' safety." He says that pilots could not see the runway.

The Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology says the poor weather conditions started Sunday and would last until at least Wednesday. All-day rain flooded parts of capital Phnom Penh as deep as 1 metre (3.3 feet).


Anonymous said...

The authority needs to upgrade their airport system. Moonsoon is a regular phonomenon.

Anonymous said...

4:06AM! no one can beat nature fool!!!! you can not cover the sky!!!!

Anonymous said...

double check info !!
no flight has been cancelled due to the weather or other natural reason
some have been delayed coz planes had to circle in the sky, waiting a bit less strong rain. Nothing else !!
Government (civil aviation) people are useless and never know what they speak about ... just here to grab money

Anonymous said...

I've lived here over 6 years...never seen anything like this. after 24 hours, the flood water did not subside in a lot of areas.

11:29am is right, can't control nature. If u think Srok Khmer has it bad, Vietnam has it worst. Been there a few times. After only about 1/2 hour of heavy rain, the water would go up to your waist in certain areas.

Anonymous said...

all flights are canceled except the flight that( yeay phoo) in. The tycoon that killed and robbed a lot innocents.