Monday, October 11, 2010

Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy's response to The Phnom Penh Post

Dear Mr. Thomas Miller,

In political and diplomatic terms, especially after any incident, the words "regret" and "apology" do NOT have the same meaning.

You may regret an incident because it may be a sad thing in itself, but you don't apologise for it because you don't have any responsibility in its happening.

In early February 2006, in a specific political context, I wrote two absolutely identical letters to Mr. Hun Sen and to Prince Norodom Ranariddh to deal with past incidents so as to secure my return to the country .

With Mr. Hun Sen and with Prince Norodom Ranariddh I used exactly the same words to express my "regrets" but made sure there was no "apology."

I might "regret" the way I had "improperly" acted as a tribunal in straightforwardly accusing Hun Sen and Norodom Ranariddh of various crimes because I actually was not a tribunal, whose role is to investigate first before coming to any conclusion and handing down any sentence.

However, I have preserved my right to believe, and I do and still believe, in the responsibility of Hun Sen and Norodom Ranariddh in the related crimes. More importantly, I have preserved my right to file or to reactivate legal lawsuits so that relevant tribunals would further investigate into the crimes and punish the culprits accordingly.


Sam Rainsy

The following is The Phnom Penh Post's question to Sam Rainsy

Dear Mr. Rainsy,

I hope you are doing well. As you may know, the Cambodian government just released a letter that you wrote to Prime Minister Hun Sen on February 3, 2006 - I've pasted the text below. Could you please provide a couple of comments?

The government says that in this letter, you "apologized" for your accusations against Hun Sen, including the lawsuit you filed in US court that alleged his involvement in the 1997 grenade attack on protesters. Is this accurate? 

The government also says that, even if you do not explicitly use the word "apologize" in the letter, the purpose of the letter was to apologize to Hun Sen as part of a political compromise which allowed you to return to Cambodia. So even if you did not use the word "apologize," is this still a letter of apology?

What is the next step for you in your legal battle to return to Cambodia, and/or shed more light on the 1997 grenade attack?

Thank you very much for your time.



Thomas Miller

Phnom Penh Post


Anonymous said...

Good work Mr. Sam Rainsy. I will never stop supporting you. You are a role model for young generation. You are inspirer many people to stand up and fight for their human rights in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Yes Mr. Rainsy,
Next time use your 1kg brain to think seriously of what you do. You have so many democrates supporters that will become victims like you as well.Ranaridh is a prince who kille royalism in Cambodia, and you are the ones who is killing democracy in CambodiaBoth of you are working for Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The general rule is when you have to split or explain two closely related words such as regret and apologize, you are in trouble.

I have been a strong supporter of President Clinton. He too had to split words during the unfortunate affair.

Stay away from such situation, if you can, from the beginning.

Good luck to Mr. Sam Rainsy.

Koun Khmer

Anonymous said...

Apology or no apology doesn't make any difference:
1) Sam Rainsy is an clumsy man but honest.
1) Hun Sen is a shrewd man but works for the viets.

Now take your pick. Personally I choose Sam Rainsy any time of the day.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the President of South Korean gave up his position or resigned and a new guy takes the leadership.

When is HUN SEN going to do that?

Anonymous said...

At least Sam Rainsy is working to serve the interest of Khmer. He is bery brave to pull that wooden border markers that planted in our soil.

I'm supporting him!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is that letter that SR sent to HS, why KI media do not post the letter in full for every to see.

To me it is full of bull shit that Mr. Sam Rainsy try to explain away apology and regret. In Khmer the word regret is even worst than apology.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter apology or regret,but has go to jail first and then talk later.

Anonymous said...

Many countries in asia. aspecially
the one that economiclly well finance,
they care very much for their countries and their people,
every time they make mistake they
always willing to step aside and give room to the next leads.
UNLIKE Cambodian leaders,
currently. WITHOUT HUN SEN --- IT
I am sure everyone who read news in KIM. has seen those sign in the
last couple week.
From Khmer GA

Anonymous said...

Screw you Mr Sam Rainsy..please notice this..nowadays in Cambodia is at peace no mass starvatin no mass killing and no whiteman killing.. sorry no westerner government willing try to help SCREW YOU MR SAM RAINSY AND SHUT UP FOR A PEACE AND FOR YOURSELF..i don't like a wimpy and a sissy politician like SAM RAINSY..

Anonymous said...

Ye, fuck you Sam, stay away from Cambodia

Anonymous said...

I'm always with Mr. Sam Rainsy. He is the only guy that can save Cambodia from YUON. He is our hero!

Please keep up the good work Mr. Sam Rainsy.

Khmer New Jersy,

Anonymous said...

Only one solution to wake up international comunities to understand about Cambodia today problem is to call all opposition elected members of parliament to boycot all National Assebly meeting and to declare that working condition with Hun Sen government is under thread and fear which to make Government of hun Sen to become invalid. They must rally behind Sam Ransy ( their leader). Any solution to allow Mr Sam Ransy back must have a condition to re-set up seats in the parliament to comply with other democratic parliament where Opposition leader must seat face to face with Prime Minsiter. He must be recognised as leader of opposition party leader with a rank of National No 3 Stateman. All parties must have their share of Parliament budget for their own parliamentarian works according to their number in the parliament.

Anonymous said...

To poster 1:17 AM
If you think there is no starvation in Cambodia , you got to be deaf or blind or just acting stupid. If there is no starvation in Cambodia, what are those people searching for at the dumpter ? And if those beggars are not starv to death , they won't be begging on the streets and in the stores all over the Country

Anonymous said...

Ah Hochiminh smile from the hell of his success!

Anonymous said...

Yeah to 1:17 AM!

You said there is no starvation in Cambodia?

What about Land eviction issue?

What about border issue?

Why are these problems persisted in Cambodia?

Who is Hun Sen serving? Khmer or YUON?

You must be blind like HUN SEN!

Anonymous said...

4:01 AM

Cool it kid! Rainsy is a fucking political looser in modern history.

Anonymous said...

Apology or not you can't return to country.

Anonymous said...

4:36 AM

Not really 100% in agreement with you. Ah Rainsy still can go back to Cambodia if Ah Khwak Hun Sen needed him to justify CPP's political agenda in begging for more money from the foreign donors.

Anonymous said...

To: Sam Rainsy,

Ah SR, you have fucked up yourself so bad in 1998 and 2003 by joining with Ah Hun Sen to form an illegal government.
Now again,you have fucked up on the pulling the border post. This is a childish action. If you are a politiCHIEN, you should appeal to the international organization or to the signator countries to the Paris Agreement, exclude VN,Laos and Ah Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

First of all, ah Hun Sh*t needed Mr. Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia to ensure the constitutional of 50+1 or whatever that law is. So ah Hun Sh*t needed Mr. Sam Rainsy for his own benefit. Number 2, Mr. Sam Rainsy had never used to the Khmer word "Somtoas" which is translated into English as "begging someone's forgiveness". Mr. Sam Rainsy, I think used the Khmer term "Soaksdy" which is translated into English as "regretful, mournful". That is not apologizing at all no matter how you want to dissect it. In addition the tone of the letter through Mr. Sam Rainsy word choices does not even form the picture of apologizing at all. In fact, anyone can add up all the words used by Mr. Sam Rainsy and will only come up with the tone of brotherhood wishing to cooperate with one another for the benefits of the many generations of Cambodians for many many years to come.

Visit RFA Khmer and look up the article on the death of Keng Vansak. In that article you will see a quote from Hun Sen using the Khmer term "soaksdy" about the death of the old man. So does that mean Hun Sen was apologizing to Keng Vansak????

Of course he was not, therefore, Sam Rainsy did not as well.

Anonymous said...

When we say the jail we should say that Hun Xen have to go to the jail himself more than Sam Raingsy, because he killed people more and more but Sam Rainsy never killed some one. All of the supporter of Hun Xes should consider that Hun Xen used to cooperate with Pol Pot to killed Khmer people since he was in fighting Lon Nol from 1970-75 and in 1975-78 Hun Xes also continuing cooperate to people until he and Pol Pot disputed each other then Hun Xen fleeted out to depend Yourn to help him and span to fight against Pol Pot, not in the aim to help people from killing by Pol Pot but because of his and span's powerful only. Yourn is not voluntary to died because of Khmar and if Hun Xen did not promis to provide it benefits such as let its people to live and find income in Cambodia, let its people to be the powerful on Khmer in Cambodia. Now we see that all authority department in Cambodia is 60-70% of Yourn to stand to work. So the supporte of Hun Xen should be wake up and open their only one eye to look at all square of Cambodia social please.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Mr. Sam. I will never stop to support you and SRP.

Although, could you please answer the reporter' s question: "What is the next step for you in your legal battle to return to Cambodia, and/or shed more light on the 1997 grenade attack?"

Will you "Regret" or "Apology" Hun Xen again?

Anonymous said...

Ah thomas miller of phnom penh post news is ah slave of ah hun xen. these motherfuckers compromise to get their own benifit.