Monday, October 11, 2010

[Thai] Foreign Ministry to be asked to lodge complaint against Cambodia

Monday, October 11, 2010
The Nation

The Justice Ministry will seek help from the Foreign Ministry to lodge complaint against Cambodia for allegedly allowing arms training for red-shirt warriors to be held on its ground, a senior official said Monday.

Pol Lt Col Payao Thongsen, an investigator in charge of terrorism case for the Department of Special Investigation, said the Foreign Ministry would be asked to protest against Cambodia's alleged interference in Thailand's national security by training the dissidents to oppose against the Thai government.

Payao alleged that 39 red-shirt people had received arms training in Siem Reap for three weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hanoi dirty trick!

Anonymous said...

wow the talk really fruitfull now the siamese-croc start to bite againt.this time they even dare to use thier king as a tool.

Anonymous said...

Time for us, oversea's Khmer to learn from the former Croatia separative. We Khmer around the world should support the Khmer Surin (the Red Shirt) for their fighting again the the Yellow shirt dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Govt should ask Thailand also that Thai Govt had supplied or given weapons to Pol Pot's army to kill khmer people...

Anonymous said...

Let's hold HS accountable for this terrorist training.
Let us the US start distributing the deck of cards and put a bounty on their head. HS will be the number 2 man most wanted by the Eff B Eye. Let the man-hunt begin!

Anonymous said...

I told you ah Hun to stay away from your neighbor's affair. You have enough of your own problem in Cambodia. No need to stir up other issues. Thai will do the same thing to you...

Anonymous said...

Go ahead file a complaint against Cambodai if you have any prove that they have been trained by whom , where the training took place and when . I hope you won't get backfire .

Anonymous said...

Well...This is nothing new for the Siem leaders who can't solve their own internal politic and resort to use Cambodia as their scapegoat! The Siem leaders should know better that by blaming other will not help solve what is going wrong in Thailand! Two wrongs don't make it right!

The Siem leaders must come clean before Siem people and start take responsibility for their own action!

Uncle SAM should know if any terrorist camp in Cambodia and this is not the first time that Cambodia cooperate with Uncle SAM to find terrorists in Cambodia!

Since Siem leaders brought up such allegation and the Siem leaders must follow through and must show any evidence and proof!

Do the Siem leaders have any proof? So far the only people who got kill and assassinated are the innocence Cambodian migrants workers along Khmer-Siem border!

The Siem leaders can't behave like a five years old child and goes around saying things without something to back it up!