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The helmets used by these violent cops are standard US army issues - most likely provided by the US as part of its military aid to Cambodia, but they have turned into repression tools |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
US Army gears used by Hun Xen's cops in violent crackdown on peaceful protesters during Ban Ki-moon's visit
Police violence,
US military aid
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Hun Xen regime is disgraceful! Thanks for pointing it out. US has waste of citizens tax money to support Hun Xen Human Rights violation in Cambodia. US citizens need to speak up. This aid could have been use for better purposes.
those men are Vietnamese agent hiding in Cambodia ready to do what it takes ....
those are not Khmer armies...they are viet nam hiding in Cambodia under the protection of HS illegal regime.
CPP......nonproHanoi........ta khmoa......pp
we don't know the whole story, here! i wouldn't be surprised if this one protestor were drunk, disoriented, disorderly conduct, unruly, etc, so, the police were just doing their job, hello! even in america, you shot at police or beat the police, the police will beat you back, hello! no difference in cambodia when you disrespect the authority like police, etc, ok! so, stop whining here!
Hun Xen's cops are animal! They do not work for Khmer purposes.
Khmer in Cambodia are brainless idiot to tolerate Hun Xen's regime for 3 decades.
If they don't stand up for themself no one else will! I wonder when will be enough for them Khmer idiot to bite back.... Should they have learn from the Pol Pot era?
Haha, Khmer dogs are now biting with each other, you re so dumb and you can't be survive. Fuck it more, dumbass
11:58PM, The whole story is that them cops should not abuse its citizens who exercising their right of expression. This rights is granted under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Please go read the declaration so you can understand better.
Stop trying to defend the unethical ruling of Hun Sen's governemnt!
If there was NO fire, there would be NO smoke either!
If the victim were to sleep in his house, would his hair be pulled?
it has nothing to do with khmer beating khmer or whatever! the man disobey the law and drunk, so, he got beatened, that's all! isn't that's why gandhi and martin luther king jr preached non-violence act with authority? go figure!
no more impunity, immunity, lame excuses, etc. it doesn't matter who he was, he disobey the law, he got beat up, that's all! stop the racial slur of khmer against khmer or whatever! that's a lame or poor excuse, really!
If they wear US uniforms, you say something. If they were Russian/Chinese unifroms, you say something. So do you want them to wear black pajamas Khmer Rougue uniforms like yours?
If they don't carry the electronic Baton, do you want them to carry a sling shot instead?
លោកត្រូវតែមើលtape នេះហើយខ្លួន
បើលោកមឹនធ្វើអាចធ្វើអ្វីទេ លោកគួរតែលា
You know what, those poor people do not have the idea of causing trouble During Ban Ki Moon visit. Most of them don't even know who the heck is Ban KiMoon, but they come and causing trouble there because of the opposition party organize this protest from behind. Then whipped them into frenzy, crazy mad at the police who are there to keep order. So when fight and push broke out, someone going to get hurt. Oh no, not the smart opposition party people, but those poor people got hurt because they were deceived and misled into doing something that serve the interest of the opposition, making the opposition party look good and the government look bad. They don't care about people got hurt, as long as they can cause trouble to embarrass the government, they are happy.
wake up, people, everyone should observe and respect the khmer law, ok! nobody beat you if you protest non-violently, really!
i'd rather wear US army helmet and carry electric baton than carry a sling shot, you know! nothing wrong with that! authority got to keep peace and order, you know! protest non-violently with police and don't confront them because of course, they can beat you up, you know!
i think this one person wants khmer policemen to wear flip flops to work! hell no, this is not the stone age era, you know! they rather wear the US army boots, really!
You people above keep mentioning about breaking the law. Don't you think the government is the first to break it? They should not prevent people from protesting from the begining. Look at other related videos! Not to mention many other governemnt's violations.
លេខាធិការ។១- រដ្ឋាភិបាលត្រូវតែសងជម្ងឺចឺត្ត
ដល់អ្នករងគ្រោះ។២- ត្រូវយកជនដៃដល់ទាំង
យោធា ទាំងប៉ូលីស មកធ្វើទោសហើយដក
ចេញពីការងារ។៣- រដ្ឋមន្រីក្រសួងការពារជាតិ
នឹង រដ្ឋមន្រីក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃត្រូវតែលា
hey, this man was drunk and on drug and start hitting police, so, the police gave it to him. if you don't know the whole story, get educated, ok!
Excellency Ban Kimoon met a new boss Hanoi slave in Cambodia. Hun Sen ordered every offices run by the United Nations to be close if the UN do not stick with Hun Sen rules included The Khmer Rouge trial. Hanoi dog is going bite every Human Rights activies because Hun sen is not human.
the helmets all made in china... not in US
it doesn't matter where army helmets are made, cambodia will use them all, ok! but that's not the point, really!
no, it is you who need education all you idiot out there. there are many police. they can wrestle him to the ground and nandcuff him without beating him at all.
Hun Sen acted no different from Sadam Husen. He insult, threat and intimedate U.N representative. Sadam used the chemical weapons which he bought from the U.S to kill the Kird his own people in a different tribe. Hus Sen polices use weapons and helmet gear donate by the U.S to kill his own people. Therefore, Hun Sen faith and future will be end just like Sadam Husen, burn to dead by his own people.
shut up already! don't be so ignorant, ok! stay in school and get higher education! or you'll end up in the street, too, you know!
Thank you K.I for posting the pictures and detail informations to show the world how this mafia Hun Sen abuse, torture and kill his own people at will. Your bravery andcourage are commented.
Those negative comments are afraid of the People Power, they or current government know full well that they regime won't stand a chance agaist People Power. They are afraid when we are exercising our right.
keep exercising our right.
Next time TANKs will be used exactely like other dictators in other kingdoms of banana..
shut up! don't be so radical in your thinking, ok!
why wont sent this picture to CNN TV or TIME mag...
CCP Government suffer khmer people as human. let US Cambodian lived. Never let them CCP rest give them hell. Start protesting and until the gov changed!
Hello, any body home? Duhhh do you think only the US can make helmet and military uniform? Dam stupid, most of the uniform and weapon in Cambodia are made in China. Even the American are now order military uniform and other stuff from China, because it is cheaper than to produce in the US.
Hun Sen's government don't change unless Hun Sen is killed!
Dumb ass 11:58PM
Did you watch the video? I see a peaceful protester standing on the sidewalk picketing; the police snatched the paper away from the protester. Isn't that justified enough for you that the police is violating their rights?
Stop making your stupid assumptions and watch the video...knucklehead.
One of this day Cambodia will have a good news. Hun Sen found guilty of crime against Humanity will sentenced to Dead by Hang at the Olympic stadium at 12 NOON the year of ?
free my people!
Freedom Are Not Free.........Khmer people step up.
If your daddy didn't do your mother, would you be here?
I don't know! Go ask your mother after they whipped her a couple of time.
There are a lot of dumb asses in here that think that the protesters are out there to make trouble. But in fact, they're fighting for their rights and from landgrabbing dictator.
Let's blow these pictures up and sent it to the US congress.
Show them what their donation aids being use for.
Are these so called police ever think that they are also poor bastards? and it is very real that it could happen to their families? Because Hun Sen don't give a shit about them....they are used and these ignorant poor are willing doing their dirty work. Come on....think before you do....
These is no doubt ah Kwack regime is dictatorship. And those polices men are uneducation they're listen to whatever ah Youn Vietcong told them to do. This slaving regimes is fucking useless. I pray 24/7 for this stupid regime collapse soon.
តាមពិតគឹដូចជាគេទាយទុកមិនខុសមែន ដោយ
សេចក្តីច្រណែន និងក្នុងគំនិតសងសឹក ក្រុមអ្នក
ប្រឆាំងពន្យុះខ្មែរអោយវាយខ្មែរ ដោយគេភ្លេច អស់ហើយពីហេតុការណ៍ឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ គឺដោយសារ
អស់ជិត២លាននាក់ ។
សូមកុំចង់បានរបបប៉ុល ពតទី២អោយសោះពី
They are simply maintaining law and order, that 's all!The ones should go to jail are: Ki media and their followers ...
Pol Pot killed 1.7 million khmers and no one help. Now Hun Sen regime abuses thousands of khmers and UN does nothing beside lip services. This CPP regime is not joking in the eyes of the world communities.
3:07AM,you are motherfucking idiot! The opposition and other Rights organizations trying to help Cambodia from another Khmer Rouge comrade like Hun Sen and his high officials.
Are you that stupid not to see what's going on in Cambodia today?!? Without NGOs and Oppositions Cambodia would be much much worst. Hun Sen will successfully give Khmer Nation to Youn without struggle long ago.
I hope you are not currently living in Cambodia or have any family there. No Khmer will be safe as long as Hun Sen is alive my friend. Open your eyes and ears buddy!
មកដល់អាឡប់3:07am អែងនិយាយថាកុំចង់បានរបបប៉ុលពតទី២ ប៉ុន្តែរបបឯងនេះហើយជារបបប៉ុលពតទី២
វៃចោលហ់យប្រាប់ថាកុំតវ៉ា ឥឡូវឯងប្រាប់
un STOP your lip service!!!!!
Some people here blame the beaten up man for being stupid, drunk and that he should not be there in the first place. Some even said that the SRP was behind it. It is easy for them to say. Wait until they lose their only home through the corrupted government eviction, then what would they do?
If you still have any human brain left, put yourselves in their shoes for a change, you might see them from different perspective.
3:55 AM.
វិចារណញ្ញាណ យើងក៍ប្រាប់ឯងទៅចុះដើម្បីយក
បុណ្យ។ ពីព្រោះក្រុមពួកឯងនេះកំពុងដើរផ្លូវខុស
ជនស្លូតត្រង់អោយរងគ្រោះ ដោយសារតែផល
ប្រយោជន៍ខ្លួនឯង ពោលគឺក្រុមឯងយកប្រជាជន
និង ទុក្ខវេទនារបស់ប្រជាជនសំរាប់ជាការតថ្លៃ
ដើម្បីបានឱពុកឯងគឺអ្នកទោសសម រង្សីចូល
ស្រុកវិញ។ បាបកម្មនេះធ្ងន់ណាស់ ទោះខំធ្វើ
ផង។ ដូច្នេះល្មមនាំគ្នាឈប់ទៅ ខ្មែរអ្នកស្លូតត្រង់
គេលែងជឿរ និងលែងស្តាប់ពាក្យញុះញង់ និង
ដរាបមក មិនរត់ចោលស្រុក ថ្វីត្បិតតែយើងមាន
Mr. Reverence Ban Ki Moon made a good show for KI Media blog.
Why would the world care about what's going on in Cambodia? The world doesn't revolve around Cambodia and never will. There is one place that the world revolves around and that place is called: - - - - - -.
This world will never be at peace until this world refocus it's world view. Ignore this truth, continue in our miseries in seeking justice and peaceful resolutions. Man's way always end in a desperate straight. By all means stand up for the oppressed, poor and widows in the land.
What if God had will that Hun Sen would prevail no matter what efforts been made to over throw him? God does and will give to the people the basest of men for their leaders. In this case the people need to examine themselves why we deserve such a scoundrel in office. By humility you will be exalted. This is how God works with people.
There are two kinds of slavery people are under: 1)Spiritual 2)Physical
Spiritual slavery is a slave unto sin. One sinner can destroy much. Do you need any proof?
Physical slavery-- Well, I live in America, over taxing the people by the government is a form of slavery. One is not exempt from being taxed after one is dead, Americans are taxed after they die, called the death tax. Thanks to social justice cause. Every U.S. citizen owes $43,000 to the Federal Reserve Banking Monopoly.
does hun sen and his clown can do anything else apart from stealing land, robbing the people, killing anyone who's try to make a voice. any social unrest in the future CPP MUST HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THIER ACT!
អាឆ្កួត4:15am អញមិនចង់តាមវាយក្បាល
រាស្រ្តស្លូតត្រង់ រំលោភលើសិទ្ធិប្រជាពលរដ្ឋនៅ
នឹងភ្នែកឯងថាកុំគឹតអី ប្រយ័ត្តបាត់ទឺកដីឯចំណែក
កញ្ជោលហើយ បន្តិចទៀតលោកនឹងសស្រុះឯង
គឺជារឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនឯងទេ អញមិនឈឺក្បាល
ទុក្ខរបស់ប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរ នឹងប្រយ័ត្តឃ្លាំមើល
3:15AM ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាអែងជាសត្វអ្វីទេបានជាអែងមើលមិនឃើញទុក្ខវេទនារបស់រាស្រ្តខ្មែរនៅបឹងកក់ដែលងើបតវ៉ា។នេះមិនមែនជារឿងបក្សនយោបាយទេប៉ុន្តែវាជារឿងដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រំានិងទុក្ខវេទនាបានតទៅទៀត។សូមកុំភ្លេចថានូវពេលណាដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រាំបាននូវអំពើដ៏ព្រៃផ្សៃរបស់ពួកអាតិរច្ឆានអែងពេលនោះហើយជាថ្ងៃអន្សារបស់ពួកអែង។ក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រខ្មែរមានតែមេដឺកនាំសម័យនេះទេដែលខួរមហាសែនថោកសុខចិត្តចាប់រាស្រ្តខ្លួនអែងដាក់គុគដោយសារតែហ៊ានក្រោកឡើងតវ៉ាដីធ្លីពីបរទេសឈ្លានពាន។នេះបានចំជាអាខ្វាក់ខ្នាយដែកមែនបានតែជាមួយពោះតែមួយតែជាមួយអ្នកដ៏ទៃដូចមាន់ត្រកោជាពិសេសជាមួយយួន។នេះបានចំជាកញ្ជះយួនដល់ឆ្អឺង។
4:15AM ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាអែងជាសត្វអ្វីទេបានជាអែងមើលមិនឃើញទុក្ខវេទនារបស់រាស្រ្តខ្មែរនៅបឹងកក់ដែលងើបតវ៉ា។នេះមិនមែនជារឿងបក្សនយោបាយទេប៉ុន្តែវាជារឿងដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រំានិងទុក្ខវេទនាបានតទៅទៀត។សូមកុំភ្លេចថានូវពេលណាដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រាំបាននូវអំពើដ៏ព្រៃផ្សៃរបស់ពួកអាតិរច្ឆានអែងពេលនោះហើយជាថ្ងៃអន្សារបស់ពួកអែង។ក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រខ្មែរមានតែមេដឺកនាំសម័យនេះទេដែលខួរមហាសែនថោកសុខចិត្តចាប់រាស្រ្តខ្លួនអែងដាក់គុគដោយសារតែហ៊ានក្រោកឡើងតវ៉ាដីធ្លីពីបរទេសឈ្លានពាន។នេះបានចំជាអាខ្វាក់ខ្នាយដែកមែនបានតែជាមួយពោះតែមួយតែជាមួយអ្នកដ៏ទៃដូចមាន់ត្រកោជាពិសេសជាមួយយួន។នេះបានចំជាកញ្ជះយួនដល់ឆ្អឺង។
4:15AM ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថាអែងជាសត្វអ្វីទេបានជាអែងមើលមិនឃើញទុក្ខវេទនារបស់រាស្រ្តខ្មែរនៅបឹងកក់ដែលងើបតវ៉ា។នេះមិនមែនជារឿងបក្សនយោបាយទេប៉ុន្តែវាជារឿងដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រំានិងទុក្ខវេទនាបានតទៅទៀត។សូមកុំភ្លេចថានូវពេលណាដែលរាស្រ្តខ្មែរមិនអាចទ្រាំបាននូវអំពើដ៏ព្រៃផ្សៃរបស់ពួកអាតិរច្ឆានអែងពេលនោះហើយជាថ្ងៃអន្សារបស់ពួកអែង។ក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រខ្មែរមានតែមេដឺកនាំសម័យនេះទេដែលខួរមហាសែនថោកសុខចិត្តចាប់រាស្រ្តខ្លួនអែងដាក់គុគដោយសារតែហ៊ានក្រោកឡើងតវ៉ាដីធ្លីពីបរទេសឈ្លានពាន។នេះបានចំជាអាខ្វាក់ខ្នាយដែកមែនបានតែជាមួយពោះតែមួយតែជាមួយអ្នកដ៏ទៃដូចមាន់ត្រកោជាពិសេសជាមួយយួន។នេះបានចំជាកញ្ជះយួនដល់ឆ្អឺង។
Cambodian people love USA but the USA military equipments sent to AK Kwack regime was use to repress Khmer people, Take those pics to show the USA congress and the USA president, Obama What Ah Kwan and Hor Nam 5 play game with USA and UN.
The trouble makers and the gangsters are those from the CPP and his stupid and ignorant followers. THINK BEFORE YOU DO STUPID! DON'T BE A STUPID FOLLOWERS!!
Why won`t KI MEDIA post these images on American major news outlet and let the American People see what the American Government is providing.
Can You Do That KI?
LONG LIVE VEIT NAM.. You all should wishes that you never born and if you born next born as vietnamese so you be smarter...
Hun sen and CPP doing a good job for US... the master.. and Phay siphan providing a good lip services and SOK Siphana and Sarin Donora are working hard to manipulate all the foerigners there for us.. the rest of our vietnamese brother and sisters are all in every officials position in the cambodian government.
Long live Viet Nam
soon we will take thailand too
You all khmer wishes you never born.. next time make sure you born as a vietnamses maybe you a little smarter
you all useless khmer peoples have no more chance.. we vietnam controle your idiot king... HUN SEN and all the family and CPP.. we have our citizen in every level of your government.. basically we run you whole country for you.. becuase you khmer are useless and stupid and idiot.. if you dont believe ask you parent..
look you country now.. it is the fact you wishes you never born.. next time you better born as vietnamese.. Long live viet nam.. soon we will control even thailand the land of gay and lesbian they dont care they only make love .. so it will be more easy..
we want to thank hun sen and cpp ... personal that to phay siphan for his lip services and sok siphana the brother inlaw to the rapist young girls minister of information and Sarin Denora for their manipulation to all the idiot foreigners in cambodian .. we will reward you and we will keep you in power.
let us all kill hun sen and his family and all the cpp.. then youn run back to their country
What is wrong with ah juoy marai Hun Sen?
Now, this mother f_cker go around and tell peoples what to do.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen tell the Phnom Penh Court what to do.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen tell the United Nation-backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal Court (ECCC) what to do.
Now, ah juoy marai Hun Sen tell the United Nation Secretary General what to do.
Who's the f_ck is this mother f_cker (Hun Sen)?
What the f_ck is wrong with this mother f_cker (Hun Sen)?
Who's the f_ck is he think he is?
A fifth grader would know that the court is the one who is responsible for deciding who to prosecute.
It is not up to ah juoy marai Hun Sen.
What don't ah juoy marai Hun Sen understand?
Now, ah juoy marai Hun Sen is the Khmer Rouge Regime's leader.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen, do you also want to assassinate the United Nation Secretary General (Ban Ki-Moon)?
The reason why I'm asking is because you likes to assassinate your opponents.
This is what happen when ah juoy marai Hun Sen got a PhD without going to school.
by Khmer in Sydney CBD's hater
One day, when ah juoy marai Hun Sen is under my custody, I'll make sure that ah juoy marai Hun Sen shit in his pants.
I will serve ah juoy marai Hun Sen with his own shit during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
by Khmer in Sydney CBD's hater
Appeal to all Khmer at home and abroad around the world.
Please joint me to condemn these cowered act from Yuon solders in Hun Sun police uniform against Mr.Suong Sophorn.
If you are real Khmer solders or real Khmer polices go and fight at the border to protect our sovereignty against Yuon and Thai.
But all you can do is brutality beaten Mr. Suong Sophorn with empty hands, beaten innocent Khmer people.
You also good at hiding your heads under srey yuon 's pants.
If it was done to your family? How do you feel? Yuon slaves ?
I wish Mr. Suong Sophorn to recovery pretty soon.
Khmer sympathy around the world are on your side.
You are real Khmer hero.
Down Youn Slave.
Dear! belover Rero Soung Sophorn
we are many of our compatriot abroad and also in Cambodia very very sorry that we saw your really Khmer blood dropped in Cambodia by a group of the bad Khmer whom have been working for foriegner and for their personal profit in this time.
And we are so proud with you on your brave activities to struggle and fighting for our Khmer land grabbing victim.
You are not alone and we all have been following your case clossly and fully supporting to all of your activities.
we also have been take part with your activities to tell to all people around the the world about how bad Hun Sen and brutal henchman in Cambodia.
Please takecare your safety.
Buddish and God bless you.
Spean TEP
Dear! hero Soung Sophorn
we are many of our compatriot abroad and also in Cambodia very very sorry that we saw your really Khmer blood dropped in Cambodia by a group of the bad Khmer whom have been working for foreigner and for their personal profit in this time.
And we are so proud with you on your brave activities to struggle and fighting for our Khmer land grabbing victim.
You are not alone and we all have been following your case closely and fully supporting to all of your activities.
we also have been take part with your activities to tell to all people around the the world about how bad Hun Sen and brutal henchman in Cambodia.
Please takecare your safety.
Buddish and God bless you.
KI media and their team are the left over fucken Khmer Rouge refugees! They always post something to have all khmers fight each other.
9:09pm! do motherfuckers beat up khmer??????
every where in the world, the authority, they will do the same, no differences
KI media, please, be carefull, when u post., information like this, it damaged our images.. as khmer in general... you know well,that, in America or Europe, the authority will act the same, if this happened,
stop picking on cambodia, biased people! scene like this is not a dictator like you called it, it happened all the time everwhere on the planet when you have protests, demonstration, unruly individuals, radical people, etc. so get educated for a change, ok! people aren't stupid, you know, we know the plot, etc, to make cambodia look bad in the eye of the human rights people, etc. so stop you dirty political game, opposition! if you're so popular, why can't you guys win the election? go figure!
this is not police brutality, this is police keeping order! go to any protest or demonstration anywhere in the world, and you will see someone is getting hurt. people forget so soon what happened in bangcock recently? what the biased people they really are! what planet are they from, anyway? wake up, people!
Please help stop Hun Sen's gangster regime!!
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