Wednesday, November 24, 2010


By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Expanding our Mind Series

The Koh Pich tragedy reminds us in real terms the human costs of poor leadership, of corruption, of unbridled greed. Undoubtedly, the CPP leadership must be held accountable for the senseless loss of lives at Koh Pich. However, we the people are also responsible for enabling this CPP leadership to be this careless and heartless by our accepting and engaging in corruption ourselves. As we mourn the lives of those lost at Koh Pich, may we also share in the suffering of those who are caught in sexual slavery, in particular the young abused and exploited by their very own Khmer adults. We are in need of a values revolution where we treasure and protect life. Let us unite to end PEDOPHILES - the scums of the earth - the majority being the LOCAL abusers. Excerpts from Newsweek article.


No Longer a Pedophile’s Haven

A crackdown in Cambodia is catching Western men, but locals still mostly unhindered.
Newsweek, Nov. 16, 2010
Brendan Brady

Rights groups say a greater scourge has been largely undeterred by the crackdown: a thriving child-sex market fueled by locals.

Among the 141 arrests for “debauchery” and “indecent acts” in Cambodia since 2003, only 37 of the suspects were Cambodian and just 19 were men from other Asian countries, according to APLE. And yet, Western men represent only a minuscule fraction of the population in Cambodia that is sexually exploiting children. According to a report released last month by the juvenile-protection NGO, ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Abuse and Trafficking), the vast majority of former child sex workers say their clients were local men. It may not seem like much of a revelation given the disparity in numbers between Western and local men but, as ECPAT points out, the findings run contrary to “the usually held assumption that pedophilia is a Western problem.”

“Cambodian men prefer beautiful, fair-skinned, and younger-looking sex workers—basically minors,” Chin Chanveasna, head of ECPAT’s Cambodia office, told a conference attended by government and NGO officials in October, adding that sexual exploitation of children by locals is overlooked because of a single-minded focus on targeting Western men. Says Steve Morrish, executive director of SISHA, an NGO that investigates human trafficking: “A lot of the Cambodian men I speak with, they want the young ones and they don’t see it as anything to hide.” Moreover, in Cambodian culture, it is often the reputation of the victim, rather than of the perpetrator, that is blighted. According to a report on Cambodia by Amnesty International released earlier this year, girls who are sexually abused often become outcasts in their community, while convicted offenders face little stigma.

Given the obstacles to changing such widely held attitudes, it’s not surprising the government has targeted Western men, whose crimes are more conspicuous. But, says, Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division, “Western pedophiles are the low-hanging fruit. Now should come the climb up the tree to catch local sexual abusers of children.”


Anonymous said...

This guy is NONESENSE!

Who needs another revolution?

Have you followed Cambodian history since the birth of time?

How many wars have we had just from the 1970?

How much bloodshed has it been?

You're stupid! Get this guy of KI media!

Your article is senseless, who reads them anyway! We just read the title and we think you're stupid already.

Anonymous said...

We should castrate these scums, the Cambodian men who abuse their own people, particularly vulnerable children.

Because they cannot get on with real women.

Because they are not real men, so they need to abuse a vulnerable child.


Anonymous said...

The Cambodian leaders are comfortable living in hell and want everyone to live in hellish conditions with them. So they ruin the lives of their people by starving them, by making them poor, by keeping them uneducated, by destroying their dignity in abusing them sexually, politically, socially.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Democrat is our voice of conscience.

Anonymous said...

you all useless khmer should all be dead... you wishes you all should never born... LONG LIVE VIET NAM ..

Good work HUN SEN and CPP...KING Sihamoni our dream will come true soon with your good work.. you will be always the PM then the governor of CAMBODIA once we reunite CAMBODIA into Viet Nam province.. you all dies u all useless .

Anonymous said...

The Khmers leaders treat their own people the worst. Look at all the human rights reports, the daily newspapers. Do these people have a heart?

If the leaders care for their people, the Koh Pich tragedy would not have happened.

Anonymous said...

Give these bastards the finger! Make them feel cheap and dirty for their crimes.

Anonymous said...

live free or die.. let us do a revolution and take all these monkeys out..

Anonymous said...

These men are perverts and sick. We must stop condoning these men and their abuse of our children!

I join in this Values Revolution. We need drastic change in mentality.