Tuesday, November 09, 2010

"Reas Boeung Kak Srak Teuk Phnaek" a Poem in Khmer by Kho Tararith


Anonymous said...


Province of Viet Nam

Nation Religion KING..

1. You idiot khmer have no nation it is all belong to vietnam now.. we run your country and our brothers and sisters are all over your country and in every level of government.

2. You have no religion becuase look at you even your own country to betrayed look at Hun SEn- CPPP we control thme -- how can they have religion becuase soon will be vietnam province

3. KING what KING-- he can not beg us to keep him there-- so he have to bring his mother which she work for our interested with hun sen and cpp.. then his father to beg us for keep him...

what a loser race. you all should dies and wishes you will never born.. better born as vietnamese you might be a little smarter and maybe love your own kind ans country better..


more money from china is good for our vietnamese brothers and sisters
that hold every level of officials in cambodia that control cambodia.. will use this money to further control cambodia... it is us that the king of cambodia to to beg us the viet nam to keep him there.. good work hun sen-cpp.now we have more money from china

Anonymous said...

SRP = KI Media = Extremist = Negative

Choose a new leader or a new opposition party will lead.

Anonymous said...

before: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
currently: Nam Banh, Nambodia

ជនពាល said...

សួស្ដីប្រិយមិត្ត !
តើវាមានភាពខុសគ្នាត្រង់ណា រវាងព្រឹត្តការណ៍ដែលកើតឡើង នៅបឹងកក់ និងនៅប្រសាទព្រះវិហារ ?
នៅពេលដែល កងទ័ពថៃបានចូលមកកាន់កាប់វត្ត កែវសិក្ខាគិរីស្វារៈក្បែរប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ យើងបានឃើញ
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរនៅភ្នំពេញ ទាំងក្មេងទាំងចាស់ សស្រាក់សស្រាំ នាំគ្នាមានប្រតិកម្ម ប្រឆាំងនិងការឈ្លានពានថៃ
យ៉ាងដាច់អហង្ការ មានក្រុមខ្លះបានពពាក់ពពូននាំគ្នាបង្កើតជាមូលនិធិ នេះនោះ ដើម្បីរៃអង្គាសប្រាក់ យកទៅ
ជួយឧបត្ថម្ភ ពលរដ្ឋនិងកងទ័ពខ្មែរដែលប្រឈរជើងនៅជុំវិញប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ ។ទង្វើអ្នកភ្នំពេញពេលហ្នុង គឺគួរអោយស្ងប់ស្ងែងណាស់។
ចុះបញ្ហានៅឯបឹងកក់ ដែលនៅជិតបង្កើយឯនេះវិញ ? វាខុសគ្នាត្រង់ណា ?
ពលរដ្ឋរាប់ពាន់គ្រួសារបានវេទនា ​ដោយសារត្រូវអាជ្ញាធរ រឹបអូសយកដីធ្លីពួកគេ ទៅជួលអោយក្រុមហ៊ុនឯកជន ដែលមានកំណត់ពេលមួយសតវត្សន៍ឯណោះ
រឿងវិវាទនេះ មេច
ក៏យើងមិនឃើញអ្នកទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញនាំគ្នាទៅជួយឈឺឆ្អាល ឬ ក៏នាំគ្នាជួយគាំទ្រធ្វើការប្រឆាំង និងគំរោងការណ៍នេះផងទៅ ? ផ្ទុយទៅវិញ យើងឃើញមានតែសាមីខ្លួន
ដែលជាពលរដ្ឋពាក់ព័ន្ធនិងការបណ្ដេញចេញពីបឹងកក់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ ដែលពួកគេបាននាំគ្នីគ្នាទាំងអស់សង្ឃឹម ទៅ តវ៉ាប្រឆាំងនិងទាមទារអោយមានដំណោះស្រាយអោយបានសមរម្យ ។
នៅបស្ចឹមប្រទេសវិញ បើមានទង្វើដែលអាជ្ញាធរ បានរំលោភដូចនៅបឹងកក់នេះវិញ គឺថាប្រាកដជាមានពលរដ្ឋគេ មកពីគ្រាប់ច្រកល្ហក មកជួយឈឺឆ្អាល ដោយនាំគ្នា
ធ្វើបាតុកម្មប្រឆាំងនិងទង្វើរបស់អាជ្ញាធរ និងក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលពាក់ព័ន្ធនេះជាមិនខាន ។
សរុបមក យើងឃើញថា ខ្មែរយើងមួយភាគធំមិនចេះរួបរួមសាម្គីគ្នាឡើយ ។ម្នាក់ៗ តែងតែមាន គំនិតអាត្មានិយម សម្ងំយកសុខតែខ្លួនឯង ។
មកពីផ្នត់គំនិតរបៀបនេះហើយ បានជាខ្មែរយើងមិនអាចទទួលបាននូវលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យដ៏ល្អពិតប្រាកដបានឡើយ !!

Anonymous said...

No more whining,no more pleading,no more crying.It's time for action .And the action is mass disobedience in the street.And if it still doesn't work then ,strap with explosive and detonate wherever it hurt the most.

Anonymous said...

Hanoi killed Moslems and took Champa.
Hanoi killed Khmers Krom and has controlled.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
Down Vietnamese expansionism!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane!
by Volcano!
by earthquake!
by tsunami!
and by….!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane! by Volcano!
by earthquake! by tsunami waves ! and by….

un Manet & Hun Mana...PP said...

Half of the Money Ankor Wat's revenue) go to My father and mother (hun sen and bun runy) ..

And the rest go to his cronies... do not believe it spends on the poor Khmer people. I, hun Manet, a West Educator, see many unjust in Cambodia. Our family have so much money we don't even know what to do with it.

My father become mentally ill and my mother is being paranoid and we are not as good as you think we do.

Power&Greed destroy family, country, and corrupt the world peace.

Father was a poor man never had such money before and does my mother. They are so greed and want to get rid of all the Khmer in that country. They want to own that country by themselves which is not going happen.

My father visited Vietnam Hanoi ... making us look like we can only live better under Hanoi's control. We have no such freedom and peace. Peace for us right now is TEMPORARY only.

Nothing is permanent in our family.

Signed...Hun Manet & Hun Mana...PP

Anonymous said...

Boeung Kak Lake residents's tears and pain is shared by Khmer around the world.

Hun Sen must brought to the international court of justice for so many crimes he has committed against innocent Khmer people.

Hun Sen must meet a miserable end.