Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remember Kong Sam Onn, Mu Sochua's lawyer? Read what China did to Liu Xiabo's lawyer, now you understand where Hun Xen comes from

Human rights lawyer Mo Shaoping, whose firm represents jailed Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo, said he was stopped from leaving China today. (Peter Parks / AFP/Getty Images)
China detains lawyer for Nobel Peace Prize winner at airport

The attorney and a law professor are barred from leaving the country in an apparent attempt to prevent attendance at Oslo ceremony for jailed prize recipient Liu Xiaobo.

November 9, 2010
By Barbara Demick
Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Beijing — A lawyer for Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo was blocked Tuesday from leaving Beijing in what appeared to be an attempt by the Chinese government to put a damper on festivities at the Nobel awards dinner next month in Oslo.

Mo Shaoping, whose Beijing law firm represents Liu, and prominent Hong Kong University law professor He Weifang, were detained at Beijing's airport as they were preparing to board a British Airways flight for London, where they were invited to attend a legal conference.

"We cannot allow you to leave China because that would be a threat to national security," a police officer told the men, Mo said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "They were very polite, but I never learned the real reasons. Whether it has to do with the Nobel prize, it is not clear."

Infuriated by the award of the prize to Liu, a dissident writer serving an 11-year prison term, China has been mounting an aggressive campaign to prevent attendance at the Dec. 10 awards ceremony. His wife, Liu Xia, an artist who had originally planned to go in place of her incarcerated husband, has been placed under house arrest. Last week she wrote an open letter to 140 of the couple's friends and fellow activists asking that they attend in her place, but many of them also have been harassed or detained.

The Nobel prize has also created untold diplomatic complications for China's trading partners, who have been warned in explicit language that they should not attend the ceremony, which by diplomatic protocol is normally attending by the resident ambassadors in Oslo. Japan, already in a spat with China over disputed islands, confirmed Tuesday it had been asked not to attend.

"It is true that there were requests through diplomatic routes in Tokyo and Norway that no one related to the Japanese government attend the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony," Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara told parliament Tuesday. "We aim to reach a sound decision regarding the attendance of our ambassador to Norway."

With unusually blunt language, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said last week that countries have to choose: "Do they want to be part of the political game to challenge China's judicial system or do they want to develop a true friendly relationship with the Chinese government and people?"

"If they make the wrong choice," Cui said, "they have to bear the consequences."



To all the Khmer loving country people!!!

We need a sniper shooting at our father’s forehead..... That is the only way to get rid of him.

He thinks he owns Cambodia. We are his kids are so embarrassed when he talks like a barbarian or like a singing monkey on a tree.

Our mother is also making us ashamed of her skin bleaching, awkward jewelries wearing and flirting around...(my mother bun runny is seeing this hot looking 18 years old man behind my father's back - my father did not khow)

Please help us to get rid of them; we don’t want to be the Viet slaves.


1:14 AM

Anonymous said...

I fucked KI' daughter in PP, Montreal, she is a whore

Signed...Hun Manet & Hun Mana...PP said...

Half of the Money go to My father and mother (hun sen and bun runy) .. Income from Ang Kor Wat

And the rest go to his cronies... do not believe it spend on the poor Khmer people. I, hun Manet, a West Educator, see many unjust in Cambodia. Our family have so much money we don't even know what to do with it. My father become mentally ill and my mother is being paranoid and we are not as good as you think we do.

Power destroy family, country, and corrupt the world peace.

Father was a poor man never had such money before and does my mother. They are so greed and want to get rid of all the Khmer in that country. They want to own that country by themselves which is not going happen.

My father visited Vietnam Hanoi ... making us look like we can only live better under Hanoi's control. We have no such freedom and peace. Peace for us right now only TEMPORARY only.

Nothing is permanent in our family.

Signed...Hun Manet & Hun Mana...PP

Anonymous said...

China is a big powerful country.

But it gonna collapse, alot of changes going on in china from religion, ideaology, economic, and cultural changes.

The old minds still running the country, but the changes are too many, too enormous for the old minds.

Anonymous said...


Province of Viet Nam

Nation Religion KING..

1. You idiot khmer have no nation it is all belong to vietnam now.. we run your country and our brothers and sisters are all over your country and in every level of government.

2. You have no religion becuase look at you even your own country to betrayed look at Hun SEn- CPPP we control thme -- how can they have religion becuase soon will be vietnam province

3. KING what KING-- he can not beg us to keep him there-- so he have to bring his mother which she work for our interested with hun sen and cpp.. then his father to beg us for keep him...

what a loser race. you all should dies and wishes you will never born.. better born as vietnamese you might be a little smarter and maybe love your own kind ans country better..


more money from china is good for our vietnamese brothers and sisters
that hold every level of officials in cambodia that control cambodia.. will use this money to further control cambodia... it is us that the king of cambodia to to beg us the viet nam to keep him there.. good work hun we have more money from china

Anonymous said...

The world should show UNITY and should not China threath them like a baby.