Monday, November 22, 2010

[Thai] PM firm on Preah Vihear stance [-Hun Xen is damned to turn against Abhisit, damned to approach Abhisit]

Bangkok Post

The government opposes Cambodia's move to propose the plan to manage the area around the ancient Preah Vihear temple to the Unesco's World Heritage Committee, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said during his weekly broadcast on Sunday.

Mr Abhisit said he met Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the 4th Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) Summit, held in Phnom Penh, to discuss the Preah Vihear issues.

"I've told the Cambodian counterpart that Thailand will continue using watershed mark as the border between both countries.

"Thailand will abide by the International Court of Justice's ruling in 1962 and is against Cambodia's move to submit its management plan for the Preah Vihear to the World Heritage Committee in June next year as it could lead to more conflicts," he said.

He said the government will do its best in protecting the country's sovereignty while avoiding using violent measures.

"I ask the public to be confident that the government has no hidden agenda in this issue," the premier added.


Anonymous said...

I would suggest the two countries go back to The Hague International Court of Justice.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen does not like to follow the good advice from opposition party, even though the latter has been right from the very beginning – to let the UN handle the conflict instead of the wasteful bilateral talks.
In HS’ stubborn head to go along with the opposition party’s suggestion is to give them good credit which he has to avoid at all cost. You have to understand how does HS’ mind work? He wants the population think that he is the smartest leader in Cambodia.
His primary goal is to cling on to the power and whatever happens to the nation and the country is secondary.
HS ought to be the leader of the monkeys.

Anonymous said...

we viet nam believe Hun Sen- CPP and the last is the KING Sihanomi did a good job and a good leaders. they are working hand in hand. They are a good leaders and good followers to our instructions.

Also thanks to all our vietnamese brothers and sisters who sacrify their family to work in all level of officials in cambodia to keep it part of viet nam

Anonymous said...

i told you, cambodia, it's such a waste of time and breathe to talk with siem. or maybe cambodia is trying to exhaust all avenues before finally ask the UN security council to intervene for the sake of peace and legal framework in according to the international law, etc.

Anonymous said...

Please get the Hague International court of justice papers and print out to show Khmer,Thai people,and people of the world to see.Thai and Khmer must obey the rules of the international laws.