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Newspaper clipping courtesy of Mr. Ung Bun Heang |
20 March 1972
Nokor Thom newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Im Song Seum and Ros Serey Sothea: Kamloss Kramom Hoeu Ha (Hip boys and girls)
Im Song Seum and Ros Serey Sothea: Cham Meul Ter Phlov (Waiting to see you)
Click here to download this song (MP3)
Im Song Seum and Yith Tho: Phoumea Chak Kangkeb (Burmese hunting frogs)
Click here to download this song (MP3)
Im Song Seum and Yith Tho: Phoumea Chak Kangkeb (Burmese hunting frogs)
Click here to download this song (MP3)
Mr. Im Song Seum, one of the popular Cambodian singers, passed away on 16 March 1972 at 5:30PM at his house in Battambang city.
Mr. Im Song Seum was 29-year-old, he was the son of Mr. Im Sean and Mrs. Tan Soeun who are native of Kampong Preah commune, Sangker district, Battambang province.
He was a former student of the Preah Monivong junior high school in Battambang. He was the top contestant during the singing competition in Battambang city while he was still a student.
Later on, the ministry of Information invited him to join the ministry of Information band.
Following the 18 March 1970 event [coup d’état against then-prince Sihanouk], he joined the army battalion 13 as a first-lieutenant.
His latest songs are: My Father, Pech Nil hill, Hip boys and girls, Waiting to see you.
Mr. Im Song Seum died from stomach cancer.
Thank you very much KI Media for posting these beautiful pieces of Im Song Soeum's songs. The singers sang at my sister wedding in 1969 at restaurant LA LUNE near the Olympic sport center. I love his best songs in the '70, such as Romduol Kratie, Anouksavary Prek Eing, Phnom Preah Reaj Truop, Srey Kangork Mears...
His voice and style is unique in his own right. He's missed by many who had known him.
Thank you for sharing KI Media. Man I miss Khmer.
It was amazing to see an original source from the newspaper published back in 1972, stated that Im Song Souem died of Cancer. I remembered my father told me that Mr Im Song Souem lived not far from my house in Battambang, maybe about 500 meters. It was on the road near the river and close to the bridge, Spean Thmor Chas. Her died of electrocution, not Cancer. Khmer source is not reliable, I am not surprise.
His brother lives in USA
Thank for the wonderful song to wake up to.
Ki Media - this is the right things to share. While all of us can be seriouse and keep up with all the crazy things going on in our life, work, motherland and the world, it is nice to come to Ki media on Friday to hear these beautiful songs. All of us Koun Khmers can appreciated the sharing of what a good Khmer's nation had been and hope it could be in the future.
All of us can appreciate all the wealth of knowledge of Koun Khmers which they are belong to all of us Koun Khmers and to our nation...
Once again, thanks Ki's team
Thank for sharing! Cham Meul Ter Phlov is one of my all time oldies favorite. It brings chill to my spine..
thankful to poster of inform us and we are missing him very much of our love from deeply our soul ,
wish him to be peace and comfort of the rest of life .
i love reading about the past history of the country, famous people, etc of cambodia. please continue to share it here. thank you and god bless.
KI Media Team and Mr. Heng Soy,
Thank you very much for the sharing of Mr. Im Song Seum and Miss Ros Serey Sothea's songs.
I really miss the old days in Cambodia.
Anet Khmer
Thank you for Cham Meul Ter Phlauv"
Cha, Keu Aun Cham Meul Ter Phlauv Bong Chea Nich.. Heuy Aun Minn Del Phlcih Te Peak San-ya!
Kong paul toch lek 13, commanded by Norodom Chantaraingsey - kompong speu battle field...
Khmaov Euy Khmoav with Ros Serey sothea is also Img Song Seum's famous song. Everybody likes it. Very cute song.
Khmer source was correct about the cause of Im Song Soeum's death. It was his brother, teacher of an elementary school named Groupe Sud, who was electrocuted during the celebration day of March 18. My brother, in charge of the electric company (Usine Electrique de Battambang) was called by the governor, Mr. Sek Sam Ieth asking him questions about the incident. I want to thank KI and its team members for the works well done here in this blog. I also want to thank Mr. P for sharing beautiful songs of our famous artists in the past with good quality sound. They bring us good memories of the good old days. You are the best Mr. P. Another song of Mr. Im song Soeum that I also like is "tguay orss sankheum" ( the day of hopelessness). I wish that someone in this forum or Mr. P could share it with us. Thanks. Battambang
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