Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hun Sen talks up better relations

Anucha Charoenpo
Bangkok Post
Hun Xen in his own words:

  • I have never used diplomatic language
  • Those whom I no longer want to talk to would eventually be dismissed from their positions
  • if I am attacked, I'll get my revenge on them three-fold
Thailand and Cambodia celebrated 60 years of diplomatic relations on Monday. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen took the occasion to speak to ANUCHA CHAROENPO about ways the relations between the two countries could be improved.

Hun Sen compared the ties to "tongue and teeth", which sometimes get in each other's way but can never be separated, just as neighbouring countries cannot move away from each other.

How would you like to see relations between the two countries move on after the 60th anniversary celebration?

Relations have improved after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and I met four times over the past year and carried out bilateral efforts to solve the disputes between our two countries.

We agreed that each other's soldiers will have to do their bit to avoid confrontations.

There are several factors involved in improving relations. But what I want to see most next year is the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries at all levels, whether that means the military, the public or local officials.

As for the appointment of [former Thai prime minister] Thaksin [Shinawatra] as my economic adviser, I think that matter is in the past and the relations between the two countries are now improving.

On behalf of the Cambodian government, I will work closely with the Abhisit government. As for Thaksin, I can confirm he is still my friend.

How do you think the two countries can cooperate better?

We both must always remember that small problems can turn into huge problems, so we must learn how to solve small problems before they escalate.

Thailand and Cambodia share a border of about 800 kilometres, much of which has not been demarcated. We will have to seek ways to prevent border conflicts becoming a bigger problem.

Representatives from the two countries will meet again at the Unesco committee on world heritage in Bahrain next year to discuss a management plan for the Preah Vihear temple.

What would you like to see resolved before this meeting?

I have already discussed the matter with Prime Minister Abhisit and told my deputy prime minister, Sok An, to prepare well for talks with [Natural Resources and Environment Minister] Suwit [Khunkitti]. I don't want to see the two countries quarrelling with one another at the Unesco meeting. The best and simplest way is for us to discuss it first.

Many Thai people think you have a straightforward personality because they have often seen you reacting to the Cambodian media in a forthright manner, especially when it comes to issues regarding Thai-Cambodian relations. What type of person are you really?

This is my natural personality. I speak directly. I don't like hiding anything or using diplomatic language.

I was foreign minister when I was just 27 years old. I have been administering the country for 32 years. I have never used diplomatic language. If I have something on my mind, I won't keep it to myself. Rather, I will speak out immediately and honestly.

My subordinates know me, know what type of person I am. Those whom I no longer want to talk to would eventually be dismissed from their positions.

Also, I am not the kind of person to attack anyone first. But if I am attacked, I'll get my revenge on them three-fold.

I want to have a happy life. I don't want anyone to cause trouble in my life.

What is your message to the Thai people about Thai-Cambodian relations?

Thailand and Cambodia have long been good neighbours. I promise to help improve relations between the two countries and I thank the Thai people for their support of the Cambodian people.


Anonymous said...

with foreigners I afraid the small problem become to huge problem so i knee down, but with weak Cambodian such as people in Dei Krahom, BK lake, i am brave to kill them.

Husen Thok

Anonymous said...

We can not move the land away but Thai can move border pole further inside Cambodia at any times. What happen when you are old and have no teeth, and only allow tongue to do whatever tongue want to do. Thai and Khmer never ever be freind , watch out, and careful you will be sorry, Surin, Boreyrum... as example of tongue and teeth doctrine

Anonymous said...

Teeth and longue can be used with Khmer only but cannot be used with Thai, with Thai we use tonge without teeth and teeth without tonge, because this Thai race can not be trusted and teeth bite tongue all the times is unacceptable.

Charnna Amut kitprasorn said...

After losing hope and dream that his friend Thaksin and Red Shirt affliated party return to power,
Hun Sen realized that he could not beat younger and less experience Thai PM, Hun Sen became a lamp sheep rather big mouth tiger. Hun Sen now speaks soften tone with Thailand.
Hun Sen can still be friend with Thaksin. Thai government no desire to object that as long as Thaksin stay away from visiting anywhere in Cambodia

Anonymous said...

that's a good character to be up front and straightforward and honest in the speech and opinion as seen. god bless mr. hun sen and his family and cambodia always.

one thing i admired about mr. hun sen is that is is very intelligent, smart and articulate in his speech. he has that leadership character about him. despite his mediocre or humble beginning, he is one of cambodia's extraordinary statesmen and stateswomen, etc... god bless him and cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Sir Hun Sen và Var Kimhong Sir là người Việt Nam! Họ là những anh hùng thực cho người Việt Nam. Chúng tôi là người Việt Nam tôn trọng ông ấy rất nhiều mà họ đang thực sự yêu nước của Việt Nam. Ông sẽ làm gì để xây dựng Việt Nam là một nơi tốt hơn và quốc gia lớn hơn. Cảm ơn bạn ông Hun Sen và ông Va Kimhong bạn là người tốt nhất của tốt nhất chúng ta không bao giờ quên bạn ở tất cả trong trái tim của chúng tôi! Long sống Sir Hun Sen Và Sir Var Kimhong! Chúng tôi là Việt Nam luôn luôn hỗ trợ và sao lưu bạn.

Anonymous said... seems the above comments are pro-vietnamese and pro-hun sen..... how much are you guys paid to write all the above?