Sunday, December 05, 2010

Memorial Ceremony for the Victims of Koh Pich in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 4-5 Dec. 2010

We are praying for those who lost their lives and those who are fighting to survive after the horrific human stampede in Koh Pich in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The monks and the Cambodian Community members in Philadelphia will hold a prayer service to support the people of Cambodia at Preah Buddha Rangsey Temple located at: 2400 South 6th Street (6th and Ritner Street), Philadelphia, PA. 19148. For more information please contact: (215) 336-9545

Best Regard,
Soun Sumedh


Anonymous said...

Too much donors money kept pouring in...these family will have lexus car driving on phnom penh street...hehehe Thanks very very much$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

I think khmer people are seecho! you are right! with all money keep coming, they will buy new luxury villa and new car...

Anonymous said...

To understand weather Hun Sen uphold Khmer interests or Yuon interests it all depend on how we understand Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation to put Lao and Khmer under yuon yoke.

Anonymous said...

I keep following the good deeds through religious merits that Khmer compatriots inside and outside Cambodia have been committing for the past weeks, to pay homage to the victims if the stampede tragedy.
What disturbing me is they do not have any input to stand up for the rights of the victims, especially their rights to seek for transparency in getting justice for the victims. For example, they do not have any action to express about the situation and the way it has been handling. This can be done by some formal written expression on behalf of their organization, concerning the above.
The actions seemed to be a religious duty of following from one temple to the other all over Khmer community inside and outside Cambodia, and I see this is not enough to provide assistance and support to the victims.

It's nothing wrong to collectively and publicly write and send to the RCG to express their concern, and request what should be done concerning the tragedy in order to prevent further accident.
It would be a great respond in action, not just raising money to assist the victims and show the Buddhism ways of caring. It would also promote and foster the concept of responsibility to every individual Buddhist, that we equally have a duty seeking to invest harmony for this present living as well as the after life. And this is what BUDDHA have taught us to do.

If all the organizations can do this, it will generate a message to the Khmer community all over the world to correctly implement the Buddha's principles of caring and taking responsibilities.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

To understand Hun Sen regime we have to understand who and why they installed Hun Sen regime in 1979.

Yuon installed Hun regime in 1979 to put put Khmer and Lao under yuon yoke as part of Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

Look at CPP high ranking members :
1. Heng Samrin ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge, CPP ),
2. Chea Sim ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge, CPP ).
3. Meas Sophea ( Yuon born in Vietnam, serving as Royal Army Chief in Hun Sen regime ).
4. Hor Namhong ( former prison chief of B 32 between 1975-1979 ).
5. Chan Si ( Khmer Viet Minh ) same as Ros Samai, Sai Bouthong.
6. Pen Sovan ( former Khmer Issarak, Khmer Viet Minh, former Prime Minister of CPP)
So if we look at CPP high ranking members they all are yuon and Khmer Viet Minh and Khmer Issarak.
Note: There were many different groups of Khmer Issarak . a group led by Son Ngoc Minh or better known as Ah Char Mean the real master of CPP ( formed by late Ho Chi Mih ) that why a picture of Son Ngoc Minh is printed on Hun Sen early money ( riel ) and Heng Sarim , Chea Sim still honor Son Ngoc Minh as a father of communism. Son Ngoc Minh left Cambodia after Geneva Conference in 1954 to Hanoi, North Vietnam and stayed there till 1972 , and was transferred from Hanoi in 1972 to Chinese hospital for high blood pressure treatment and died in that hospital in the same year ( 1972 ) .don not mistaken Son Ngoc Minh and Son Ngoc Tanh ( 2 different people ) the real reasons behind these were after Son Ngoc Tanh was arrested Ho Chi Minh took this rare good opportunity to propaganda that Son Ngoc Minh was a youger brother of Son Ngoc Tanh to gain more support from Khmer Kandal and Khmer Krom people, this is one of millions dirty tricks use by Ho Chi Minh, Yuon Viet Minh, Yuon Viet Cong.
If you really understand why late Ho Chi Minh , formed Khmer Issarak, Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rom Dos, Khmer Rouge ( Groupe 2 led by So Phim the former military commander of Heng Samrin, Chea Sim between 1975-179 ) .
Understanding Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation , we will understand Hun Sen regime to kill innocent Khmer people and put Lao and Cambodia under yuon yoke.
So even Hun Sen want to uphold Khmer interests his master yuon will not allowed this to happen.
So Yuon installed Hun Sen regime in 1979 to kill Khmer and serve yuon interests.

Anonymous said...

long live viet nam

Anonymous said...

7:36 am - thank for sharing! But is this information can be verify? Is there any others documents that you could share more with all of us bloggers!


Anonymous said...

When some big tragedies in Cambodia happened,public TV Stations,Radio stations made money for themselves;but not for the victims.
The CPP suppoters abrod make money for this ocasion to them and send some to their bosses in cambodia.
Come on! Khmer people,Hun Sen and CPP are bloodsuckers of our Khmer victims.
Will you wait until Khmer state become VietcamLao Federation or what?How to help Khmer to survive in this condition?Be unified ! Be brave!Follow leadership,management,and duty.
Learn to know,understand the word UNITY quite well:sacrifice your body,your good verbal attitude,your brave heart,or some donations to the groups.
Set up into groups are very effictive.To protest,raise money,help each other,and so on...May you keep in mind.

Anonymous said...

To 6:01AM Shithead!

Hey fucker! If you don't want to donate your fucking money for the victim then shut the fuck up! Each of Cambodian life worth more than your fucken Lexus!

Anonymous said...

I believe Cambodia wouldn't have these stampede on Koh Pich which killed too many Cambodian people if AH HUN SEN officials didn't allow too many people to cross the bridge at the same time! This is the issue of overcapacity and the bridge is not meant to for pedestrian traffic but for cars! I had observed that the bridge was jam packed from end to end and there is no room for movement! I wasn’t surprise by such tragedy because of too many people are concentrated in one place and something bound to happen!
This is poor planning!

Anonymous said...

To understand Hun Sen regime we have to understand who and why they installed Hun Sen regime in 1979.

Yuon installed Hun Sen regime in 1979 to put put Khmer and Lao under yuon yoke as part of Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

Look at CPP high ranking members :
1. Heng Samrin ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge, CPP ),
2. Chea Sim ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge, CPP ).
3. Meas Sophea ( Yuon born in Vietnam, serving as Royal Army Chief in Hun Sen regime ).
4. Hor Namhong ( former prison chief of B 32 between 1975-1979 ).
5. Chan Si ( Khmer Viet Minh ) same as Ros Samai, Sai Bouthong.
6. Pen Sovan ( former Khmer Issarak, Khmer Viet Minh, former Prime Minister of CPP)
So if we look at CPP high ranking members they all are yuon and Khmer Viet Minh and Khmer Issarak.
Note: There were many different groups of Khmer Issarak . a group led by Son Ngoc Minh or better known as Ah Char Mean the real master of CPP ( formed by late Ho Chi Mih ) that why a picture of Son Ngoc Minh is printed on Hun Sen early money ( riel ) and Heng Sarim , Chea Sim still honor Son Ngoc Minh as a father of communism. Son Ngoc Minh left Cambodia after Geneva Conference in 1954 to Hanoi, North Vietnam and stayed there till 1972 , and was transferred from Hanoi in 1972 to Chinese hospital for high blood pressure treatment and died in that hospital in the same year ( 1972 ) .don not mistaken Son Ngoc Minh and Son Ngoc Tanh ( 2 different people ) the real reasons behind these were after Son Ngoc Tanh was arrested Ho Chi Minh took this rare good opportunity to propaganda that Son Ngoc Minh was a youger brother of Son Ngoc Tanh to gain more support from Khmer Kandal and Khmer Krom people, this is one of millions dirty tricks used by Ho Chi Minh, Yuon Viet Minh, Yuon Viet Cong.
If you really understand why late Ho Chi Minh , formed Khmer Issarak, Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rom Dos, Khmer Rouge ( Groupe 2 led by So Phim the former military commander of Heng Samrin, Chea Sim between 1975-179 ) .
Understanding Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation , we will understand Hun Sen regime to kill innocent Khmer people and put Lao and Cambodia under yuon yoke.
So even Hun Sen want to uphold Khmer interests his master yuon will not allowed this to happen.
So Yuon installed Hun Sen regime in 1979 to kill Khmer and serve yuon interests.

Anonymous said...

To 8:02 AM , Thank you for your positive recommendation I will see you on this blogs with different comment about our poor country.

Khmer love Khmer.

ជនពាល said...

វាប្រពៃហើយ ដែលនាំគ្នាធ្វើបុណ្យបង្សុកូល ឧទ្ទិសកុសលដល់ជនរងគ្រោះដែលបាត់បង់ជីវិត
​ដោយរឿងឧប្បទ្ទវហេតុនៅស្ពានពេជ្រនោះ ។ តែក្នុងសំបុត្រអញ្ចើញនេះ មានអាថ៌កំបាំងបន្តិច ! ព្រោះថា ដូចជាមិនបាននិយាយបាន
អោយច្បាស់លាស់ អំពីគោលដៅនៃប្រាក់កាស ដែលនឹងទទួលបាន ពីពុទ្ធបរិស័ទទាំងឡាយ​ក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យនោះ ។ តើគណកម្មការវត្ត នឹងយកប្រាក់បូជាទាំងនោះ
ទៅទីណា? ! ផ្ញើទៅជួយក្រុមគ្រួសារជនរងគ្រោះនៅឯកម្ពុជា ឬ សម្រាប់ឧបត្ថម្ភវត្តពុទ្ធរង្សីហ្នុង ?

Anonymous said...

10:07 am - Khmer love Khmer

Cambodian people is not only poor materially, but also intellectually. There is of a few in between of intellectual that are willing to speak the true for their nation with Khmers' spirit, thus, only the true will begain to build our trust for each others and hope that true will unite us to fight for the comment good.

OK Khmer love Khmer, I'm looking forward to read you in commen space,



Anonymous said...

រឿងច្របូកប្របល់មិនស្គាល់ដូចច្នេះ?ព្រះពុទ្ឋលោកប្រដៅថា ការច្របូកច្របល មិនមែនជាមង្គលទេ

Anonymous said...

I'm suggesting that the HUN SEN government should errect a marble wall like this to commemorate them.

Anonymous said...

I think Khmers should stop raising money. Government has enough money for the victimes. Condolences are more than enough.

Push the govenment to let the poor people to have free care in Cambodia. This is the best activity.
Khmer in USA

Anonymous said...

ជាផ្លូវការ រដ្ធាភិបាលប្រកាសអ្នកស្លាប់មានចំនួន
៣៥១ នាក់ ឫ ៣៥៣ នាក់ថ្មីៗនេះ។
ហេតុអ្វី គណៈកម្មការវត្តនេះធ្វើបុណ្យអោយអ្នក
ស្លាប់ដល់ទៅ ៤៥៦ នាក់? បើគេធ្វើបុណ្យសំរាប់
អ្នកដែលមិនទាន់ស្លាប់ ដោយចេតនាមិនល្អ គេអាចទទួលវាសនាអាក្រក់ជាមិនខាន។