Monday, January 10, 2011

Cambodian man shot dead after allegedly killing brother, 3 children

Mon, 10 Jan 2011

Phnom Penh - A Cambodian man allegedly murdered three children and his brother in the country's remote north-east before police shot and killed him, local media reported Monday.

The incident began early Sunday when Kheng Kry, 32, allegedly stabbed his brother to death at a village in Ratanakkiri province, which borders Laos.

He then fled to a nearby village where he was accused of murdering the three children, ages 3 to 8, and stabbing three other people who tried to prevent the attacks.

District Governor Sak Srun said that after the first murder, police had requested permission to use force against the suspect but the request was refused.

"They tried to arrest the murderer, but they couldn't because it was too dark, which allowed him to run away and kill three more people," Sak Srun told the Phnom Penh Post newspaper.

The authorities later gave permission for lethal force.

The motive for the rampage was not known, but a human rights investigator in the province said one theory was that Kheng Kry had suffered an adverse reaction to malaria medication.


Anonymous said...

To all Ki team and SRP company member, shall we looke to the futur and visaulize to see our SRP company, do we have any hope or believe that our leader Sam rainsy will he be tough, strict and discipline enought to lead us to victory?. Sofar was Mr. sam rainsy absolutely thinking, actting and fighting for Khmer against Yourn?. Was he Rainsy talk and act heart to heart to remove Hun sen for the reunited Khmer and absolutely willing to help to serv to die for Khmer?. now is time, for us clearly see Rainsy he go to Viet border right at the time whild Thai waging war to kill us he intentioaly stope veit from helping us, he is kbot jeat
MR.Sam sarry left tone of money for Rainsy, he lived tope wealthy in Franch since he was very, very young, His father was Kbot jeat, Japan kick this ganster out, Rainsy got good education, he use to be a finance mister 1993 to 1994 and we knew at that time was the worst of the year that Cambodia export to the maximum of logging Rainsy he provid licent to cut the trees, and he Rainsy order million of passport that out of date we can't used it, He Rainsy appointed tax collector with huge sume of moneys in exchangs for the possitions, Now we clearly see Rainsy was badly, badly corrupt.
He lead mass demonstration in 1998, he lead hundreds more demonstration a gainst Garment factories, 73 was closed with in a years later, He call on international to stope donation to the hunger Cambodians, Now we all absolutely understand Sam rainsy is using dirty trick to stope Khmer from growing,he make Khmer weaker, weaker and weaker then he will creat anarchy in our society for the people to hate our leader, he tried his best to make Khmer poore, poore and poore.
Mr. SRP company cheat alote of money from us, it never enough for him, He Rainsy family will do everythings posible to be supper wealthy, and gain power to control all Khmer, was Rainsy familly are pure Khmer? did he care about khmer or money and power?. thousand of Khmer are much smarter than Rainsy why we need him, and if rainsy he realy, realy love Khmer why not share his Talent now why wait, and is he alone strong enougth to dealt with Veit, if not why he saparrete Kmher???. Mike

Anonymous said...


You are really full of shit!

Why are you worried about Mr. Sam who is not even in power and currently he is not in the country?

You should be worried about Mr. Hun Sen and his policies?

Definitely you have a hidden agenda.

Why do you worry about a small ant which is trying to put the forest in order when your big elephant is destroying the whole forest?