Monday, January 10, 2011

Maid shortage worsens with Cambodia running low [-Who would want to be M'sian maid and be abused?]

Monday January 10, 2011
The Star (Malaysia)

PETALING JAYA: Some 35,000 families are being forced to do a “huge balancing act” as the shortage of foreign maids turns critical with supply dwindling down to a trickle.

To add to the problem of Indonesia’s moratorium on maids, Cambodia is also facing difficulty in sending domestic helpers aged above 21.

Malaysian Association of Foreign Maid Agencies is urging the Government to seriously attend to this pressing matter and consider lowering the age limit of foreign maids to allow more maids in from Cambodia.

Parents are sacrificing quality time with their children as weekends are used to complete household chores.

Freelance agents are cashing in on the situation to offer “informal” ways of providing domestic help, including getting Indonesian maids into the country despite the freeze by the Indonesian government.


Anonymous said...

Are those Malaysian that lazy to do their own chores? 1 hour a day is enough to get everything done little by little gosh.

Anonymous said...

Rainsy he kick Veit away durring thai waging war, good boy that the thai said!Hunsen is Khmer, kem sokha is khmer, Sam riansy hu not khmer he is chines why you fight against your own peolpe. reunited, if rainsy he got talent why not help now why wait, he want power first then he help khmer later why he do so, Sam rainsy just nobody, we have thousand Khmer people got PHD much better, better and better than Sam rainsy. Anyway Sam rainsy have no leadership skile he was very weak you now know it right?. do you absulutely understand how mess SRP was, Sam rainsy always street wilds beast act to divide us Khmer you know that. Mike

Anonymous said...

Sam raisy is a man of no future, SRP company cheat alot of our money, now can't you denied this?Rainsy he kick Veit away durring thai waging war, good boy that the thai said!Hunsen is Khmer, kem sokha is khmer, Sam riansy hu not khmer he is chines why you fight against your own peolpe. reunited, if rainsy he got talent why not help now why wait, he want power first then he help khmer later why he do so, Sam rainsy just nobody, we have thousand Khmer people got PHD much better, better and better than Sam rainsy. Anyway Sam rainsy have no leadership skile he was very weak you now know it right?. do you absulutely understand how mess SRP was,Sam Sarry gangster and Sam rainsy always street wilds beast act to divide us Khmer you know that. Mike