Monday, January 10, 2011

[Thai] PM on detainees : other issues can wait

January 10, 2011
The Nation
Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Abhisit should show responsibility by stepping down if the seven were jailed.
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday dodged a question on whether he would call his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen, only reiterating that he would ensure repatriation of the seven Thais accused of straying into Bantaey Meanchey, opposite Sa Kaew.

"I want to bring back the seven now and all other issues will be dealt with at a later date," he said in reference to the border dispute and the jurisdiction about land where the seven were detained last month.

The seven, including Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth, were due to appear again today at Phnom Penh Court of First Instance, he said.

The villagers living in the disputed zone between border monuments 46-48 had petitioned him to address their plight and he would decide his next move at an appropriate time.

The villagers and he had shared the same information about the contested boundary, he said.

A team of seven lawyers, led by former senator Karun Saingam, flew to Phnom Penh to assist the seven held in custody there.

Chaiwat Sinsuwong, leader of the Patriotic Thais Group, said Karun was expected to meet and discuss the case with yellow-shirt sympathiser Veera Somkwamkid ahead of his court appearance today.

Chaiwat confirmed his group would continue to rally at Government House until the seven Thais return home.

The People's Alliance for Democracy issued a statement condemning the government for not taking proper retaliatory measures after Cambodian forces arrested the seven in what it sees as Thai territory. It blamed the PM for "failing to uphold sovereign integrity" and called on the government to apply pressure for an unconditional release of the seven.

Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said Abhisit should show responsibility by stepping down if the seven were jailed.


Anonymous said...

Rainsy he kick Veit away durring thai waging war, good boy that the thai said!Hunsen is Khmer, kem sokha is khmer, Sam riansy hu not khmer he is chines why you fight against your own peolpe. reunited, if rainsy he got talent why not help know why wait, he want power first then he help khmer later why he do so, Sam rainsy just nobody, we have thousand Khmer people got PHD much better, better and better than Sam rainsy. Anyway Sam rainsy have no leadership skile he was very weak you now know it right?. do you absulutely understand how mess SRP was, Sam rainsy always street wilds beast act to divide us Khmer you know that. Mike

Anonymous said...

Sam raisy is a man of no future, SRP company cheat alot of our money, now can't you denied this?Rainsy he kick Veit away durring thai waging war, good boy that the thai said!Hunsen is Khmer, kem sokha is khmer, Sam riansy hu not khmer he is chines why you fight against your own peolpe. reunited, if rainsy he got talent why not help now why wait, he want power first then he help khmer later why he do so, Sam rainsy just nobody, we have thousand Khmer people got PHD much better, better and better than Sam rainsy. Anyway Sam rainsy have no leadership skile he was very weak you now know it right?. do you absulutely understand how mess SRP was,Sam Sarry gangster and Sam rainsy always street wilds beast act to divide us Khmer you know that. Mike

Anonymous said...

why pourk A kbot khmer kloun eang keep talking about SOMREANGSY... he didn't give any khmer land to YOUN or any other nation... AND WHY THE hell you gice credit to POURK a KBOT hunsen and the party...???

go to the point you IDIOT...!!!




Anonymous said...

The Cambodian troops should have shot to killed some and arrested the rest. According to Kasit Crossing the line is not a serious crime but the Thai every day kill Cambodian people crossing the line! Next time please kill some and arrest all and then negotiate later.

Anonymous said...

of course, cambodian soldiers will learn from siem sooner or later if they keep up with shooting at our khmer civilian without the use of law, etc! it's just a matter of time, really! they will have a rude awakening when khmer started to do the same to their illegals, you know! so, siem can choose to be stupid like that!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the Siamese trick, that Siames do not want to solve the border problem by peaceful mean they are looking for many other strategy to provok Khmer by using force, that the way they have been created for what they want to occupy more Khmer land.

Anonymous said...

Any country need oppisiton party to keep democracy in place. We can not have right hand and left hand. About
7 Thai MP in Cambodia, Thai government
must do the work, Cambodian just sit
and watch them is more fun!!!fun!!!fun!!! and someone in Thai present gov. will loss job.

Anonymous said...

there are khmers who like a dictator like hun sen. that's why youns can do any thing they want without resistance.

the thai government cares so much about its own people.

what does hun sen care about? his people? no! his power? yes! his boss, youns? yes!

Many khmers support january 7th. I agree. But we can't hun sen and youns to kill khmers any more.

Some khmer mentality: If someone help or rescue them, they will pay gratitute toward that person for the rest of their life. This is dangerous like the case of youns who helped (invaded) khmers and colonize them at the same time.

It is time to liberate Cambodia from Youn regardless of what of the meaning of January 7th.

Sometimes I feel so sorry for hun sen, chea sim, and heng samrin (raised in tghe wild) because they know nothing and thought that what they have been doing is right for Cambodians.

For the oppositions. they need to put their act together if they want to help Khmers.

For royal families. most of they are stupid.

For the khmer people. they should think seriously about their future. They should not be fooled by MSG, sarong, food from the hun sen clans.

Anonymous said...

shut up! siem care about their illegal, lawbreaking citizens, what does that say about their officials, they all criminals, if you ask me, because good citizens don't support the criminals, you know!

Anonymous said...

Thai Gorvt Jump up and down to find justice for the only 7thai who have been arrested.
now year 2011 still So many lifes were shoot and killed withoutarm by thai army.Where is the justice.
What is go around will come around. To gain popularity of their politic, they used khmer lifes as toy .Must be stopped .

Trouble with thai ,youn have more chance spread their power in Cambodia.Only their export last year(Billions $) N.2 into Cambodia biside of the other 7 countries.We export to them only afew million ,They have chance to steal cambodian land.

We all khmer must remember.Even king sihanouk used to call
them(Ar Satt Krorpeu)

We want good friend and neirghbour.
But not evil neighbour.


Anonymous said...

11:47 AM
You are a wise man and so cleaver. Please come and free us Khmer people from Hun Sen Regime.
Or you have only the courage on this internet ?
In reality, you want the power and are the first looking for other "youn or siem" supports.

Anonymous said...

11:47 AM
Totally agree with you there, the opposition should act together and all the Khmer people should fight for what they want for their future.

Look at the Thai red shirt they fight for what they want and why don't we the Cambodian fight for what we want for our future??

Do we want to see the foreigner to occupy our land and country ??
Do we want our Cambodian children have nothing to eat because they took our land away from us??
Will we the Cambodian have a future if everything is own by the foreigner, the riches and the high ranking official and we are the poor don't even have a place to live.

So why don't we all fight for it???

Anonymous said...

1:43 PM

You are wrong, no body can help us only we can help ourselves. Look at the Thai red and yellow shirt, they fight for what they want.

Why don't we the Cambodian fight for what we want??

Everyone is scare some time, but some time we have to put that scare away and fight to be able to survive.

our future is in our hand.

by the way am not 11:47 AM.

Anonymous said...

khun Abhist V. asked Hun Sen If you want to sleep with me pay me fisrt, l dont trust you.We make a deal....Ok?

Anonymous said...

I'm 11:47 am--

I respect all of the opinions posted here. thanks.

I wish I can help liberate our Khmer people. I'm just like many of the posters who can only express their opinions.

I know that the Cambodian issue is very sensitive. Many Khmers I know dare not to say anything to avoid criticism because we are widely split up.

For me I don't mind getting critized or blamed, I think it's great to hear different voices and perspectives so I won't be brainwashed by one source of information.