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Op-Ed by Justin Sok
The world was made to believe that the Cold War was in a rearview mirror. In fact, the Cold War was dormant but now it has transformed its image and political strategy. It is once again, at a stretch, permeating in the Southeast Asia region. Southeast Asia has been a Red region. It is a conglomeration of nations like the People’s Republic of China and her allies - North Korea, Myanmar, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and her political satellite states - Laos, the Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Khmer Kampuchea Krom. The Kingdom of Thailand is the only nation situated in the epicenter of the Reds, which has continued to get support from the west and other countries in Europe. The magnetic force is starting to pull. The collective political objective of the Reds in this region was to enlist the Kingdom of Thailand as their new member. The Reds will no longer tolerate the Kingdom of Thailand to exercise her free will. The Kingdom of Thailand has to make a choice!
The recent skirmish between the two Kingdoms (Cambodia and Thailand) that the public had initially perceived that PM Hun Sen, who has political ambition to pave the political platform for his son, Hun Manet, to be the next Prime Minister, was merely a speculation. However, the ultra political agenda that was hidden behind the Reds’ curtain, which has led to the recent clash between the two Kingdoms still, is (1) the geopolitical expansion strategy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, “keep on stoking the fire,” and that (2) Southeast Asia region has been and will always be the playground of the great Dragon.
The recent tension between the two Kingdoms has also given the Reds an opportunity to refocusing and zeroing in on their geopolitical landscape in that region. It is speculated that the Reds would continue fanning the flame to embroil the two Kingdoms into an inferno. Dishonorably, the Reds have indirectly chosen to navigate their geopolitical strategy. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is currently balancing her feet into two boats - mesmerizing the west, attempting to obtain the American dollars and resources, while at the same time, domesticating the great Dragon for support. The People’s Republic of China, on the other hand, has severely impacted the world’s economy. Her patron has always been the west, who owes her billions of dollars in debt. The Reds have continued to employ the Kingdom of Cambodia and molding her as their political tool to create political and economical instability in the region. While the Kingdom of Thailand had her own internal political conflicts, the Reds have taken an opportunity to exploit the situations and prodded the two Kingdoms to ignite a fire. Their political intention, subsequently, has been pulling the Kingdom of Thailand into their fire pit. The Reds would have anxiously anticipated seeing how the west would react.
If the war were going to continue on, as the Reds would like to have happen, it would be the "Winner take all," in this region. If the western world were going to succeed in their quest of planting their seeds of democracy in this region, it needs the People’s Power. It would be the end of all Communism in this region. However, if the Reds’ flag is going to continue to flourish, and fluttering spreading across the region, it would be another iron curtain, and the Kingdom of Cambodia, as it has always been, would be a very unfortunate nation.
The recent political conflict between the two Kingdoms has turned the tables on the Kingdom of Thailand. To put an end to this fire and preventing from propagating, the two Kingdoms would have to extend to one another, an olive branch, and initiate diplomatic negotiations. It would be more so, on the “bilateral” terms agreement. Whatever political strategy the two Kingdoms would implement to effectively resolve this conflict peacefully, they must put an end to this fire. Ending this political conflict, will insure that it would benefit for both Kingdoms and their people and it will create healthy political climate and economical stability in the region. In addition, the two Kingdoms would have more opportunity for the diplomatic ties to the west and EU. If the diplomatic negotiations fail, the UN and the international community would have to be the scarecrow, aggressively and decisively mediate and monitor the conflict between the two Kingdoms.
Was it logical for the Commander in Chiefs from both Kingdoms to put their people and countries at risk and to fashion their political strategy to justify their war because of the following reason(s): 1) the 4.6 km/1.8 sq. miles, 2) strut of their national credibility and competence for the next general election, 3) the two Thai prisoners, and 4) any or all of the above reasons?
Thank you.
Justin C. Sok
February 23, 2011
"There's nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so". Cambodian people are not weak but have a slavish thinking ever since.
សេចក្តីសម្ភាស សុយ សុភាព នឹង សម្តច ស៊ីជោ
សុភាព=សម្តេច ចាប់ពីពេលដែលគេបានបិទ ខេអាយមក ខ្ញុំត្រេកអរណាស់ តើនោះវាយ៉ាងណា?
ស៊ីជោ=អើ កូនចៅអាញ់ វាចង់ការពារអាញ់ហ្នឹងណា ជាពិសែសគឺកូនចៅរបស់ចៅហ្វាយអាញ់ដែលជាម្ចាស់ អាំងទើណិតនោះឯង តែអាញ់អត់បានបញ្ជាទេ ឯងឃើញ
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច បើសម្តេចបិទ ខេអាយចោល
ទៀតទេក្នុងស្រុកយើង ព្រោះ កូនចៃខេអាយនេះ វាធ្វើឱ្យសម្តេចឱ្យដេកមិនលក់មែន ហើយវាមិនដែលលើកពីរឿងការរីកចម្រើនមកនិយាយម្តងណាឡើយ មានទេ សម្តេចអាជោ?
ស៊ីជោ=អើ ស្រុកយើងរីកចម្រើនមែនគឺដោយ គេជួយធ្វើផ្លូវខ្វាត់ខ្វែង គេជួយធ្វើស្ពានរាប់មិនអស់ ហើយកុំអីស្ពាននាក់លឿងគេធ្វើរួចតាំងពីយូរមក ម្លេះ តែដោយវាមិនព្រមឱ្យថ្លៃទឹកតែមកអាញ់ បានជាអាញ់មិនព្រមចុះហត្ថលេខាឱ្យធ្វើ តែវាមានគេចរួចឯណាឃើញទេ តើវាចង់ធ្វើវាត្រូវតែអញ្ចឹង។
សុភាព=អូអញ្ចឹងទេ សម្តេច មុនគេជួយក៏សាងអ្វីមួយ
ទាល់តែបង់កុម្មីស្សុង ទើបសម្តេចអនុញ្ញាតិឱ្យធ្វើ មែនឬ?
ស៊ីជោ=អើ គឺហៅថាតាក់ឮ ហ្វី ណា បានគេព្រមឱ្យ
ហើយឯងឃើញទេដូចជាសាលារៀនជាង ២០០០ ពាន់ខ្នង សឹងតែឈ្មោះ ហុន សែននឹង ប៊ុន រ៉ានី ទាំងអស់ គឺអាញ់ដាក់ឈ្មោះច្រើនជាងសម្តេចឪរាប់សឹបដងទៅទៀត តែពួកប្រឆាំងមើលមិនឃើញទេ អាញ់ខ្វាក់ម្ខាងមើល
ឃើញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ តែពួកវាអត់ខ្វាក់បែរជាមើល
មិនឃើញ អាជោអាញ់វាហួសចិត្ត។
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច សាលាទាំងអស់គ្រាន់តែ សម្តេច ជោចង្អុលទៅឧកញ៉ាអស់នោះគេធ្វើឱ្យភ្លាម
ហើយដាក់ឈ្មោះសម្តេចទៀតផង បើសម្តេចជោចង្អុលម្តងទៀតប្រហែលឡើងជាង
៤០០០ហើយ នោះពិតជាកូនយួនដែលមកថ្មីៗ មិនអត់សាលារៀនទេណាសម្តេចជោ។ ចុះសម្តេចខ្ញុំឃើញគេចាប់តែមេពូលីសខាងស ខេង អញ្ចឹង?
ស៊ីជោ=អើពួកហ្នឹងសុទ្ធតែប្រព្រឹត្តអំពើពុករលួយ វាខុស
ច្បាប់ បំពានរំលោភ គៃប្រវ៉ាញ់ យកមានតែឯង មើលយើងចុះ ធ្វើជាស្តេចតេចោ ២៦ឆ្នាំហើយ គ្មានអ្វីទេ
មានតែកូនផ្ទះតូចពីរទេ គឺមួយនៅក្បែរវិមានឯករាជ្យ នឹងមួយទៀតនៅទួលក្រសាំងប៉ុណ្ណោះ ចំណែកប្រាក់នៅ អេ ស៊ី លី ដា មិនមែនរបស់ខ្ញុំទាំងអស់ទេ គឺសុខអាន នឹងខ្ញុំចូលគ្នា តែមិនតិចជាង សាដាំហ៊ូសេន ឯណា ។
សុភាព=បានជាខ្ញុំហៅសម្តេចតេចោ ព្រោះបងប្អូនដឹងហើយ តើគាត់មានរាបប៊ីលល្យុងមកពីអ្វី
ឯចំពោះស៊ីជោ មកពីស្តេចជោស៊ីហនុ គាត់ហៅ ហុន សែន ថា អាជោហុន សែន រួចគាត់ហៅត្រង់ទៅវាមិនកើត
ខ្លាចអាជោវាខឹង រួចគាត់ដាក់ថាដែកជោហុន សែនទៅ
ហុន សែនមិនដឹងក៏ជោសប្បាយរហូតមក ព្រោះបងប្អូន
ឃើញស្រាប់ អាជោចង់ឱ្យគេអួតសរសើររហូត បើបទ
ចម្រៀងសុំខ្មាស់ សុទ្ធតែឈ្មោះគាត់ ប្រពន្ធគាត់ ឥឡូវដល់
កូនគាត់ទៀត មេទាហាននៅជួរមុខគ្មានមួយទេ គឺ ០ តែ
ហុន ម៉ានេត ទើបឡើងសោះបាន ជានាក់ពូខ្លាំងពូកែ
កុំខឹងណា ស្រីឍឹក ដារា នឹងនាក់តសូការពារទឹកដីនៅជួរ
មុខទាំងអស់ ហូបមីទៅ ព្រោះឩកញ៉ាទិញមីយកទៅវាមើលឃើញច្រើនហើយវា
អស់ប្រាក់តិច ។តស៊ូទៅគង់តែបានល្បីទេ តែដល់ស្លាប់
គេអត់បានប្រាប់ឱ្យគេដឹងផង តែគេច្បាស់ណាស់ចំនួនខាងសៀមស្លាប់ ប្រហែល
ហុន ម៉ានេត នាក់រាប់ហើយ។
Why do Kos Trol, sea and lands proximately over 10 000 km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty? Why don’t Cambodia goverment transparencies explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 and what's about over 10 000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Kos Trol, Sea and lands over 10 000km2 have been lost to Vietnam by who treaty at 1979 to 1985 treaty! Treaty! Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protect a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group rather in the real name of protecting Khmer nation?
Cambodian army at front line suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition, their families have no health care help, no securities after they die but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning with young girls message, have super health care from oversea medical treatment, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make Cambodian people suffer everyday as Cambodian people know already.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that result lost over 10 000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why don't they transparency inform all Cambodian and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't include Kos Trol (Kos Trol size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapoor with heap of great natural resources) in education system in Cambodia.
Look at Hun Sen families, relatives; friends are billionaires, millionaires where do they get the money from if we all just get out of war with empty hands? Hun Sen always say in his speech Cambodia just get up from war, just get up from Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% innocent Cambodian people are so poor struggling with living every day.
Smart Khmer girl Ms. Rattana Keo,
If you don't like simple please don't read. Thanks
toch si toch Thom si Thom met kom chro kith oy chbas pi roung si ,this is group sdech chou
What happened to the website: http://www.khmernews.com is no longer there. Was there the CPP ruling party government under HUN SEN and HUN SEN Vietnamese high rank members (like Sok Ann, Sok Kong, Hor Nambong, and you name it) block this website?
“There’s nothing good or bad but thinking makes it worse.”
A. There is nothing good or bad about the thinking itself. However, if a man knew how to use his “critical thinking,” he would have become a wise man.
B. It took Vietnam 2 weeks to ousted the Communists regime in Cambodia. It took 2 weeks because of NOT the war itself, but because of the poor infrastructures in Cambodia and to secure the areas. There were less than 10 thousands of the Pol Pot Communists army to fight with and they were all weak and hungry. AND THE POL POT COMMUNISTS DID NOT RECEIVE ANY SUPPORT FROM ANY COUNTRY - CHINA HAD MADE SOME NOISES BUT DID NOT COME ON TIME (and that was the politic of Yuon that has always have an advantage over Cambodia. They walked 30 years ahead of Cambodia). Now with your “critical thinking,” if Cambodia and Siam were at each other’s throat, AND CAMBODIA HAD NO ANY BACK SUPPORT, how long would it take Siam to run Cambodia over? Sihanouk was and still is a tadpole in the well. Always make noises but nothing of importance!
C. I agree with the author when he post the question at the end. Was it worth to go to war with the reasons listed? The two leaders had thought about it and had already went at each other’s. If they chose war because of the reasons listed, then obviously, they did not use their critical thinking, their “naked thinking” had made it worse. IF YOU WERE A PRIME MINISTER OF YOUR COUNTRY, WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE OF THE REASON(S) LISTED? Remember, Yuon would never going to leave Cambodia alone. Yuon would never want to put on her break, at least for now. Yuon’s philosophy is to “win or die trying!”
D. Cambodia, no matter how worse the situation may be, she needs to stand on her own ground. HER PEOPLE WOULD HAVE STOOD UP FOR HER IF THE LEADER USED HIS CRITICAL THINKING!
Good insight into the influence of the red dragon from the east, and north. Cambodia is once again the battle ground between authoritarian and democracy.
To be sure, current Thai government is not exactly what you'd call democratic. Abhisit is militarily installed. Thailand is looking similar like a failed state.
One thing the Thai military failed to realize is that they are not fighting just the Kingdom of Cambodia, but the red dragons (big and small) that is supporting Cambodia. Is it any wonder Hun Sen does not flinch with the bigger Thai military?
I'm willing to bet the PADThai, and warmongering Thai military never thought through the opponent they are picking a fight with.
It is not inconceivable Thailand may fall into the "Red" group after the king is no longer around.
8:28 PM,
I agree with you. If the thai picked the fight with cambodia, thailand will be in trouble - not that cambodia would have any big infliction on thailand but she has to becareful with those reds. another thing is that, the geographical area makes it difficult for thailand to get help her friends.
IT is not a cold war. It is the war of aggression which is committed by Abhisit to so call-please his group, yellow shirt.
This is the Abhisit's game to stay in power.
When latest fighting erupted I was inside Cambodia. I know a person whose brother is in charge of a unit involved in the fighting.
I was told that the Thai was taken by surprise the accuracy of the Cambodian artillery, and the damage it inflict on the Thai side.
Apparently, some of the technology the Cambodian soldiers were using are secretly provided by the red.
It is generally believed if and when the Cambodian soldiers get weakened, the red will move in.
The Thai have no clue what is going on inside Cambodia because the the Thai are too intoxicated with nationalistic pride.
Yea some you are right. It have to start by ours own Khmer people. We the Khmer people have to standup for ourself and built ours country. Ours Government is useless right now.
8:50 PM,
supposedly what you said is true. Don't you think it is stupid to choose war with Cambodia because of whatever the red or yellow shirts?
What the yuon did to khmer during the 50's, 60's, 70's, and now is the same what they are doing with the red and yellow shirts. The yuon knows how to do their politics!
I'm not being paranoid about Yuon here, but it is the fact of life, and it is very sad for khmer.
Nixon and Henry Kissinger's once planned to make Vietnam country to be a parking lot. They had held back.
If the Ahbisit is smart, he would need to deal with the reds, and not the 4.6 km with the khmer. he knew that he is not going to get that 4.6 km because khmer has all the legal docs to prove it.
sam rainsy had refused to go back to cambodia to face his court battle. he had avoided fighting with khmer and khmer. but he stated that if he chose to go to court, he would go to court in hanoi, because hanoi made a demand to the phnom penh govt. to bring sam rainsy to court. do you get the point?
It is the Yuon that the world has to deal with!
Thai Gov. forgot that Cambodia, Viet Nam and Laos just signed a SECURITY pack TREATY recently.
No body know the detail of the treaty.
But, there is no question about it that it was about helping each other out in case of protecting their country from outside invasion.
It was a good move for Cambodia to survive.
I know that most of Cambodian Leaders didn't want to do this but what kind of a choice do they have ???
Thailand doesn't want Cambodia to be an equal partner. Cambodian know that the logical way for Cambodian is to be friend with Thailand because Thai and Cambodian have too many similarity.
But what can you do if some one doesn't want to be friend with you ?????? Thai treat Cambodian like a step child.
There are many Khmere in Viet Nam, so Viet Nam need Cambodia for security purposes.
There are many Khmere in Thailand too, but Thailand think that their strong military will take care their security issue.
All Khmere in these both countries can cost a lot of trouble and stability if they want it to, but so far they are in checked !!!!!!
Who know, maybe ONE day they might decide to RISE UP !!!!!!!!
On the ways we walk have problem now ,we must be find new way better old way is white revolution
in the word if one state or one country no justice in society ,the state or country must be fluctuation but sooner or later however the leader strong or weak
I'm so glad to see all of the great discussion and input here. They are all insightful and analytical. Great! No profanity and hatred. Ways to go folks and thank you.
My beloved 8:21PM!
Ye sounded so exclusively confident in your concrete acknowledgement that Youn easily invaded us only taking two weeks, but in the reality it's too fast my beloved friend!
I am an illiterate man, but I was hellishly living through the Killingfield. Yes, indeed, it simply took only two weeks to reach Phnom Pehn, but not entirely country. Otherwise Youn would be saved all the Eastern People who abruptively sent by Pol Pot to Pursat and Battambang provinces to die. The truth of story was, after taking over Phnom Pehn, Youn just intelligently stationed there. It took almost the whole year to capture the entire country!
kon kmeng naek srae
of course in nature, the big animals eat the smaller ones. but again, human beings are not supposed to act like animals. in fact that's what distinguish human from animal, unless those humans wants to act like animals which is sort of like ignorant to me, really! imagine without law on the planet, people would be killing each other right and left, etc! so, respect the law, ok!
Ms Rattana keo,
I think you should forget about Kos Trol at this moment, but you should fight for a space at Prek Thnot to cure yourself from mental problem. You are about to have a complete brain damage if you are keeping post your stupid comment over again and again.
Please find below a good post by someone on a list of softwares to unblock websites. I hope people in Cambodia find it's helpful.
Anonymous said...
There are heaps of tunneling services you can use to access blocked websites or applications. Essentially by using their services your internet connections are redirected to their servers with no restrictions. Some are completely free to use, some are free with limited time usage and bandwidth cap. You can learn how o use them in details along with descriptive pictures in the “unblock sites” category of this humble blog. Bellow are some of the best services to access blocked web sites and applications.
“FreeGate” is an anti-censorship software to bypass firewall and bypass internet filters that was developed and maintained by Dynamic Internet Technology Inc. (DIT: www.dit-inc.us),
“UltraSurf” is the tunneling software product from UltraReach Internet Corp. for .UltraSurf is claimed by its developers as a breakthrough that has cope with the deficiencies of previous generations of proxy techniques.
“GPass” is a highly sophisticated software that can encrypt while you’re online , hide your IP address, and bypass internet censorship and webblocker and employing a number of secure channels to connect to the Internet and bypass cencorship . The software is free for individual use within designated countries where Internet censorship is place. This application is developed by mostly Falun Gong followers, a banned spiritual sect in China to promote internet freedom for those restricted by government internet censorship.
10:20 PM
cambodia like to eat fish, we eat all kind of fish, big or small, you know!
some people even eat dogs too, but not cambodian people, you know!
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