Tuesday, March 01, 2011

"Bet Tvear Vai Chhkae" a Poem in Khmer by Sék Serei


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, you are cowards madness man, and you work very hards to destroy khmer, you work for thai for youn, and for idiot Ho Chi Minh, if you master in builing Cambodia you don't have time to improve yourself for better life, you see yourself clearly stupid ayourn tools, why you born to be cheap and wild beast shit heads? what you got so far? hunsen got stupid, people poore than yYourn that live in Cambodia, Hun Sen never keep an eye on you, your wife and your children hate you, what kind of stupid person are you? what is your objective, you are very madness man Hun Sen, if you spend time look at Khmer people who suffer , or show the real democracy in the west to khmer, you may got million of people they better understanding civilization, and all thank to you. I sugest you hun Senyto please looke at rainsy carefully you will find out how rainsy work hards to unite khmer against thai thuge, and Yourn double agent, in millitary rule he should be beheaded, traitor... for how many time you preach negative and how many time you preach positve be clear what you are doing Hun SenI think you are Yourn thug who threaten other Khmer opposition parties like you are very strong man and chicken to your master Yourn. Hun Sen, you are real traitor just like KI said on front page, MIKE

Anonymous said...

Very good poem. Yes we have to work together to remove Ah Chhke Hun Sen from office.

Nothing that this guy should be a leader of a nation. The way he speaks sound like, he should be a dog in a jungle.