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Lao Monghay, a former researcher for the Asian Human Rights Commission, talks to VOA on “Hello VOA” Monday. |
Washington, DC Wednesday,
02 March 2011
Cambodians are experiencing an upsurge in nationalism thanks to a continued border dispute with Thailand, but a researcher says it has not veered toward extremism.
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Lao Monghay, a former researcher for the Asian Human Rights Commission, told “Hello VOA” Monday that Cambodians are now cooperating in economy, trade and culture more closely.
However, he added, trade goods from neighboring countries like China, Thailand and Vietnam are still in high demand.
“In Cambodia, even though there is stronger nationalism, it has not been extreme,” he said. “We see that Cambodians don’t seem to discriminate or oppose the goods of their neighbors at all. Even Thai goods, there is no movement stirred up to boycott Thai goods.”
Cambodians from many walks of life have rallied around the perceived threat posed by border clashes with Thailand, with the fiercest clashes to date last month.
A border dispute near Preah Vihear temple, a cultural touchstone for many Cambodians, has elicited support for Cambodian soldiers. But there have been no violent demonstrations, such as those in 2003, when a Thai actress was rumored to have said Angkor Wat should belong to Thailand. The 2003 demonstrations escalated into a night of rioting and the burning of the Thai Embassy by a mob of Cambodian youths.
Lao Monghay said that kind of nationalism was dangerous and to be avoided.
I never have good dealt with short guy Ah kateor, to all people never ever believe short guy, Ah kateor never said the true and fule of trick, includind Sihanouk and ranaith, now we have another one more Ah katoer what your nam! Ah Monghay thise boy got two young girl 1, her nam Srey mom, 2- neang Mao, Neang mao is under age, all rainsy team always crazy in somthings how much you cheat donator so far oun Kateor mong hay, you are stile young right, why don't you live in england, donn't fucking say you love or Khmer-compatriot, you and gay Ransy in combodia for your own business, now you got two young girls, in England you may go to jail, just say you have ignorance people give you house car and money to fuck young teen in cambodia, ok that is the only true to the true of your mission in cambodia, Rainsy remember you you talk to me in Cambodiana hotel, that time you slept with model Procheapry girl, how is she doing say hey to her.
Dr. Lao Monghay, people still need to eat.
if the people of cambodia were to boycott the goods from their neighboring countries - 1) they will starve to death, 2) gov't does not have safety net policy, and 3) the gov't itself would not know how to implement the sustaintment policy for its people.
It does not matter how, where, and low or high you spit, it always fall on your chest! Very unfortunate Khmer!
You believe that if the Khmer people rise up against the gov't, it might difficult to counteract yuon's policy in Cambodia. Well, personally, I would ask the khmer people to take this risk to rise up against the government. They need to sacrifice, and this will be good for the country and her generations to come.
I think we need to close the door and beat the shit out of the dogs! Now!
Dr. Lao Monghay, I wish that you and the rest of the educators to come out and share your expertise with us. It does not matter kind of media you wish, just come out!
9.51a, you talk like your uncultured boss hundog. very shameful to have barbarians like ur gang ruling poor khmer people. your mad dog always talks about war, and killing khmer if he lose election, every election he make this threat. oh, khmer, why are we so unfortunate to have idtiots like this ?
Loa monghey Srey mom and neang mao in Cambodia where is she? give me her addres please, and Rainsy what happen to Tara procheapry model girl, say hi to her ok and don't fucking say you love or you are Khmer-compatriot, you, gay Ransy in combodia for your own business only, now you got two young girls, just say you have ignorance people give you house car and money to fuck young teen in cambodia, ok that is the only true to the trueness of your mission in cambodia
I agree with 9:51AM.
Dr.LAO MONGHAY,Please don't pate my
back and knock my head.Are afraid to
talk back against HUN SEN, just be quiet and prepare to help Khmer protesters in the next future.
This one will be the big protest that
never has had in Cambodia.
Khmer people have no self respect. Each person lives for thyself. Pol POt regime have brain-washed them to carry this mentality to this era, cannot blame them but need to re-educate them to understand that there are more intangible values in society than money and power.
Rooster, Phd.
9:56 AM,
i'm slow. i do not know what you talk it. any one tell me?
what Phd. means?
i hear the peple say Pho Huy Deay!
No, It's pheuk heuy dake, Lmao.
Its normal to have issue with neighbor like thailand. Most countries and its neighbor does.
But problem with vietnam, taking khmer land like khmer krom, Now khmer land from from farmer, and jailing them is not minor issue.
The problem with thailand is minor, while the problem with vietnam is major.
HoonXen is dictator installed by vietnam. All the border issue, curruptions, impunity, killing, and bloods is on Vietnam dirty hands.
សូមជ្រាបថា ក្រោយពីមានបាតុមកម្ម ដែលបានដុតកំទេច
ស្ថានទូតថៃ នាឆ្នាំ២០០៣មក គឺការធ្វើបាតុកម្ម
ជាទ្រងទ្រាយធំ ត្រូវបានហាមឃាត់ ។ដូច្នេះ តើការហាមប្រាមនេះ មានប្រយោជន៍ទៅខាង
ណា ?
សូមកុំភ្លេចផងដែរថា អ្នករកស៊ីធ្វើនយោបាយ គឺពួកគាត់ តែងតែរៀបចំឡើង នូវផែនការអាថ៌កំបាំង ជាពិសេស ជាផែនការ
ដែលអ្នកផងស្ទើតែរកគិតមិនឃើញ ។
Youn/Vietnam Hanoi and CPP Youn (Hun Sen's Youn wife) have given Hun Sen orders to kill his own Khmer people. Hun Sen was stuck with his mad masters of Youn Hanoi and afraid of Youn masters to beat or abuse him an animal if he does not want to kill or hurt his own people. Hun Sen is very dumb to be a leader of Cambodia. Also, Hun Sen loves money that he has from "Cambodia for Sales to His Vietnamese Master from Hanoi" and wants to be wealthy, but Hun Sen will not be existed or he will be murdered by his Vietnamese Master later. Cambodia, please wake up and hurry to do something to protest against Vietnam Hanoi and Hun Sen and let the world know the truth. Hun Sen is a joke for Cambodia! He is afraid to die because of His Vietnamese master from Hanoi and CPP Youn. Remember, Youn/Vietnamese Hanoi created Angkar Leur/Cap Tren in the Killing Fields and they switch the story that they (Vietnamese) invaded Cambodia to help save Cambodian/Khmer lives that have been left in the small number of populations. That meant Vietnamese Hanoi was afraid that the world would found out the Vietnamese Hanoi was behind all the secret killing in the killing fields and dirty secret plan to take more land of Cambodian when Cambodian populations became smaller. Look at Champa (Cham/Islam people) was disappeared from the map. It happens to Laos right now. I am worried about Laotian people.
ហ៊ុន សែន ស្រែកចំទៀលពី កំពង់ចាម កាលពីថ្ងៃ២០
ខែមករា កន្លងមកថា សុំផ្ដាំទៅអាម្សៀនោះផង
អាហ្នឹងក្បាលទំពែក (ឡៅម៉ុងហៃ)
កុំចង់យកគំរូ តាមប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ីស្អី
"បើមិនបិទទ្វារ វ៉ៃឆ្កែទេខ្ញុំថ្វាយបង្គំជូន"
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នានិយាយ, សរសេរ, ផ្សាយ, ប្រកាស,
ឃោសនា, ណែនាំ, អប់រំ តៗគ្នាពីអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនឹងអំពើ
អាក្រក់របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យ៉ិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយ និយាយទៀត, សរសេរហើយ សរសេរទៀត, ផ្សាយហើយ ផ្សាយទៀត , ប្រកាសហើយ ប្រកាសទៀត ,
ឃោសនាហើយ ឃោសនាទៀត , ណែនាំហើយ ណែនាំទៀត , អប់រំហើយ អប់រំទៀត រហូតដល់ ជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!
I am for the demonstration in Cambodia to get rid off a dictator and all his clan men. I can show kbot cheat Hun Sen who are the Yurn's dogs.
Reform Cambodia said...
Whether or not we like it, the truth is Cambodia's stability and prosperity has not worked for all of Cambodians. The affluent have nothing to complaint about but for somebody who can't meet ends need, or have to decide how to eat one egg a day, they need a system that works for them too. A system that will enrich the rich and enrich the poor. A system that only favors the rich is too fragile and is doomed to fall. If the government does not govern by consent and is not transparent and does not take care of all its people, then the people shall have the full rights to revolution. That's not negotiable, it's a right.
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