Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Police beat Boeung Kak protesters

Kong Chantha, 45, a community representative from the Boeung Kak lake area, is taken into custody yesterday after police broke up a protest outside City Hall. Kong Chantha, of Village 24 in Phnom Penh’s Srah Chak commune, was arrested along with two other Boeung Kak residents when about 200 protesters blocked Monivong Boulevard to call attention to evictions. (Photo by: Sreng Meng Srun)
Monday, 28 February 2011
Khouth Sophakchakrya
The Phnom Penh Post

A violent crackdown by the Daun Penh district police on a protest by about 200 people today in Phnom Penh concerning the controversial Boeung Kak lake development project led to the arrest of three activists, while 10 others suffered injuries from beatings.

The protesters descended upon Phnom Penh Municipal Hall to ask Governor Kep Chuktema to reconsider their alternative plan for the lake, which would set aside 15 hectares for families who would otherwise be displaced.

Kep Chuktema recently dismissed the proposal and did not show up to discuss the issue.

Ouch Leng, land programme officer for the rights group Adhoc, said no officials arrived to meet the protesters, who then attempted to block traffic along Monivong Boulevard in front of City Hall.

About 100 district police dispersed the villagers and arrested Suong Sakmai, 52, Ros Sreyneang, 45, and Ouch Phana, 42, following a 15-minute fight.

They were released from the Daun Penh district police station after signing contracts agreeing to stop causing public disorder.

“In the crackdown, many villagers were beaten and wounded with electric batons, and some were dragged to police cars and sent to Daun Penh district hall,” Ouch Leng said.

Tep Vanny, a 28-year-old from Village 22 near the lake, said several district police grabbed her by the hand and neck and dragged her to a police car.

“Those [district police] pressed my neck and hit me against the car like an animal,” Tep Vanny said.

She said she shook loose, however, with the help of other protesters.

Another lakeside resident, Kong Chantha, had been beaten unconscious, Tep Vanny said.

“Refusing to solve the problem and cracking down makes the villagers lose trust in the government more and more,” Ouch Leng said. “They also suspect that the present government is the company government, not the government that serves the citizens’ interests.”

Kim Heang, communications officer for the Housing Rights Task Force, said police briefly confiscated her camera, returning it only after deleting her photographs.

“We do not know how much those authorities know about the law, but their action for me is a violation of rights and law,” she said.

In January, city police temporarily confiscated the camera of Post photographer Sovan Philong during an eviction at Boeung Kak lake and deleted his photographs.

Sok Sambath, deputy governor of Daun Penh district, declined to comment at the scene.


Anonymous said...

*Dont be crying,Burns yourself and your families right now.The stupid khmer Hun sen Polices always Beating own khmer People the same and Bad than Pol pot regime.

Anonymous said...

Come on Khmer people, you need to satnd up and fight back. These police are khmer with no brain, and they have no right to beat you up like criminals. you can find sticks and stones to fight back. You might die in fighting back but at least you are not going to live like an animal. If you don't fight back today and live your life as you will receive from these evil minded khmers.

Anonymous said...

It's very devastating to see our people back home have been ubuse by Hun Xen government.

All those police they did what has been told by their bos, but Hun goverment smart to hurt with his own blood but not with Youn's people at all. How sad to see this picture.

I hope Kim Sokha and Sam Rainsy gathering as a team to stand up and to protect khmer Nation, not just fighting with their power like Hun Sen too.

Kaun Khmer!

Anonymous said...

Khmers should learn from the middle east in order to be 100% free from these animals no brains Khmers.

Anonymous said...


Every generations, given uniforms, power and some kind of ranking and money, would beat up or kill their own people without mercy nor conscience, Something people in the western world would not do to please their superiors.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

When are you khmer going to stand up for yourself? No one will help you if you can't help yourself. You need to show to the world that you are capable of your own destiny before someone step in to give you a helping hand.

Just like Tunisia, Egypt, and Lybia, that is what you need to do. Of cause there will be lives to sacrify but live will lost under Hun Sen killing daily anyway, might as well make it as a good cause.

The whole wide world will step in to condem those who order the killing of innosense people. Hun Sen will be just like a bunch of Khmer Rouge leaders that Hun Sen jailing them now.

Stand up for yourself Khmer.

Anonymous said...

are you sure that thise girl is victime inocent? why don't you guy ask her how she got the land over there? she illegaly build house on publice parks. you think gov'v have no braind only you have braind? be fair guy looke at the real issue, this people not poor she grab publice park in dy krahorm, now move to beong kak, later move to somewhere else, becouse they alway got paid when gov'v move them out?

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with 10:49 am

and disagree 100% with 11:26Am who is a heartless person to his own people, Khmer

Anonymous said...

Heng soy you are cowards madness man, and you work very hards to separet khmer, you work for thai for youn, and for idiot Ransy, if you master in criticism you don't have time to improve yourself for better life, you see yourself clearly stupid tools, why you born to be cheap and wild beast shit heads? what you got so far? hunsen got stronger, people richer than you do, rainsy never keep an eye on you, your wife and your children hate you, what kind of stupid person are you? what is your objective, you are very madness man Hengsoy, if you spend time educate people or post positive news, or show the real democracy in the west to khmer, you may got million of people they better understanding civilization, and all thank to you. I sugest you heng soy to please looke at rainsy carefully you will find out how rainsy work hards to separet khmer for thai thuge, and Raisy is thai double agent, in millitary rule he should be beheaded, traitor... for how many time you preach negative and how many time you preach positve be clear what you are doing heng soy I think you are thai thug

Anonymous said...

I used to live and work there....during 1980.Most of government worker did not have much education , Because of the killing from Viet Khmer Rouge....to the Educated people.The question need to know about most police man in Cambodia...How much education and training those have?not enough....Remember Mr police man....you love to beat to the khmer people.....After work....where are you going?Home right?So we can beat you back!!!

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM you are CPP Groups.Are you Viet Khmer Rouge?

Anonymous said...

Those mad police or guards will frighten/fear of their own shadow soon. They work for $ not for justice.I am sure that khmer people believe on reincarnation/re-birth, if they do good, they will receive good,if not their karma will follow them.

Anonymous said...

looke at her, she is one of Rainsy activist, she is SRP model, how people like her could leads the community, she absolutl ignorance tools used by Rainsy. should we suport thsi kind of people, land graber get out from Beong kak lake, you poluted our city too much lady

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM,

I am pretty sure you are not living here in Phnom Penh because if you were you would not talk so stupidly the way you did.

If you were in Phnom Penh right now, I would take you to eat Kuy Teav with me at Psar Thmey then I would take you to Boeung Kok lake so you can talk to the afftected people there and you can tell them yourself what you wrote here.

I am pretty sure they will kick the shit out of you for having been so stupid and opened your mouth without thinking with your head.

I thought you became smarter after having lived in America for a while, but I guess you did not.

Anonymous said...

The barking dog don't bit.

Anonymous said...

You all educated people (this is what you claimed) should take one step and rethink what you were thinking. How could Sam Rainsy help these people? He did try but what happened to him now, he couldn't protect himself. He is now face jail time with Mr. Hun Sen's court of law.

Anonymous said...

Is this the law of nature?
The strong beats the weak.
The rich takes advantage over OR kills the poor.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen plan to low down the poverty level.
Let the rich grabs the land from the poor. Have these poor Cambodians mentally suffer and die sooner. The rich Cambodian families will survive. Killing softly and less inhuman. JK...Brainteaser...