Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prosecutor Ordered to Retract Khmer Rouge Tribunal Statement [-Cheap justice for Cambodia?]

Wednesday, 18 May 2011
VOA News

Judges at the international tribunal on Khmer Rouge war crimes have ordered one of the prosecutors to retract a public statement questioning their decisions.

There has been growing dissension within the tribunal over whether to proceed beyond a trial of four top Khmer Rouge leaders in Cambodia this summer.

Andrew Cayley — a Briton serving as the international prosecutor for the tribunal — objected last week after the judges said they had concluded their investigation in one of those cases. He requested further investigation, and implied the probe was deficient.

In a formal order Wednesday, signed by investigating judge Siegfried Blunk of Germany, the judges said Cayley had revealed details about alleged crimes and scenarios in violation of tribunal confidentiality rules.

The order demands that he retract those parts of his statement within three days.

The tribunal is under pressure from the Cambodian government not to proceed with the third case. Prime Minister Hun Sen, like some other Cambodian officials, is a former Khmer Rouge member and has said any more prosecutions will deeply divide the country.

The Cambodian prosecutor on the tribunal has effectively endorsed the prime minister's position, arguing the tribunal should confine itself to the prosecution of five individuals already in its custody. She argued that the suspects in case three do not fall under the mandate of the tribunal to prosecute top Khmer Rouge leaders and those most responsible for their crimes.

In its first case, the United Nations-backed tribunal convicted Khmer Rouge prison chief Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch.

As many as two million Cambodians died from overwork, starvation or execution during the Khmer Rouge's brutal reign between 1975 and 1979.


Anonymous said...

Just forget it UN you nake a fucking mess from UTAC 1993!

Anonymous said...

"She argued that the suspects in case three do not fall under the mandate of the tribunal to prosecute top Khmer Rouge leaders and those most responsible for their crimes." In what way does Kaing Guek Eav count as a "top Khmer Rouge Leader" ? more than Cases 003 004 and 005 ?

Anonymous said...

if the KR trial cannot link the killing to the
Yuon's sabotage of Khmer nation, there is no need to trial KR leaders. They are about to die due to their age. The more you blame the KR - of Khmer-, the more the Cpp and the Yuon gain benefit. They would say how bad the KR was, with the the Yuon, Khmer would all have died but they did not say, who helped created the Khmer rouge. and when Yuon came to Cambodia in 1970 what did thye come for, there was no KR killing then. All Khmer must know how to read the mind of the Viet, their goal is to swallow Cambodia. What happed in Cambodai has been orchestrated by Viet. Do not be a stupid khmer. get up! get up!

Anonymous said...

12:32AM! is difference case about some ome make you to do the crime and you doing the crime!!!!

If the stupid Cambodian know what right and wrong andafraid of the concequences it would be hard for Viet to buy them to do the crime!

We take care inside forst to look for outside!

Need first step to complet 1ooo miles journey, dude!