Friday, June 17, 2011

China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later

Guns of February
Vietnamese artillery pounds away at advancing Chinese troops on Feb. 23, 1979, six days after Beijing launched a massive and costly invasion of Vietnam's northern provinces. The brief but bloody episode, today known as the Third Indochina War, claimed tens of thousands of lives in the space of less than a month. (AFP / Getty Images)
The Decider
Communist China aided Vietnam in its wars against both French and American occupiers, but Hanoi later established solid ties with the Soviet Union, Beijing's rival. After Vietnam launched incursions into China-friendly Cambodia and occupied it, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping declared he wanted to teach the Vietnamese "a lesson." (Bettmann / Corbis)
Resistance, Inc.
Cadres of Vietnam's ruling Communist party mass in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, on Feb. 19, 1979, in a sign of defiance against Chinese aggression. (Getty Images)
Walking Dead
Chinese militiamen mustered from Jiangxi county in China's Guangxi province line up in teams of stretcher bearers bound to support the ground campaign across the 1,400 km border between China and Vietnam. It's estimated that as many as 4,000 Chinese soldiers died in the first two days of combat alone. (AFP / Getty Images)

Caught Red-handed
Vietnamese troops watch over detained Chinese soldiers on Feb. 26, 1979. Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War. (ZENTRALBILD / AFP / Getty Images)

On the Road
Vietnamese refugees flee approaching Chinese forces in the strategic border province of Lang Son. On March 5, a day after the PLA occupied the province's capital, Beijing announced a full withdrawal. (AFP / Getty Images)
Bridge to Nowhere
Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed. Though Hanoi and Beijing both claimed victory, the war was a chastening experience for all involved. (Bettmann / Corbis)
Tomb of the Unmourned Soldier
A "martyr's cemetery" in China's southern Yunnan province. Though casualty figures remain unclear, estimates suggest at least 20,000 Chinese soldiers died, while Vietnamese dead number under ten thousand. State media on both sides have remained quiet on the 30th anniversary of the war. While tensions flared over border disputes in the subsequent years, the Communist neighbors, linked by centuries of history, have buried the hatchet and now enjoy significant economic ties. (MARK RALSTON / AFP / Getty Images)


Anonymous said...

Vietnam must gives Koh TRal back to Cambodian people.

China and USA must help Cambodian people get Koh TRal back to her khmer people.

Long Live Koh Tral and Koh Tral is always belong to Cambodian people. Vietnam must give Koh TRal back To Khmer people.

Vietnam must hand over Koh Tral to the people of Cambodian NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Chinese should teach the Vietnamese " another lesson." teach them hard and right on the head.

Anonymous said...

Who teach who ?.

Anonymous said...

stop waste your soldiers' lives, china, this time, just nuke evil viet/youn to ashes, really! youn stole koh tral from cambodia, just nuke them, soon, ok!

Anonymous said...

2:33PM! where the win blow. north or south?

Anonymous said...

To tell some one "MUST" and you have nothing to make them do it isn't kind of childish or retarded?

Anonymous said...

1979 China vs Vietnam:

26 000 chinese soldiers were killed, 34 000 wounded and 450 tanks detroyed by Vietnam army.

30 000 Vietnam solderis were killed, 32 000 wounded and 185 tanks detroyied by China army.

China still can't get a piece from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Time has been changed from time
to time.
Today Vietnam govt is happy,but
tomorrow it will be sad or dead.
Everything on earth never lasts
forever,even the planet earth.

Anonymous said...

at the end of war, viet side was damaged badly,

Viet, no comparision to china..

Anonymous said...

lucky to say that the american and china didn't use nuclear weapon on vietnam. it's a waste of american and china life to play viet/youn cat and mouse game like during the vietnam war, really!

Anonymous said...

superpower nations should let viet/youn steal from china or steal from cambodia like our koh tral island, really! somebody ought to teach vietcong a lesson on how to respect cambodia and china sovereignty, really!

Anonymous said...

The heavy storm is approaching: American is thundering and Chinese is is lightening. Vietnam will be contain and joint back to its motherland. The whole indochine will become china's orbit of influence for decades to come!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah lop tang os. Youn veay Jen, Jen vaey youn, vea gnob tae khmer te. Ah chhkout.

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted this forgot that US Prez Jimmy Carter and Deng, Chinese leader both agreed to invade Vietnam to pull Soviet Unions down. Jimmy Carter told Deng not to stay, only invade then quickly withdraw. They used a lot of crap saying Deng wanted to help Pol Pot? No, it was to drag down the Soviet Unions.
And so the US-China did it. Later Soviet collapsed.
If China was to invade Viet for real with 1.3 billion Chinese walking into a tiny nation Vietnam, Chinese would already take it. Somehow Us Prex Carter advised his Chinese friend Deng to get out before Soviet may attack.