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Daran Kravanh (Center) |
Opinion by Kravan Issara
The 1997 coup d’état by forces loyal to Hun Sen and the CPP that overthrew Prime Minister Ranariddh of the Funcinpec Party made Hun Sen the Prime Minister and the CPP the sole political party in Cambodia.
Since then, there has been no political party able to bring hope to the Khmer people of unseating Hun Sen and the CPP. During the dictatorship of the last 30 years, Cambodia has seen more and more Vietnamese settlers in Cambodia, from Bavet (on the Cambodian-Vietnamese border) to Poipet (on the Cambodian-Thai border).
Where are the other political parties – the Funcinpec party, the NRP, and the Sam Rainsy party? They are dying out due to internal problems.
Recently, a new political party was born, the “Khmer Anti-Poverty Party” (with the acronyme KAPP). Daran Kravanh is the President and Sophin Ourn is the Vice-President of the KAPP.
Who is Daran Kravanh? He is a young, energetic nationalist. He has dedicated his life to making Cambodia a free country and to bringing democracy and justice to Cambodia in less than two years. He is a candidate for Prime Minister and hopes to replace Hun Sen in 2013, or before the election. He has been campaigning and holding fundraisers in many cities such as Long Beach, San Diego, Boston, and Fresno. His campaign strategy is a strong one: showing that his political party stands out from other parties because his party has several American consultants who are advising him and the other leaders of the KAPP.
Daran Kravanh has promised his supporters and the Khmer communities that, “We will replace Hun Sen without an election before 2013.” He always mentions Cathy Allen (CEO of the Connection Group in Seattle), Barbara Shotwell, Dr. Stanley Tsao, Bree (Daran’s wife?), and about other countries such as Japan, Canada, Germany etc.that are supporting him to be the next Cambodian Prime Minister without an election. In addition, in May 2011, in Portland, Oregon, during a small group meeting, Daran has stated with certainty that the United States is going to remove Hun Sen and replace him and his ruling party in Cambodia. He has gone so far as to inform a few of his leadership team that he has had several meetings with the US secret team (under the code name “Black Glasses”) to discuss plans to remove Hun Sen from power (as Gaddafi is being removed in Libya), and to replace him with Daran as the future Cambodian Prime Minister without an election. He has drawn up a plan for the structure of his future government, members of Parliament (MPs), and members of the Senate. He has stated that his future government will abolish the “Royal Kingdom” and make important changes to the “République.”
In reality, what Daran is telling his group and the Khmer communities is not true. If we listened carefully to the speech made by Cathy Allen at the fundraising in Long Beach, California in 2010, we are aware that Cathy Allen NEVER confirmed what Daran has been claiming. In her speech, Cathy Allen said, “I have the best job in the whole world. My job is to find new world leaders and get them ELECTED.” As this statement implies, the so-called “American consultants” are helping Daran and his group by training them in strategies that will be effective in the election campaign heading to the 2013 elections. They have organized leadership training classes for his group, so they can learn how to run successful campaigns for the elections in the hope that the KAPP will win.
The reality is that Daran has misquoted Cathy Allen, and this could cause big trouble for her. On several occasions, Daran has told his supporters that Cathy Allen is Hillary Clinton’s Advisor, and that she can arrange for Daran to meet with Mrs. Clinton in March 2011 to discuss plans. But it never happend about the meeting. We are sure that Mrs Clinton never heard about Daran Kravanh whatsoever. Daran has stated that Cathy Allen has repeatedly told the KAPP group, “You do your job and we’ll do our job – no questions asked.” All along, he has maintained that this is a top secret plan.
Few times, Daran has even told us that a US secret team has taken him to an unidentified place and shown him the secret plans of the covered operations to remove Hun Sen.
Why has he made up this kind of misinformation? We know that he has wanted to attract more Khmer people to his party. Now, every individual in his leadership group is under the false impression that the KAPP has the backing of the US to remove Hun Sen without holding an election. This brings up the following questions:
- Does Daran know what the consequences are of misleading and misinforming the public?
- Does Daran know the relevant international law regarding what he has said to misinform the public? The bombing operations in Libya that were carried out by NATO forces were backed by a resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council. Without any international resolutions, the US cannot remove Hun Sen by force. This would be a violation of the international law.
- Libyan affairs are different from Cambodian problems. Cambodia is not an independent country. Hun Sen takes orders from the Vietnamese (Dey khmer thaoke YOUN)
Therefore, it is incumbent upon Daran to stop making these false statements to the Khmer people inside and outside of Cambodia immediately. In reality, there has been no such promise from Cathy Allen or from the US that they are going to remove Hun Sen and replace him with Daran without having elections.
It is because of Daran’s false statements that we see so many Cambodian people coming to his fundraisings. They believe that the US will remove Hun Sen and will make Daran the next Cambodian Prime Minister. I am very sorry that our compatriots have been misled into believing in this dream. All of the top leaders in Daran’s party are dreaming about obtaining positions in a future Cambodian government led by Prime Minister Daran Kravanh.
Mr. Daran Kravanh, please be honest with your people, and especially with yourself. You can lie to others, but you cannot lie to yourself.
Kravan Issara
(Former UDT/SEAL team class of 74
Coronado Amphibious Base, San Diego, CA)
No one would give a shit about who the hell he is.
This guy is full of shit. He will never win. Always misleading and lies
Oh hell the khmer RC from KID has the big dream,Is kravanh Daran whom picked the grass for sell in WA?.
I can't imagine it.
This guy is the most bullshiter in the USA.
He is a welfare recipient who live in Tacoma, Washington State. He is a fraud and a con-artist who stole from the elderly and funding from the dragon boat racing association. Never trust his bull-shiet.
I would love to meet those who went to school in Khao I Dang. Yes, I was also RC generation which was the last group be given RC card an intense pressure from international human right group which Thai arm force violated human right there.
How US is going to remove Hun Sen and replace him with you? What make the US do that?
If you keep lying, every one under your leadership will bye, bye! quit.
Good and honest leader...but a few bad apples
Daran Kravanh is a real Khmer bull shit artist. He should admitted to the mental hospital NOW.
5:23 PM,
I was an RC in the Kao I Dang too. I had some friends teaching high school in the camp. Khorn tought Physic, U Bol tought Math, and Bong Thouch tought Math too. If you west to high school in the camp, you probably know them. fyi, I was the first group attended the Form Five at the Kao I Dang camp tought by Kru Khem (Mr. Maen Khem). When the Form Five at the pagoda was closed, he then tought us at the EDC and then open a private class at his house. I am also looking for some old friends from the Kao I Dong camp too.
If the person (Daran Kravanh) has claimed as mentioned in the article, this preson is a frog. Need not to say more!
Sorry to say this. But Mr. Daran Kravanh is no different than anybody...in fact he worst than Rainsy. In 2008, his party also ran for the national election, but fail to event get one sit!
He has no credibility and very arrogant. All he said was that he know a lot of billionair in the the US. If he get elect, Khmer will no longer poor because he will bring money from the rich American for the poor Khmer (what a scam!!)
I agree with our khmer comment above.
#1 If Mr.Daran who a real khmer helper do not need to show up while It's close to election day.A lot of khmer people need only two meal a day right now.
#2 Mr. daran don't learn to lie.The false information had cost a lot of our people lifes so far (example) The king called khmer to the jungle/KFF etc.
Mr. Hun Sen will disappear by himseft If Our khmer people understand about their right and Democracy.
When I listen to him,i feel this guy is a lier.He can convinced only the innocent or some one want to be deputy PM,governor,4 starts general etc...that is the umpty dream team for Cambodian people.Can't depend on this stupid
guy.Who's wrote this article is absolutly true and I am with you
Dear all Readers,
I'm proud what he is standing for, but this man is very poor characteristic, lying information, flirting alots of women during his fundraising at Lowell.
How can he difine powerty? look in USA, there are mumbers of Gov't programs and services, and never end powerty, but what about him?
មុននឹងជឿមនុស្សត្រូវស្គាល់គាត់ឱ្យច្បាស់សិន ។ មានសមាជិកសកម្មនៃគណបក្ខនេះ (គ្រាន់តែ
ឮឈ្មេាះគួរឱ្យចង់សេីច៖ ខ្មែរឈប់ក្រ(?)ជាច្រេីននាក់បានមកបបួលខ្ញុំផ្តាល់ ខ្លះក៏ទូរ
សព្ទឱ្យខ្ញុំចូលជាសមាជិក ថែមទាំងប្រាប់ខ្ញុំ
ថា ‹‹បងបំបាច់ធ្វេីអីទេ ចាំតែទៅអង្គុយ
កៅអីទៅ ពេលគេដកហ៊ុន សែនចេញ›› ធុញ! មែនទែននឹងការបបួលសាំដែលនេះ! ។
1:19 pm,
I got a chance to listen to him in 2008 in Phnom Penh when he present his party plate form. He had a shaddy charector. Dress to impress women and had another person carried his suit case. He had a few body guard with him, but I don't think it was necessary. I am sure he can walk all over PP and nobody would know who he is. I didn't event think whether anybody would want to kill him (sad to say too). He has a body guard just to impress rather than to protect.
People ask him, if he can help Khmer from being poor, why does he need to become a prime minister in order to help? Why can he just help khmer now? Well, his answer had no credibility -- he just said that his rich friends (billionairs) wanted him to be in power first before they give him the money!OOOy---too painful to hear! He is really a scham Daran Kravanh! I hope he is not relate to flower Kravanh that grow in Siem Riep, otherwise he made this flower a bad name! flower Kravanh is the trade make flower for Siem Riep province.
1:40! so sad for the flower :(
2:28 am,
Don't be sad.
I don't think kravanh Siem Riep will have any impact from Mr. Kravanh activities. As I look at it, there is no correlation between the two. No significant impact from Mr. kravanh on the flower Kravanh activities with the political scham that he is doing in Cambodia.
គណៈបក្សខ្មែរឈប់ក្រ ។ ខ្ញុំបានអានឯកសារ
នេះយ៉ាងហ្មត់ចត់បំផុត សូម្បីសរសេរពាក្យខ្មែរ
កុហក់គេបានពីរដង កុហក់ខ្លួនឯងផងបានតែដងមួយគត់។
កុហក់ខ្លួនឯងច្រើនដង វាសាបសម្ដី ។
សូមលោកប្រធាន គណៈបក្សខ្មែរឈប់ក្រ
មេត្តានិយាយឲ្យខ្មោចស្ដាប់ទៅ ល្អជាជាង
I know this guy. He is the biggest liar, bragger, bullshiter, stupid gambler, slot machiner, raper, molester, cheater, you name it.....but there are some khmers who are blindly follow this crook. For your information, Daran Kravanh is former khmer rouge at phnom kravah, and an assistance to Chhun Yasith in the CFF (Cambodian Freedom Fighter or Cambodian Fast Food) in Long Beach.
Down the drain corrupted, liar Daran KR phnom Kravanh.
I am so sorry to read the article above it sound like you intruder. If you believe will no win the election in 2013, please help to win. If you don't believe him please don't listen to him, just be a person that can inspire Cambodian people to stand up chase yon out of Cambodia I have read the blog, that is even sad mor. Sound like not Khmer. I am sorry to say this. Good luck for all of you have try to pull all Khmer down drain. It is really shame!
He is a nice average good looking male that sometimes gives a good impression to the people and society that he really cares and loves. Sometimes a man need to see himself in a mirror. I recommend him to take a walk alone, and think what he has been up. I want him to ensure that he first learns to take good financial care of himself and his family before he thinks too broadly as to elminating power in Cambodia. Cambodia needs lots and lots of job that is the problem and the answer is JOBS just like we are here in the USA. If one is serious, then, please start walk a small step first. Confucius said, a journey of a thousand miles begin with a single small step.
To 6:32pm
Please ask ask all khmer living in Tacoma, WA. NO ONE support Daran at all. Think about that my friend. Daran is living in Tacoma. But in his hometown he cannot find any one to organize a "KAAP in Washington State" at all. Why????Did he has the profile/history really bad ? LOL.
In addition, I heard that his WA group just formed only 4 months, then all of them have resigned. Why again.
Think about that my friend. He must has something fishy in WA.
Also, his second wife is so arrogant. His first Cambodian wife was very nice, educated and has a very diplomatic manner. She is completely different from the second one.
all these comments does not sound like the khmer people we all know...the khmer united, proud of our heritage and angkorian lineage..
it's easy to form an opinion without reading about the party. i encourange everyone to have an open mind and focus on our suffering people. if anyone out there feel that they can help end our people suffering...PLEASE step up to the plate and lead our people from this suffering... thank you...
I was in Daran soccer team in the refugee camp in the 70's. It was true. Daran is a guy that you do not believe on anything he says, always infalted, made up, and lied.
My Name is Jon and I have had the pleasure of knowing one of the top leaders of the KAPP and have also had the pleasure of meeting Daran and hearing him speak at a fundraiser here in Boston. I aslo met Kathy Allen at that fundraiser an I listened to speeches by both of them. I did not hear any of the negative comments or ideas that you refer to in your blog, in fact quite the opposite. My leader friend is a person of the utmost character and moral quality and from what I can tell Daran is the same. There was no mention of taking over Cambodia by force or without an election from ayone speaking at the event I attended and everyone seemed very well intended. As such, unless proven to me oterwise I will contniue to suport my freind, Daran and Kathy Allens cause.
i read their site. i definitely agree with the party's ideology. khmer needs this to prevent us from being swallowed up by youn! we khmer just want peace and respect from our neighbors. we are tire of wars. i hope khmer will work together for the better of our people. we are under youn political manuever and im afriad khmer will be another khmer krom. remember khmer! we lost khmer krom less 50 years ago....and the khmer krom sufferring has not stop.
To 2:19AM Jon
If you do not know Daran, ask all khmer in Washington State. He did not say at his speech, but he always mentions at the small meeting group everywhere, mostly at the private home in Tacoma, Oregon etc....about without election.In addition, he has appointed names of the individual in his group to each position in the future government, senate and congress.
Mr. Sophin Ourn President Senate
Mr. Men Bunna Minister Information. etc...It is ok to pre-appoint the position. But this strategy is to make his group dream and dream ....
To ignorant people,
I addressed the importance of those people who have always badmouth about Daran Kravanh,you have destroyed the hope for a better lives for those who live in Cambodia. Shame on you for destroying their dreams and hopes. Daran only serves to help the people of Cambodia! We don't want history to repeat itself just like the holocaust in Cambodia in 1975. For those people who does have ability to help and support to rebuild the nation, don't judge or criticize someone when you are not in his/her shoes. Before you judge or defame someone, ask yourself what can you do to help the people of Cambodia? If you can't do anything to help, don't even bother to criticize because that would make you a fucking hypocrite. Hating doesn't help, it only causes more chaos. Before you judge or degrade someone, learn more about the person and the issues. Only ignorant people would judge someone without any knowledge about the circumstances in Cambodia. So don't hate, just support what is righteous and good for the country.
Kravan Issara, wow, you must really be scared that Daran is gaining some serious momentum wih his cause...makes me wonder who you're working for. Daran is a stand up guy and your misinformation and smear tactics won't slow down his march to freedom for Cambodia.
Wow! I finally, I know exactly who you are. You are so scare when Mr. Daran gain huge momentum and you can not catch up him with your lobster brain. Even you think you are smart, but exactly you are so stupid idiot live in tacoma. You are really serving youn. You do not help to save Cambodia and save your peopple from vietnamization. Asked yourself, who the hell are you, sutpid guy. you are real
Kravan Issara, (Former UDT/SEAL team class of 74. stop using this phrase, it is really shame. You not Khmer.
Mr. Issara, I knew you are. you were employed by the corrupted group, remember! you used to join CFF,what was your judgment at that time? it showed that you are rush to judgment; your home and property will scrutinize. Your bad mouth and smear package people with good judgment won't listen to you. I knew most comments were written by you. The words and phrases used in the blog are known to be you.
To Mr. Reussey Youn Issara:
The last five years, I have noticed that you used a certain of code name indicated that you were employed by a group that against Cambodian nationalist, therefore, you are against the will of Cambodia people who are suffering from a dictator, suppression freedom of speech and vietnamization. The suffering of Cambodian people will haunt you the rest of your life. Your opinions do more harm than good to Cambodian people. If you do not help to inspire the people who has a good heart like Daran, you must stop barking and your tail under your leg.
First, to eradicate poverty in Cambodia is like to stop the spread of AIDS in Cambodia.
Second, to the believer of Sir Karan, do you know how to balance your checking account...now if you spend more than you earn, you know that you do not know maths well enough, hence, you should return to elementary school.
For those you have made some comments here, i want to say that you are entiled to your thoughts and opinion just me, hence, i want to say a tiny bit about sir Daran. Like me, Daran is a dreamer. Like me, Daran is finacially broke. Unlike me, he is delusional. Unlike me, he likes to cheat. To claim that he can help Khmer chhob kror is like he can stop the spread AIDS in Cambodia.
Do you think you are any better to speak in a bad tongue? Daran works hard for the sake of his country. For the Cambodian people, for WE the Cambodian people. You say such ugly words that it dirties the hopes of the Khmer Empire. Daran is a great leader with the ability to help and save Cambodia. If people were to talk badly of you, would you agree/believe them? Of course not, they don't know who you are. Same as how you don't know Daran. So don't just start misleading and talking so foul and badly of him. We believe in Kravanh. I'm only of minor age and I have much love for my country and people. What about you? Just bad mouthing with your butts glued to the chair and eyes glued to the screen. Even if you continue, this won't stop our support to Daran Kravanh. And it won't stop him as well. He is our hope to free Cambodia.
For your Sir Daran believers, make sure you know your maths well...again make your checking account has surplus by the end of the month...again, what i am trying to do here to help you to avoid being broke like Sir Daran. I mean once you are broke, you are deadly broke...i mean Sir Daran can't take care of his first family and cheated on his first wife and again cheated on his second wife. I mean the poor man cannot manage his bank account, cannot manage his first family, and did not learn a lesson, hence, he cannot take care of his second wife, and he cannot take care of himself, and why on earth would any of you think he can lead the entire nation of Cambodia? If you are a real man and a true hero, DO NOT LIE, DO NOT CHEAT, TELL THE TRUTH...WELL FINALLY SHOW ME THE MONEY
Mr. Kravan Essara, if you are a good person or you are a nationalist, why you are talking bad about Daran Kravanh who is the best leader that I and my families respect the most.
I still have your pictures with CFF President Chhun Yasith while you and Chhun Yasith prepared your troops to attack the Governmnet.
I also have your pictures of the VATHO BORAN you stole from Ankor Wat. Do you want me to show your face to the world. You created this name Kravan Essara using for your group to fight against the Khmer Nationalists. We have your pictures and e-mails evidences to show the world.
We knew and had a proof to share with your bad mouth spoken w/ your female friend in California.
Also, your friend who accopanied you to Bang Kok w/ CFF president. He is now trying to escape from his house. He canot stay home because of you MR. Kravan Essara. You told the world that MR. Daran Kravanh was assistance Chhun Yasith but the thruth is yourself and your friend living in Tacoma.
I will share with you morelater OK, Dr. Kravan Essara XIENG!! or Chien!!
If you said Mr. Daran Kravanh broke why didn't you help the poor?
What wrong with you? I think Mr. Daran Kravanh broke because spent thousends of dollar for his last election to help Khmer better than you stole the Cambodian Heritage from Angkor Wat!!!!!!????!!
Mr. Kravan Essara, if you are a good person or you are a nationalist, why you are talking bad about Daran Kravanh who is the best leader that I and my families respect the most.
I still have your pictures with CFF President Chhun Yasith while you and Chhun Yasith prepared your troops to attack the Governmnet.
I also have your pictures of the VATHO BORAN you stole from Ankor Wat. Do you want me to show your face to the world. You created this name Kravan Essara using for your group to fight against the Khmer Nationalists. We have your pictures and e-mails evidences to show the world.
We knew and had a proof to share with your bad mouth spoken w/ your female friend in California.
Also, your friend who accopanied you to Bang Kok w/ CFF president. He is now trying to escape from his house. He canot stay home because of you MR. Kravan Essara. You told the world that MR. Daran Kravanh was assistance Chhun Yasith but the thruth is yourself and your friend living in Tacoma.
I will share with you morelater OK, Dr. Kravan Essara XIENG!! or Chien!!
If you said Mr. Daran Kravanh broke why didn't you help the poor?
What wrong with you? I think Mr. Daran Kravanh broke because spent thousends of dollar for his last election to help Khmer better than you stole the Cambodian Heritage from Angkor Wat!!!!!!????!!
HEYYY!! Kravan Essara, you are stealer!! I and my friends wanted to see your ugly face. Do you speak yuon fluently??? Why you use your Yuon Charater to destroy Khmer?? Especially , destroy the good leader like Mr. Daran Kravanh.
I think you better throw your Jelousy mind from your ugly heart right now!!
HEYYY!! Kravan Essara, you are stealer!! I and my friends wanted to see your ugly face. Do you speak yuon fluently??? Why you use your Yuon Charater to destroy Khmer?? Especially , destroy the good leader like Mr. Daran Kravanh.
I think you better throw your Jelousy mind from your ugly heart right now!!
To be fair and justice, I would like to hear Mr. Daran Kravanh's response to MR. Kravan Essara's accusation.
I still not belive Mr. daran Kravanh is working hard to form a political group to save our country doing something wrong whta Mr. Kravan Essara accused. Did Mr. Kravan Essara form one political party so far?? You should proud of Mr. Daran Kravanh who spent his own money to save and build up our country not trying to destroy his reputation. That is hurt me and my families Mr. Kravan Essara!!!!
How do you feel if somebody rape your daughter??? You show Mr. Daran Kravanh's picture on the K-I Media, to me he is gentle man and handsome. Why didn't you show your picture on the K-I Media, too??
We need two ways not one way to be fair Mr. Kravan Essara!! I want to see your face!!!!
To be fair and justice, I would like to hear Mr. Daran Kravanh's response to MR. Kravan Essara's accusation.
I still not belive Mr. daran Kravanh is working hard to form a political group to save our country doing something wrong whta Mr. Kravan Essara accused. Did Mr. Kravan Essara form one political party so far?? You should proud of Mr. Daran Kravanh who spent his own money to save and build up our country not trying to destroy his reputation. That is hurt me and my families Mr. Kravan Essara!!!!
How do you feel if somebody rape your daughter??? You show Mr. Daran Kravanh's picture on the K-I Media, to me he is gentle man and handsome. Why didn't you show your picture on the K-I Media, too??
We need two ways not one way to be fair Mr. Kravan Essara!! I want to see your face!!!!
To be fair and justice, I would like to hear Mr. Daran Kravanh's response to MR. Kravan Essara's accusation.
I still not belive Mr. daran Kravanh is working hard to form a political group to save our country doing something wrong whta Mr. Kravan Essara accused. Did Mr. Kravan Essara form one political party so far?? You should proud of Mr. Daran Kravanh who spent his own money to save and build up our country not trying to destroy his reputation. That is hurt me and my families Mr. Kravan Essara!!!!
How do you feel if somebody rape your daughter??? You show Mr. Daran Kravanh's picture on the K-I Media, to me he is gentle man and handsome. Why didn't you show your picture on the K-I Media, too??
We need two ways not one way to be fair Mr. Kravan Essara!! I want to see your face!!!!
I agreed with you Mr. Daran. Please show his picture with his CFF group.
Mr. Chien, ferme ta beck. You are really Youn tries to destroy Cambodia, I won't let that happen in my life. I know who you are right now. shut your mouth, SFF guy.
Hello Mr. Anonymous. why do you hate KAPP so much? i think i know why???? They kick your VC ASS out from KAPP Right? RIGHT.....
That would be you Mr. kravan Essara.
Mr. Issara, you may miscalculate or be a no brained alien. If Mr. Daran Kravanh has been so bad and immoral one as you have put it, why Ms. Cathy Allen still keeps shouldering KAPP all along? Stop underestimating the intelligent of the others!!!
To sir Daran followers, what has written and said so far isn't about Mr. Issara, or KAPP, or sir Daran, but it is about the truth and reality. Cambodia has suffered so much because of misled, mismanaged, and deceived. Thus, the price was huge beyond our imaginations. If you asked Khmer who live in Cambodia today, the majority of them would say that they are better off than the time they lived in Pol Pot time. But if you asked Khmer who live outside Cambodia like the USA, Australia, Canada, or France, the majority would say that they are unhappy about the situation in Cambodia.
Here is for you, my friend, you are a good man to begin with, and i think the more you involve with Sir Daran, you are becoming bad...i mean you are like to learn to lie and cheat and that is bad...i mean you will be punished by Buddha, you know what i am saying, what i am saying is that you can support Sir Daran honestly that is totally fine but do not buy the idea that he is above you or he love Khmer nation than you or he is more intelligent than you. Look this man is an average Khmer man who learns to charm woman. You want me to tell you a story how he got his second wife or how he cheated on his wife on his friend's wife?
Do you have any prove to back your as up with your statement? prove me wrong Mr. Smart ass. look who's talking. i know who you are. you need to stop this BS. I WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ONE MORE TIME. Just to tell you how much i really like you.....
we was told that Khmer Anti-Poverty Party,Khavanh Daran run and stay with Norodom Ranaridd Party already. We was told on July 30,2011 by CPP Party member at Pusat Province in Cambodia. What going on with him?.Khmer love khmer Party with CPP,Hun Sen! Both Hun sen and Norodom have youn master the same!
Khmer Love Khmer Party, John Kao Hiem with Hun Sen.Khmer Anti_Poverty Party,Daran Khavanh with Norodom Ranaridd? He ,Who with Daran what Going on now? Why with Morodom?
Lol, we have not left gate yet, and here we are fight among ourselves! wether you're Issara or kravanh you all need to put your ego aside and find a solution to current youn victimization of our khmer people.
mandela was a broken ass man and he led south africa people out of apartheids .....and oh he was married twice as well....the point is this, the supporters of mr Issarra or mr kravanh, if you are khmer, lets use this forum to bounce ideas to find solution before cambodia becomes saigon.
we are all khmer brotherhood... and when we dream we can allevate ourself to the next level... Martin Luther King dreamt that one day, black and white will be one... and now his dream is a reality.. i am asking all khmer brotherhood let's not fight this battle among ourselves because we have a bigger war to be fought..YOUN. and yes we can end poverty because cambodia has 14 millions people to care for. we need all of khmer leaders to put our heads together to create a well sound business plan...
no man is an island... and we should not judge each because
we all have flaws, but we all have the ability to overcome
our flaws. we are not Eistein but we have common sense and life long experiences!!
issara!!! no more hate...ok!!! love you man.. you
like my little brother who doesnt listen to his older brother. its all good i still love ya, though.. we'll talk later
this is in respond to the blogger:Daran was "a grass picker in WA."
Khmer would rather have people like him as leader than people like Issara who bury their faces in VC VIRGINA!!
VC virgina is bad for your health and bad for cambodia;loose the land and then Issara you loose your head!!
what is this? party for the people and by the people..
I'd like to see.
Mr. Daran
I know this guy personally since 1993, he is a self serving womanizer. I like his first wife she is respectfully and kind lady but he left her. What make you think he is willing to stand up for what he believe is right. Issara you are not SEAL you were brought to attend Amphibious Reconnaissance Course, stop tell people you are Navy SEAL. You are full of BS yourself. I agree with some people here Daran could not lead himself out of a wet paper bag let alone lead a poor country. I just want to people to be aware that stop support this guy financially do some good for our country with your money.
Mr Issara
Vous avez vraiment du temps à perdre au lieu de soigner les malades vous devrez aller vous soigner à l'hopital psychatrique.
Non seulement vous n'êtes pas quelqu'un de bien mais vous êtes un salop, une bête sauvage, un traite et pas dessus tout vous essayez de faire croire aux compatriotes khmer que vous détenez la vérité.
Pouvez-vous apporter les preuvent de ce vous dites ?
Car sans preuves vos accusations sont monsongères et malhonêtes.
Si Mr Daran est un violeur come vous prétendez, alors qu'attendez-vous pour porter plaindre auprès du FBI ?
Mais je crois que vous ne possédez aucune preuve.
Si vous êtiez un khmer vous devrez s'unir avec Daran pour allre sauver les khmers de la griffe des Yuons.
Vous êtes un incapable et un être sans cervelle.
Vous avez la langue de pute.
Vous devrez avoir honte d'avoir dénigré quelqu'un comme Daran qui a mis tout son énergie pour servir son pays et qui est un véritable patriote.
Vous devrez un examen de concience. Avant de mourrir qu'avez vous fait pour votre pays ?
Vous savez que Bouddha n'aime pas des mauvaises personnes come vous qui passe leur vie à détruire toute lueur d'espoir pour sauver notre patrie KHMERE.
L'enfer existe pour vous mais jamais pour les Grands Hommes comme Daran.
I belive. Mr.Daran Kravanh is good leader. He do all hard wroked. Because of his poor people.
Encourange everyone open mind and focus on our suffering khmer people. For everyone please step up on the plat and lead our khmer people from suffering.
Absolutly the goy stupid still stupid. I give you a new name biggest liar, bragger, bullshiter, stupid gambler, slot machiner, raper, molester, cheater, and badmouth. And I belive this goy is a stupid frog in pond.
FIRST OFF LISTEN. Daran did not cheat on his first wife. YOU LEARN YOUR FREAKEN MATH. You don't know him and his wife or ex-wife. Him and his ex-wife happen to best friends. They still hang out and go eat. They're still friends and it's just crazy! He has such a good heart. Listen. What matters is that we need change in Cambodia. Something needs to happen. We need to stop arguing with each other and DO SOMETHING. We're always saying SOMEONE needs to do something about all this. HELLO?? We are someone!!! One thing we can all agree on is that we love Cambodia and there is a need for change.
Since coming to the United States, Mr. Kravanh Daran has excelled in academics as well as in assisting and giving to the community. In 1992 he received the Ellen Pinto Outstanding Student of the Year Award from Tacoma Community College. In 1997 he received the MLK Citizen Recognition Award from the City of Tacoma Human Rights Department. In 2001 he received the Award of Merit for his dedication and support to the community from the Washington Chapter and Individual Award of Merit from the Washington Chapter in 2003. He was recognized for 15 years of faithful service by the Washington State Department of Health and Human Services in 2013.
Those who have doubted and slandered Mr. Kravanh can only fall into these categories:
1. Their comments are fueled by jealousy.
2. Their comments are motivated by outside forces from the East bent on slandering Daran's true character, for political purposes.
3. They obviously do not know him.
The awards mentioned above are just a fraction of what Daran has accomplished in the United States. Anyone stating otherwise, is clearly misguided. ~KAPP Media Committee
From: KAPP Media Committee
Please note that the posting on December 26, 2014 regarding the character of Presidential Candidate Kravanh Daran was mistakenly titled as Anonymous. The KAPP Media Committee was responsible for said posting as noted at the end of the post and issues this Notice of Correction to eliminate any confusion that may have been caused by the original posting being titled as Anonymous.
KAPP Media Committee
តើលោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន ជាមនុស្សប្រភេទណា?
មនុស្សមានពីរប្រភេទ …គឺ ៖ ១» មនុស្សល្អ និង ២» មនុស្សអាក្រក់ ។
ទី១/ មនុស្សល្អ គឺជាប្រភេទមនុស្សដែលតែងតែយកក្តីស្រឡាញ់ ភាពស្មោះត្រង់ និងសីលធម្ម (ព្រមទាំងមាន ចិត្តជួយគេឯងដោយស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត) ជាគោលចម្បង។ មនុស្សប្រភេទនេះចូលចិត្តចងមិត្ត ជាជាងជួញសត្រូវ ហើយ រមែងតែងមានគេឯងចូលចិត្ត ហើយស្រឡាញ់រាប់អានជាមិត្តភ័ក្តយូរអង្វែង។
ទោះបីជាខ្ញុំមិនដែលស្គាល់លោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន ក៏ដោយចុះ យោងទៅតាមការតាមដានចំពោះទង្វើរបស់គាត់ និងសហការីរបស់គាត់ តាមរយៈវីឌីអូឃ្លិប និងរូបភាពឯកសារជាច្រើនក្នុងបណ្តាញអិនទឺណែត និង ទូរទស្សន៍ ខ្ញុំអាចយល់ដឹងថាលោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន គឺជាប្រភេទមនុស្សទី១ខាងលើនេះ។ ខ្ញុំសូមគាំទ្រថាលោកជាមនុស្សល្អ ហើយលោកហាក់ដូចជាមានសមត្ថភាពគ្រប់គ្រាន់ក្នុងការដឹកនាំកម្ពុជាផង។ ហេតុអ្វី? ពីព្រោះ ៖
១»»»មនុស្សល្អគឺជាមនុស្សដែលមានការងារល្អជាអាជិបក្នុងសង្គមយ៉ាងជាប់លាប់ (យោងទៅតាមភ័ស្តុតាងដែល បានចុះផ្សាយពីខាងលើ) ។ នេះគឺបង្ហាញពីភាពទទួលខុសត្រូវ (RESPONSIBILITY) របស់មនុស្សម្នាក់ៗ សម្រាប់ ខ្លួនឯងក្តី សម្រាប់ក្រុមគ្រួសារក្តី។ មនុស្សនេះគឺ លោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន នេះឯង!!!
២»»»មនុស្សល្អគឺជាមនុស្សដែលមានទម្លាប់ល្អ ទង្វើហ្មឺងហ្មាត់ ហ្មត់ចត់ ព្រមទាំងបានបង្កើតនូវលត្ថផលវិជ្ជមាន ចម្បងជាច្រើន ដែលគួរអោយសរសើរ ចំពោះកិច្ចការដែលខ្លួនធ្វើ។ មនុស្សបែបនេះតែងតែទទួលបាននូវរង្វាន់ លើកទឹកចិត្ត ជាផ្លាកសរសើរសមត្ថភាពក្តី ឬក៏ជាមេដាយពិសេសក្តី ពីកន្លែងការងារដែលខ្លួនធ្វើ ក៏ដូចជាពីសង្គម ដែលខ្លួនរស់នៅដែរ។ មនុស្សនេះគឺ លោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន នេះឯង!!!
៣»»»មនុស្សល្អ (ជាពិសេសគឺល្អ ហើយថែមទាំងឈ្លៀសវៃផ្នែកចំណះដឹងទូទៅទៀត) គឺជាមនុស្សដែលតែងតែ ត្រូវបានគេអញ្ជើញអោយទៅចូលរួមក្នុងពិធីធំៗ ធ្វើជាពិធីករ ឬជាវេគ្មិន ដូចជាក្នុងពិធីបុណ្យ ក្នុងអង្គប្រជុំតូចធំ ក្នុងអង្គសិន្និសិទ និង សមាជាតិ ឬ សមាជអន្តរជាតិ ល។ និង ល។ ជាដើម។ មនុស្សនេះគឺ លោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន នេះឯង!!!
ក្នុងករណីលោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន …
១» លោកនិងសហការីរបស់លោកត្រូវបានអង្គការអាភីសា (មានសមាជិកជាង ១០០ប្រទេស ជាង១០០ជនជាតិ) អញ្ជើញទៅចូលរួមសិន្និសិទប្រចាំឆ្នាំនៅតៃវ៉ាន់ …
២» លោកនិងសហការីរបស់ លោកត្រូវបានអញ្ជើញទៅបកស្រាយអំពីទុក្ខកង្វល់របស់ខ្មែរនៅសភាសហគមន៍ អឺរ៉ុប …និង
៣» មិនបាច់និយាយទេ ពីព្រោះគ្រាន់តែពីរចំណុចសំខាន់ៗនេះវាគ្រប់គ្រាន់ទៅហើយ ដែលបង្ហាញអោយពិភពលោកឃើញថាតើលោក ក្រវ៉ាញ ដារ៉ន ជាមនុស្សប្រភេទណានោះ។
ចំណែកឯ …
ទី២/ មនុស្សអាក្រក់ គឺជាចំពូកមនុស្សដែលតែងតែយកក្តីសម្អប់ ភាពច្រណែននិន្ទា ការបំបែកបំបាក់ និងភាព វៀចវេរ មិនស្មោះត្រង់ជាកត្តាសំខាន់សម្រាប់បំពេញបំណងរបស់គេសម្រាប់រស់។ មនុស្សចំពូកទី២នេះ ភាគ ច្រើនគឺចូលចិត្តនិយាយអាក្រក់ ឬសម្អុយកេរ្ត៍ឈ្មោះអ្នកដទៃ (ទោះបីជាមិនបានស្គាល់គេជាក់ច្បាស់ក៏ដោយ) ដែលពូកែ ហើយល្បីជាងខ្លួន ដើម្បីចង់បង្ហាញអោយអ្នកដទៃគេមើលឃើញថាខ្លួនឯងនេះវាគ្រាន់បើជាងគេ។ មនុស្សចំពូកទី២ នេះតាមពិតគឺគួរអោយអាណិតណាស់ (ដោយសារតែលក់ផ្លូវខ្លួនឯង) ពីព្រោះពួកគេមិនសូវ ជាមានមនុស្សរាប់អានបានយូរអង្វែងទេ …ម្តងរត់ទៅអ្នកនេះ ម្តងរត់ទៅអ្នកនោះ …ទីបំផុតគឺនៅសល់តែល តោលតែម្នាក់ឯងប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ មនុស្សធន់នេះ បើមិនបានធ្វើបាបចិត្តកាយអ្នកដទៃទេ គឺដេកពួនមិនលក់ទេ។ នេះគឺបានសេចក្តីថា នៅពេលដែលគេតាមរកចាប់កំហុស ឬធ្វើបាបអ្នកដទៃមិនបាន គឺគេឆ្កួតប្រកាច់ប្រកិន តែម្នាក់ឯងតែម្តង។ គួរអោយអាណិត ណាស់លោកអើយ!!!
បុគ្គលម្នាក់ៗ អាចមានទស្សនៈខុសៗគ្នា ឯការជ្រើសរើសក៏វាអាចខុសគ្នាដែរ។ យ៉ាងណាមិញ ទោះបីជាអ្នកស្អប់ បុគ្គលណាក៏ដោយ ក្រុមណាក៏ដោយ បក្សណាក៏ដោយ ចូរគួរគិតថាយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាខ្មែរ គឺនៅតែជាខ្មែរ ដដែល។ ដូច្នេះ បើសិនជាអាច សូមមេត្តាឈប់លាបព័រគ្នាឯងទៅ។ យើងគួរត្រូវរួមគ្នាគិតពីបញ្ហាប្រទេសជាតិ យើងជាធំវិញ។
បើឃើញមានខ្មែរណាម្នាក់ដែលល្អ មានសមត្ថភាពខ្ពស់ ជួយគាំទ្រអ្នកនោះទៅ។ បើសិនជាឃើញអ្នកក្សត់ ខ្សោយវិញ សូមជួយយោងគាត់ផង។ ធ្វើដូច្នេះទើបយើងអាចជួយរំដោះស្រុកយើងបាន។ យើងត្រូវតែសាមគ្គីគ្នា ទើបយើងអាចមានសង្ឃឹមថានឹងអាចជួយរំដោះស្រុកយើងពីយក្សចង្រៃបាន!!!
បើសិនជាយើងម្នាក់ៗ គិតតែពីលាបព័រគ្នា ជាន់ពន្លិចគ្នា (ជួនកាលមិនទាំងបានស្គាល់បុគ្គលដែលខ្លួនស្អប់ នោះអោយបានច្បាស់ផង) នោះគឺយើងឥតចំណេញទេ គឺមានតែខាត។ ហើយអ្នកដែលចាំទទួលផលនោះ គឺពិតជាសត្រូវរបស់យើង ដែលកំពុងតែចាំលេបត្របាក់យើងទាំងរស់នោះឯង។ សត្រូវរបស់យើងវាពិតជា សប្បាយណាស់ នៅពេលដែលឃើញយើងខាំគ្នាឯងយ៉ាងនេះ។
នៅទីបញ្ចប់ បើសិនជាអស់លោកពិតជាខ្មែរ ទាំងឆន្ទៈ ទាំងស្មារតី ទាំងព្រលឹង ទាំងទង្វើ មែន ចូររួមគ្នាឡើង ដើម្បីប្រទេសជាតិមាតុភូមិរបស់យើងទាំងអស់គ្នា។ ឬមួយក៏មានបុគ្គលខ្លះមិនមែនជាសាមែរទេ? បើសិនជា មិនមែនជាសាមែរទេ នោះគឺប្រាកដជាមិនយល់ភាសារខ្មែរឡើយ …មិនបាច់ខាតពេលពន្យល់ទេ។
ដោយក្តីគោរពពីក្មេងវត្ត ត្រូវការមេដឹកនាំមានសមត្ថភាពខ្ពស់ហើយស្មោះត្រង់
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