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Tens of thousands of people, waving Cambodian flags and portraits of Sihanouk (AFP, Khem Sovannara) |
PHNOM PENH — Tens of thousands of Cambodians thronged the streets of Phnom Penh on Sunday to mark the 20th anniversary of their beloved former king Norodom Sihanouk's return from exile.
Crowds of people waving Cambodian flags and portraits of Sihanouk -- who turns 89 on October 31 -- gathered outside the royal palace to see the ailing ex-monarch, who vowed to stay in his country despite health problems.
"I am very happy to inform all compatriots that from now on, even though I still have health problems... we have decided not to leave the country, but will stay with our compatriots in Cambodia forever," Sihanouk said.
The former king, who returned home on Thursday from Beijing where he spent nearly three months receiving medical treatment, said he would ask China to send doctors to look after him in Cambodia.
Twice exiled and twice returned to the throne during a life almost as turbulent as his country's history, Sihanouk abruptly abdicated in 2004 in favour of his son, King Norodom Sihamoni, citing old age and health problems.
Sihanouk was placed on the throne in 1941 at the age of 18 by French colonial authorities.
Twelve years later he gained Cambodia's independence and shortly after quit the throne for the first time in favour of his father Prince Norodom Suramarit to pursue a career in politics.
Sihanouk served as premier half a dozen times, repeatedly leaving the post with a characteristic flash of angry theatre over perceived slights, until finally becoming "head of state" following the death of his father in 1960.
He was toppled in a US-backed coup by one of his own generals, Lon Nol, in 1970.
Sihanouk aligned himself with communist guerrillas who later emerged as the Khmer Rouge and used him as a figurehead before putting him under house arrest in the royal palace with his family during their 1975-79 reign of terror.
He survived because China, a key backer of the Khmer Rouge, wanted him alive and fled to Beijing after the communist regime crumbled, living there and in North Korea -- another of the monarch's allies -- for the next 13 years.
Long Live His Majesty The King Father
The Cambodian are very very happy.
Long Live The King!!!
Long Live The Kingdom of Cambodia!!!
Long Live Gaddafi and Hun Sen!Long Live Gaddafi and Hun Sen!Long Live Gaddafi and Hun Sen!Long Live Gaddafi and Hun Sen!
He knows he's going to die soon. "Beloved king"? More like a hated king. Stupid piece of shit, because of him, khmers have suffered so much.
Anonymous said...
Anti Sihanouk! = Anti monarchy? = Anti 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, since Sihanouk was inseparable from the agreement?
Anonymous said...
Anti Sihanouk! = Anti monarchy? = Anti 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, since Sihanouk was inseparable from the agreement?
Anonymous said...
against free speech? = dictatorship! aganst freedom of expression? = Gahdaffi!
His face looks very young. He doesn't need to wear costume to go around beg for candies this halloween night.
Homeowners won't recognize him as king of Cambodia.
Very Good. This means average Khmer people don't need to travel far to piss and dance on this old fart grave when the time come. Khmer murderer.
I think he begs for all Cambodia to go into preymaki again.
I encourage Khmer people to follow Sihanouk one more time just to go into preymaki.
ធុញនិង អា ស៊ីហនុ ឪធម៏របស់ អា ហ៊ុន សែន ដល់ហើយ ក្រុមអាក្បត់ជាតិ
It's about time as Cambodia and Cambodians have been suffering too much!
Poor Khmers
long live our King ! time is come to take back what we expected in coming .
the truth is the truth ,soon will be reveal .if our King had willing to stand the truth .now we had witness all khmer in the world and international concerning .
The minute he's living th more Cambodia suffering of YOUN Slave & Cambodia Vietnamization, he's the cause and affect of Mao Tse Tong, Ho chi minh, KR, Khmer Ramdos like Hun Sen....
He will die to hell and Yum Babal will punish him for the Killing Field cause & affect Master of 3 millions Khmers....
His real heart and kindness has careless much about his Country but the throne and satisfy his YOUN wife to the rise of her son to 2nd Kingdom...
History repeats itself.....
Khmers please be awake to save our country from Cambodia Vietnamization.
Long Live Khmers patriotic
Down with all youn salves
Oh, come on the ex-king, the murderer. Go to hell.
Sihanouk+Hun Sen=Saddam Hussein+Gadhafi.
He came to save Hun Sen and Yuon,or
Vietnam,not to save Cambodia or its
Go to hell,foolish king!
Khmer people should know how to differentiate between National hero and Traitor.
By calling on Khmer people to go to Prey Marquis and requested Vietcong to invade Cambodia in order to get his power back from Lon Nol, that has led to over 2 million Cambodians dead, and the expulsion of UNTAC after the 1993 election, paved the way for Vietnam to resume its control over Cambodia, clearly constituted acts of treason, therefore this old junk man is not my hero.
There are so many poor young girls in Cambodia; maybe that is why he comes back. Remember he was self proclaimed Playboy ( or Ah Playboy Kanteur Kdor Kley)
Oh... that's bullshit!
khmer stop believe in you since you married yuon monique. Now khmer's throne is belonging to koun yuon..!
Gay King sings for Youn enter Cambodia.
Like father(Sihanouk),like son
Louis XVI ប្រជារាស្ត្របារាំងកាត់ក!
ចុះប្រទេសខ្មែរ ទុកអាស្ដេចថ្វាយសម្រាប់បង្គំឬ?
អាពុកក៏ចោរ កូនក៏ចោរ លក់ជាតិ រឹបអូស
រណ្ដៅ អាខ្លៅឡើងឋានសួគ៌។
អាហ៊ុន នាង អាមេចោរខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ក្ររហាម
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាស្តេចសីហនុ ចិនប៉េកាំងបណ្តុប
និងអាស្តេចស៊ីហមុនី យួនហាណូយបណ្តុប ថា៖
"អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះចិនប៉េកាំង និងអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះ យួនហាណូយ"
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាខ្វាក់ក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន ថា៖
"ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះ យួនហាណូយ"
ជេរហើយជេរទៀត ដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ពីអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនឹងអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ពួកវា
អាមាយាទថោកស្តាចមន៍ ៧មករាយួនលើកបណ្តុប
អាឆ្កែ ស៊ីហមុនី ហែងនេះ ក៏មិនខុសពីឪហែងដែរ
បានតែ លឹបលរ អែបអប ស៊ីពែរ យកច្រាស
ច្រាសតែ មួយឆ្អែតៗ អញ្ចឹងទៅ ។
អាមាយាទថោកហែង មួយថ្ងៃៗ អត់ធ្វើអី្វទេ
គិតតែបញ្ជារគ្រួសារអាហ៊ុនសែន ដើម្បីផ្គាប់ចិត្តវា
ដើម្បីហែងបាន សោយសុខស្រួស
អាមាយាទថោក អាពូជត្រសក់ហែង វាតែប៉ុណ្ណឹង
ចឹងបានរលាយខ្មែរអស់ អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ហែងនិង
អាមាយាទថោកនេះ វាមិនខុសពីឪវា
អា ស៊ីហនុ ទេ។ ពួកវា មាយាទថោក ដូចគ្នា
ពួកវាគ្មានគិតរឿងស្រុកទេស ទឹកភ្នែកខ្មែរបាត់បង់ដី
រស់នៅវេទនា បែកបាក់គ្រួសារទៅធ្វើការនៅបរទេសអីទេ
ពួកវា គិតតែបញ្ជោរ បណ្តុបគ្នា លើកតម្កើងបក្សពួកវា ដើម្បីបានផលប្រយោជន៍ពីគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក
អាមាយាទថោក ស៊ីហមុនី និង អាមាយាទថោក ហ៊ុន សែន
វិញ ព្រោះវាចង់ងាប់ជាមួយនឹងអាក្រុមហ៊ុនសែន
ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនធំ គេឈប់ស្រលាញ់ពូជស្ដេចហើយ។
ងាប់ទៅអាពូជស្ដេចចំកួតនិងអាឆ្កែហ៊ុន សែនខ្ញុំយួន។
like it or not the ex-king is still famous and popular throughout cambodia. after all, he is 90 years old and have had lots of colorful history in both cambodia and the world as well, you know. and he's a royal. so, get used to it, ok! god bless cambodia.
What poster 5:15 PM meant to say is:
Long Live His Majesty The King Father
The Cambodian are very very unhappy.
Long Live The King!!!
Long Live The Kingdom of Cambodia!!!
S'dite nis bhab nuss!
i'm for a united cambodia nation! long live cambodia and khmer people! god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens. god bless khmer culture, khmer language, khmer identity, etc... god bless the khmer royal family. god bless all khmer leaders and all khmer people from all walks of life.
It's great to see the Cambodian King is with his people while flooding and people are suffering. In my country we never hear anything about Thai Royal. If anyone attempts to ask or write where is the Royal Family, that person will face "Lese Majesty Laws" jails for at least 15 years.
Now a day,Khmer around the worlds knew exactly the Sihanouk's family are serving Cambodia and they are always favored to the Communist side.
Why they do that?, because the North Viet...could insured the power for his family as a puppet king in Cambodia for ever. So all this kings are real Youn dog and they stayed in power to destroy Cambodia. So we are the Khmer people in and out the country must use your power to removed all the king youn dog and all the dictators out of Cambodia.
you know what makes cambodia strong, khmer united. and what makes cambodia weak, khmer divided. so choose wisely and be smart, ok! work out the differences for the sake of our khmer nation, really! key words are united, cooperation, reconciliation, forgive each other, communication properly, mutual respect for each other, instill in each of us a sense of ethical code of conduct, obey the rule of law, terms limit for prime ministership position, etc, etc..., you know! cambodia is starting anew and we must reform our old ways, especially in governance, judicial system, our way of thinking, education, immigration law, etc... god bless cambodia.
remember without our country cambodia, no among of power in the world can help you if you don't have a country to call home, you know! so, it is all khmer people responsibility to help protect and preserve cambodia at all cost. also, keep in mind too that nobody on earth can live forever, so make the best use of it while we're still on earth. god put cambodia on earth for a reason, so, it is for cambodia's interest that we all serve, not any individual or group or what have you, you know! please all khmer be wise and smart and learned. khmer people are the master of our country, our khmer language, our cultural identity, our history, our education, etc, etc... you know. please wake up and see the world. we want to be a part of the world communitiy as khmer and our country of cambodia. let's not forget that. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.
let bygone be bygone, cambodia must start afresh. we owed our people and our country peace, prosperity, unity loyalty, etc... please learn to forgive each other, we all share the same country and the same planet earth. we only have one cambodia and one planet earth. please help each to take care of it all. god bless cambodia.
it's not about the royal family, it's about cambodia, our sacred nation.
power instill or giving to us by our people, so, please don't abuse the power granted to us all. cambodia deserves better. thank you.
i am in favor of a unity cambodia.
Ah changrai Sihanouk !
Cambodian people have suffered heavily since this crazy short person abandoned his throne to take the position as head of state. This clown has no knowledge but pretended that he knew everything - father of everything.
Look at the current Prime Minister, do we see any similarity?
Ah Kwack will lead us from "has country" to "has no country"
Both Ah Kwack and Ah Chkuot Sihanouk have committed the same act of treason.
So, these two animals must go to hell the same time and live in the same "mansion" in hell.
When is this Ta Sihanouk is going to die? Staying alive is only wasting the nations budget.
12:45, 12:55, 1:03, 1:11, 1:17 and 1:26
You forgot something.
"There's more to Cambodia then you and I?"
Etc! Etc!
You know!
this Dog king already know someday he`s going to die but Not in china.because the chines don`t want him.
dirty politician like him call a loosing man.
Oh.. maybe for final signed Lands deal with Hanois..stuppit king
children, have some respect for the elderly, ok!
China does not want him to reincarnate as Chinese.
អាមាយាទថោកស្តាចមន៍ ៧មករាយួនលើកបណ្តុប
អាឆ្កែ ស៊ីហមុនី ហែងនេះ ក៏មិនខុសពីឪហែងដែរ
បានតែ លឹបលរ អែបអប ស៊ីពែរ យកច្រាស
ច្រាសតែ មួយឆ្អែតៗ អញ្ចឹងទៅ ។
អាមាយាទថោកហែង មួយថ្ងៃៗ អត់ធ្វើអី្វទេ
គិតតែបញ្ជារគ្រួសារអាហ៊ុនសែន ដើម្បីផ្គាប់ចិត្តវា
ដើម្បីហែងបាន សោយសុខស្រួស
អាមាយាទថោក អាពូជត្រសក់ហែង វាតែប៉ុណ្ណឹង
ចឹងបានរលាយខ្មែរអស់ អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ហែងនិង
10:27 PM
Don't falsify the true story. This old lady (Queenie of Cambodia) is not Vietnamese. It is you and a few of your anti-Viets make up the story. We have no record of her being Vietnamese. None of Vietnamese looklike her.
This old monarch has a facelift and injected Botox like King Bhumibol.
i think i know why they like to called our beloved queen mother as "vietnamese or youn". the queen mother was born in the in prey nokor or saigon during the time all three countries of cambodia, vietnam and laos were a french colony. her mother was a khmer and her father was a french/italian businessman working for the french colonial administration then. just because she was born in prey nokor at the time of french colony doesn't mean she's youn, ok! stop calling her youn. her mother was khmer and her father was a french/italian. she has no viet/youn in her. remember back then, saigon was under french, not youn. it only came under youn administration after their independence from france. so stop labeling her as youn, ok! she is a khmer queen mother. get it right, people! just like some khmer overseas were born overseas, does that make them not khmer by cambodian law? get educated already! people don't buy your outdated allegation that she's youn, ok! in fact, the queen mother can't even speak a work of vietnamese or youn as she doesn't like them. she only speaks khmer, french, and some english. so don't call her youn, that's insulting to her, really! god bless the khmer royal family.
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