Thursday, October 20, 2011

How about doctorate degrees for the whole family all at once? Can you do better than that? [... Yes, in the Kingdom of Extraordinary Wonder]

Dear Readers,

An anonymous reader sent us the following photos and article showing the "endowment" of doctorate degrees to H.E. Min Khin, the minister of Cult, Chumteav Min Khin, his wife, and H.E. Min Khin's son. While other CPP officials only received their doctorate degree individually, this is the first time we see an entire family being allotted their doctorate degrees all at once. Eat your heart out Bun Rany!



Subject: Cambodian group joint conspiracy the Open Seminary endorsed HE Min Kin and His wife His Son for having Doctoral for business.

Papa, these pictures are very clear include some of my friends and former co.workers in CCC before: Chey Narin is wearing white dress, Gnin Vannak ( is wearing gray pants in third picture) and Ly Phanny ( is wearing gray shoes) is a christian community in Battambang (in third picture).This group of Dr. degree maker will destroy the cambodia education in the whole Cambodia, not just christians community. This activity is challenge the lazy people to not go to school and just buy the diploma. Of course their children will follow them, and their children will introduce their friends to have this fake diploma too. All and all, most of christian leaders, they got this fake diploma, therefore in a short future of Cambodia's society is fake. Because they don't study hard they can't have a clear conscience and they corrupted in their life. To have a diploma they need money and [it] is not cheap, they have to do every thing to get money for this fake diploma.This issue is not a normal is will cause disaster in Cambodia Soon, H.

A world-wide, interdisciplinary, interfaith, non-formal, distance theological education program established by God in 1995 as a joint project of International Evangelical Foundation and The Whole Wide World for Jesus Ministries of California, USA.
The Open Seminary stated now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honor me I will honor I Samuel 

Photos taken last September 09, 2010. In these photos, sitting fro L-R , H.E. Min Khin (Ministry of Religion) and Lok Chumteav Nguon Thoun (adviser to the PM of Cambodia) Bishop Dr. Alfonso Duque Cleto (International Rector of TOS) , Rev. Dr. Samuel Pacha (Dean for Cambodia and Indo China) Drs. Uong Vibol, Advisor to Samdech Heng Samrin President of National Assembly (TOS in Cambodia),and Hong Nareth (TOS-Coordinator in Cambodia) , 3rd row - Dr. Adesoji Ebenezer Oyetoran, (TOS- Dean for Nigeria), Mr. Ho,  Dr. Fil Tabayoyong Jr. MD,D.D., D. Min. , the Registrar
Batch 3 in Cambodia - taken last June 25, 2010 


Rev. Dr. Samuel Pacha (Dean for Cambodia and Indo China). Main Office of TOS Address of the Open Seminary is at 305,Street359,City House.Chhay Ampov, Khan Meanchey.Capital Phnom number: 092791796


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What the fuck? Is it called a university or a street church? Those guys are so dumb to be cheat by another group of dumb guys.. lolz..

Anonymous said...

They are all junk and trash coming from Communist CPP party under the secret supervision and provision of Vietgook masters in hell Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

In Cambodian alot of P.H.D but they fucking still dumbest and fucking blind too. I want that piss of shit to wipe my ass those.

Anonymous said...

Now they can go to any western country to apply for a good job. Good luck, you monkeys.

Anonymous said...

They look so stupid in the costume!

Anonymous said...

There is a Doctor and phD degrees that you can get online anywhere. What's new? If Bill Gate wants a phD degree, he could get it too without attending school.

Anonymous said...

They don't need to go to the western country to apply for the jobs or get white-washed. They got millions dollars in their pockets

Anonymous said...

Jealousy always comes from an unsucessful individual. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

ព្រះបន្ទូលអំពីការអធិស្ឋាន ម៉ាថាយ ៥-១៣

«កាលណាអ្នករាល់គ្នាអធិស្ឋាន* កុំធ្វើដូចពួកអ្នកមានពុត ដែលចូលចិត្តឈរអធិស្ឋាននៅក្នុងសាលាប្រជុំ* និង នៅត្រង់ថ្នល់កែង ខ្ញុំសុំប្រាប់អោយអ្នករាល់គ្នាដឹងច្បាស់ថា រីងអ្នកវិញ កាលណាអ្នកអធិស្ឋាន ត្រូវចូលទៅក្នុងបន្ធប់ បិទទ្វារអោយជិត ហើយទូលទៅកាន់ព្រះបិតារបស់អ្នកដែលទតឃើញនៅក្នុងទីស្ងាត់កំបាំង ទ្រង់នឹងប្រទានរង្វាន់មកអ្នកជាពុំខាន ។ ពេលទូលទៅព្រះបិតាកុំពេលពាក្យច្រំដែល ។ គេនឹកស្មានថា បើពោលពាក្យយ៉ាងច្រើនដូចេះ ព្រះរបស់គេនឹងស្តាប់គេ ។ កុំជ្រាបនូវអ្វីៗដែលអ្នករាល់គ្នាត្រូវការ មុនអ្នករាល់គ្នាទូលសូមព្រះអង្គទៅទៀត ។ អ្នករាល់គ្នាត្រូវទូលព្រះអង្គដូចតទៅ :

ដូចនៅស្ថានបរមសុខដែរ ។
ដែលយើងខ្ញុំត្រូវការនៅថ្ងៃនេះ ។
អស់អ្នកដែលបានប្រព្រឹត្តខុសនឹងយើងខ្ញុំ ។
ទ្រង់មានឫទ្ធានុភាព និង សិរីរុងរឿង
អស់កល្បជាអង្វែងតរៀងទៅ ។
អាម៉ែ​​​ន ។]


Anonymous said...

វាគ្មានអ្វីដែលចម្លែកទេដែលគ្រាន់តែចែកក្រដាស​មួយសន្លឹកដល់ក្មេងឃ្វាលគោដើម្បីពាក់កនោះ ។

Anonymous said...

Not their faults, it was the three stooges Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea sim who led the show.