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King Sihamoni surrounded by the CPP "éminences grises": Hochimonk Tep Vong (L), Heng Xamrin anf Hun Xen (AP) |
By Pech Bandol
The Free Press Magazine
Translated from Khmer by Skru-da-Royals
Click here to read the original article in Khmer
This scheme is conducted to destroy Sam Rainsy because in the eyes of the Cambodian people, the king is considered as divine, therefore, if Sam Rainsy does not show up as ordered by the king’s invitation, it would be considered as lese-majesty, i.e. it is tantamount to scorning the gods themselves. Hence such offense would bring additional charges on Mr. Sam Rainsy.
When it comes to intervention for Cambodia’s unity, hardly can one ever hear anything from the part of the Cambodian king whom people considers as a tool or a stooge of the Phnom Penh regime. Right now, another laughing matter is taking place when the king ordered leader Sam Rainsy – who is living in self-exile in order to avoid arrest and 12-year of jail sentence for pulling out border stakes – to come and enjoy the birthday anniversary of the former king (Sihanouk), as well as other festivities organized in Phnom Penh on 30 October 2011.
The king’s invitation along with the “official and urgent” order indicated that 2 events will take place starting at 07AM: (1) the 90th birthday anniversary of the ex-king, and (2) the meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the homecoming of the ex-king.
The king’s invitation sent to Sam Rainsy – a man whom the Phnom Penh regime considers as a criminal – is a great honor, but it is quite surprising that the king is not aware of the situation faced by the opposition leader who was sentenced to jail by the Hun Xen regime. Therefore, one wonders what this invitation mean?
It is a fact that Sihamoni – who is known to be a dancer for half of his lifespan and who is known to be a weakling since birth – is not allowed to undertake anything on his own power or his own whim, except for acting as a bait to fool the Cambodian people in order to serve the Chinese and Vietnamese communists – in the same vein as his father used to be.
In 2005 – not even one year after his coronation in 2004 – the king signed a Supplemental border treaty to the 1985 treaty concluded between the then-People’s Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) and the Yuon. This Supplemental treaty is widely considered as leading to the major loss of Cambodian territories to the Yuon, and it also provided legitimacy to the [illegal 1985 treaty which was imposed by Vietnam on Cambodia]. That was a grateful gesture [from the king] that Hanoi cannot miss. As for the current invitation sent to opposition leader Sam Rainsy, it is just a strategy set in motion by the ruling CPP party for its political gain when it knows full well that Sam Rainsy cannot return home. This scheme is conducted to destroy Sam Rainsy because in the eyes of the Cambodian people, the king is considered as divine, therefore, if Sam Rainsy does not show up as ordered by the king’s invitation, it would be considered as lese-majesty, i.e. it is tantamount to scorning the gods themselves. Hence such offense would bring additional charges on Mr. Sam Rainsy.
Ignore Ah Sdach Kbot Cheat Sihanouk and Ah Sdach Ting Mong Sihamoni!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
UNITED with ah roke jeit Sihaknuk?
How many more million khmers people deserve to die,put your families cousin great cousin to die first then calling US. One you stupid making Cambodia in the perish or Major devastating YOU ARE OUT period. Look at ah roke jeit Sihaknuk did two prime ministers, let his son signed all loser agreement that made Cambodia lost her territories to Viet Nam and Thailand.THis man has the nerve's to come back to Cambodia .
Thanks Chinese leader that have a long vision ,stopping this dog from wasting their money put away the contagious person(TAMIL=THMIL)so the mad dog decease won't spread over China.
You grow mango you ve got mango .You grow hatred you got it in returned.
How many million orphans of Cambodian still suffering from this man,it is included me.
Khmer people should know how to differentiate between National hero and Traitor.
By calling on Khmer people to go to Prey Marquis and requested Vietcong to invade Cambodia in order to get his power back from Lon Nol, resulting to over 2 million Cambodians dead and the expulsion of UNTAC after the 1993 election, which paved the way for Vietnam to resume its full control over Cambodia, clearly constituted acts of treason; therefore this old junk man is not my hero.
There are so many poor young girls in Cambodia; maybe that is why he comes back. He was once self proclaimed Playboy ( or Ah Playboy Kanteur Kdor Kley).
Sam Rainsy, dont go back, its trap set up by Ah Kwak. Ah Kwak is going to die soon with his friend Gaddafi as a traitor. You will die as a fighter for our nation, many Khmer overseas can see it, even if Khmer inside cant.
scam rainsy is a traitor, using foreign land to attack cambodia both verbally and damaging cambodia's good image with the world! shame on scam rainsy for using france land to attack cambodia!
soon. the dog king (Sihanouk) die.
I want to see if Luak Hun sen cry too..
10:04 AM
HAHAHA Good image?
So Hun Sen is Pol Pot Comrade, 30 years as a dictator, Cambodia is now the poorest country in Asia and the most corrupted country in Asia. How many people has Sam Rainsy killed? Why is he in exiled? Its all Sam Rainsy faults?
អា ស៊ីហនុ មហាវីរក្សត្រ Kdor Thom.
អាមាយាទថោកស្តាចមន៍ ៧មករាយួនលើកបណ្តុប
អាឆ្កែ ស៊ីហមុនី ហែងនេះ ក៏មិនខុសពីឪហែងដែរ
បានតែ លឹបលរ អែបអប ស៊ីពែរ យកច្រាស
ច្រាសតែ មួយឆ្អែតៗ អញ្ចឹងទៅ ។
អាមាយាទថោកហែង មួយថ្ងៃៗ អត់ធ្វើអី្វទេ
គិតតែបញ្ជារគ្រួសារអាហ៊ុនសែន ដើម្បីផ្គាប់ចិត្តវា
ដើម្បីហែងបាន សោយសុខស្រួស
អាមាយាទថោក អាពូជត្រសក់ហែង វាតែប៉ុណ្ណឹង
ចឹងបានរលាយខ្មែរអស់ អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ហែងនិង
China kicked ah Sihanouk and Monique out of China.They wasted China's money.
Sihanouk came to Cambodia to save
ah Hun Sen and Vietdick.
Time to Sihanouk,Hun Sen,and Vietcock.
Khmer wake up,stand up,and rise up
against Sihanouk,Hun Sen,and Vietnamese in Cambodia.
Hi Cambodians,
Why cannot you learn to be civilized people? What I am seeing and reading your comments, you deserve to have trash people like Hun Sen as your boss.
Hi Sam Rainsy's supporters. Tell him not to enter into Cambodia. Don't worry about Lese Majesty in Cambodia, because the thugs in Cambodia do not care about Lese Majesty anything.
Furthermore, Cambodia does not have "Lese Majesty", Kings of Cambodia are puppets of CPP/Vietnam.
Sam Rainsy should not enter and eat food prepare by the CPP. If he does he will be poisoned by them.
King Sihanouk secretely ordered Lon Nol to kill Sam Rainsy's Father (Sam Sary). Lon Nol then ordered Kou Run to hunt Sam Sary down, from Cambodia to Laos then ended up in South Vietnam, then the assassins executed him.
Anyone can stop him not to go, please.
12:08 PM
That is an excellent advice.
Of course, Sam Rainsy must always be careful about what he eats.
The devils have no heart.
Ah fucking Hun Sen. Ah fucking Sihanouk. have you ever seen the Khmer people cries for your mercy? Do you think they love you, because they call for you name? AH Stupid monkeys!
That's right! An excellent advice.
Youn are trying to get rid of Sam Rainsy so desperately, right now. They know as long as Sam Rainsy is alive. It's very hard for them to swallow Cambodia. Sam Rainsy must be really carefully with every move that he made. To all Cambodian patriots, Sam Rainsy must be protected at all cost, we all Khmer must united behind SR in order to save our beloved country Cambodia from AH Hun Sen and his Master VietCong.
Ah fucking Hun Sen, stop listening to your master, and stop using tricks. Only stupid monkeys in your CPP will fall for the trap. Ah fucking idiots!
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
អាស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ
អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ចង្រៃ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ
មិនដឹងជា ពួកវាធ្វើស្អីទេ ឡេមឡឺម ឡេមឡឺម
រកតែបាយច្រាស លិតជើងចិន ជើងយួន
អាខ្សែរស្តាចមន៍ ឡេមឡឺម
It is understandable that Cheam Yeap, a CPP lawmaker, a second degree Vietnamese slave, would not dare to say anything that offends his Vietnamese Boss.
It’s better off for Sam Rainsy to stay abroad so that he can voice his Opinions against 5,000,000.00 Illegal Vietnamese Immigrants in Cambodia and against Vietnamese Annexation of 30,000.00 Square Kilometers of Cambodian Land and Maritime territory.
Vietnam imposed unequal treaties on Hun Sen Government since 1980 to date. These unequal and illegal treaties are prohibited by the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement and should have been null and void.
In additions, Sam Rainsy can ask international support from UN, European Union and 18 signatories of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.
He is the only member of Parliament who has the audacity to fight for freedom and justice for Cambodia.
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