Monday, November 28, 2011

Peal Si Peal: Kidnapper mastermind escaped safely to France

Nguon Soeur was the mastermind in the kidnapping of So Phorn’s son

27 Nov 2011
By Soy Sopheap
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Phnom Penh – An anonymous source from the military police informed DAP-news in the afternoon of 27 Nov 2011 that Nguon Soeur, the former deputy police commissioner in the 90s, was the mastermind in the kidnapping of General So Phorn’s son. So Phorn was also a former deputy police commissioner.

The same military police officer above indicated that after the ransom for the kidnapping was successfully obtained, suspect Nguon Soeur, who is also a friend of So Phorn, fled to France by plane through the Phnom Penh airport on 08 October 2011.

The same source indicated that one of Nguon Soeur’s accomplices, Hun Vanna aka Leang Ban aka Lvea Chek, fled to Thailand. Another accomplice, Sem Sotheat, fled to Thailand through the Poipet international border gate and later went to France.

According to the source, after the kidnapping and the ransom, Nguon Soeur, who was the mastermind, ordered Sao Bon, his chauffeur, to drive his Lexus vehicle that was used in the kidnapping from Prek Leap – the location where the cops went to search for the victim – and taking it to his house in Kampong Trabek district, Prey Veng provine.

The source indicated that the cost o f the planning to kidnap General So Phorn’s son by the criminals amounted to more than $100,000.

The source added that the house where the cops went to search was a house that belongs to Hun Vanna’s wife.


Anonymous said...

That how Prince Ranarith USED to be surounded by??????

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាពាល ស៊ី​ ពាល

Anonymous said...

Whatch out for ah Nhek Bun Chay!!!!

the next criminal!

Anonymous said...

Right and wrong doing depends on his/her the level of ethical consciousness.