Monday, January 02, 2012

Kamnap:"Chea Tee Sakkarak" by Sam Vichea


Anonymous said...

It's good and verry interesting poem my dear.

Anonymous said...

To some who criticized King Sihamoni:
1) Yuon control Hun Sem behind.
2) Hun Sen has power and army.
3) King Sihamoni was selected by Hun Sen to sit on the throne was just a symbol of a nation who has no power.

Now your turn, tell us how would you do if you were the King?
By the way "Sampeass" is a Khmer culture for all Khmers including King or Queen without prejudice.

Btw: The FLAME radical extremists (KI) failed to show photos when the three stooges knelt before the King with their hands "sampeass".

Anonymous said...

We all knew that situation, but at least the KING should act as real KING.
He should concern about Khmer people who suffered by land grabbing...
He's too soft, especially to the three monkeys. The photo shown made us feel disturbed.
The Should be the KING!

Anonymous said...

10:50 PM

Where are the photos of the 3 stooges kneeling before the King?

OK, let say you are King and you are surrounding by the killers, now tell us what are you going to act?

Anonymous said...

I love Cambodian culture. This Cambodian King is so gentle, he greets all people all classes including the poor people at the country side. He is loved by millions except a few extremists.

Too extreme and lack of tact is very bad. We have to act and know how to use tact when deal with others.

Anonymous said...

10:08 PM

For his/her dignity, a person can choose to be free and live according to his/her freewill or he/she can choose to be somebody's slave/puppet. Based on your observation (#3), I will have to take it that Sihamoni chose to be Hun Xen's puppet, thus, his current puppet life. As I mentioned originally, Sihamoni can choose to live as a free man if he wanted to, but he DOES NOT. Even yourself admit so, therefore, this has nothing to do with your so-called "FLAME radical extremists (KI)". Remember, the monarchy can come and go, in 1970, it disappeared when Sihanouk chose to oppose Lon Nol. Yet, in 1993, it came back again. Now, the question is: what's the use of this monarchy nowadays? especially one that serves only as a rubber stamp for the current regime. If the king, i.e. Sihamoni, can think clearly on his own, he knows exactly what to do, but yet he DOES NOT, he chooses the convenient collaborating life for himself and his entourage (that includes his parents and his relatives). Therefore, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the contempt that Cambodians have toward him. He deserves every single ounce of this contempt. As Sihanouk once said, he and his son will be remembered as the "Victor Emmanuel III" of Italy for their collaboration with a despot, i.e. the fascist Mussolini in Victor Emmanuel III's case, and the dictator Hun Xen in the Norodoms' case.

Anonymous said...

11:26 PM
Yeah and so King Sihamoni is. If a Robber stamp can feed and help million people, so BE IT.

I won't go into details with the recitation you wrote because it does not apply to Cambodia.

You haven't told us what will you act if you were King Sihamoni.
I have read and seen a lot of frogs with the big mouth brag to land on the moon just like you wrote.

Anonymous said...

11:26 PM Well said!


Anonymous said...

បងប្អូនខ្មែរនៅក្នុងប្រទេសដល់ពេលហើយ ក្នុងរយៈពេល៣០ឆ្នាំនេះយួនបានបញ្ចូលគ្នាវាមកកាន់ក្តាប់នូវគ្រប់ស្ថាប័ណជាតិអស់ហើយ ដូច្នេះវាជាគ្រោះថ្នាក់មួយដ៏ធំរបស់ជាតិខ្មែរយើង។ បន្ទាប់ពីឆ្នាំ២០១៣ខាងមុខនេះទៅនៅពេលដែលជនជាតិយួនហូរចូលចាប់ពីប្រាំបីលានឡើងទៅ ពួកវានឹងចាប់ផ្តើមអនុវត្តន៍ផែនការណ៍ឲ្យបានស្របនិងត្រឹមត្រូវជាទីបំផុតគឺតម្រូវទៅតាមលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យដែលពិភពលោកចង់បាន, នោះមានន័យថាយកលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យសម្លាប់លទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ, យើងនាំគ្នាបោះឆ្នោតជារៀងរាល់អណត្តត្រូវចាញ់ពួកវាជារៀងរហូត,ដូ

Anonymous said...

ពាក្យពិតរែងស្លែង។ កំណាព្យដែលសរសេរចំពិតណាស់។

Anonymous said...

I don't like too extreme or too soft. I like A sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with other people to win good will. One most important thing the critis should tell us readers what they can better than Sihamoni if they were King. Blaming him then fail to suggest what should he do, why bother to criticize him? To me Sihamoni was sweet and soft since he was born that was why he was picked. But it is not wrong to criticize him whether or not he can change to a tough guy like his crazy father and his crazy halve siblings. I heard he wants to build one million homes for his people then leave the country for a simple quiet life or be a Buddhist Monk for good.

Anonymous said...

King Sihamoni knew and saw Yuon and hun Sen are doing to Cambodia. His only young brother died after a very sharp condemnation toward Yuon. Without China helps all Khmers will be exterminated by Yuon. Yuon have a countless tactics and their policy is to kill. Yuoon just tricked China by adding one more star on China's flag to please China. Yuon tricked US by pretending to demonstrate against China over Islands.

Anonymous said...

Sdach Ting-maung.

Anonymous said...

4:27 am
To the brainless like you yes. But to those million poor he serves building them homes and bring them food, clothes, and medicine the King is their Father. Don't worry, pretty soon, after his crazy father dies, the King will resign and leave Cambodia for good, then you will have Hun Sen be your sole King.
King Sihamoni is alone with no strong people help, he accepted for the love he has for his poor people. No body can help Cambodia anymore. Because some crazy people like you know only blame, refuse to understand how difficult to live under bullet by the same historic enemy.
No one should blame him when he resigns for good.

Anonymous said...

That's all?
That's all?

Your king?

Ha ha...

Where your gets the money?


Anonymous said...

Where your king gets the money from?

Anonymous said...

6:43 AM
King Sihamoni receives money from the charities many from foreigners. He is far better than your crazy Yuon Commie leaders who robbed the nation.

It is good when King Sihamoni resigns and lives outside Cambodia as he wishes after his Father dies. Let the Khmers deal with Hun Sen and Yuon themselves.

Anonymous said...

11:26 PM
:)) King comes and go and so all of us. Dictators too come and go, when his or her time expires.

You and a few of same as yourself are good in bragging, then you should be King/Queen replacing King Sihamoni. Let see how will you do with the mad dog Hun Sen that has army. You know Hun Sen has a few thousands men and women work for him as his body guards, and he too is scared of Yuon, because he does not know who are Yuon or who are Khmers. Some how Khmers this day are working for Yuon anyway.

Yuon are not scared of big mouths like you or Hun Sen but Yuon are scared of people who are quiet and smile.

Trust me King Sihamoni knew very well with whom (Thugs) he deals with.

King Sihanouk will die very soon, and King Sihamoni will be freed. He didn't want to be King in the first place, but he was asked by his Father for help.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you Khmers the truth about Yuon.

Yuon are not smarter than Khmers, no not at all, but Yuon know how to work together to beat their enemy, in spite of Yuon fight each others or kill each others they unite for a moment to beat their enemy. (From CIA who studied about Yuon History).

I don't blame Rainsy for condemning Kem Sokha. I don't trust that old fart Kem Sokha either.

Anonymous said...

សូមកូនខ្មែរមើលនូវរូបសំណាកដែលយួនបានសាងសង់ទុកជានិមិត្តរូបដែលបញ្ជាក់ថាទឹកដីខ្មែរនាថ្ងៃអនាគតក្លាយជាទឹកដីយួន ហើយសូមបងប្អូនក្រឡេកមើលទៅអាក្បត់ខ្វាក់ ហ៊ុន សែនវាញញឹមទទួលស្វាគមន៍ពួកអាស្រកីយ៉ាងគឃ្លើនដោយគ្មានការខ្មាស់អៀននិងខ្លាចក្រែងចំពោះខ្មែរណាម្នាក់សោះ។ កូនខ្មែរជាទីនឹករឮកសព្វថ្ងៃបងប្អូនដូចជាកង្កែបដែលកំពុងតែនាំគ្នាហែលនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំងរបស់យួនទាំងអស់គ្នា, ទឹកក្នុងឆ្នាំងចាប់ផ្តើមក្តៅហើយ បើយើងមិននាំគ្នារើបំរៈទេនោះកង្កែបខ្មែរដែលនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំងយួនត្រូវក្លាយជាម្ហូបរបស់យួនទាំងអស់គ្នា ដូច្នេះដាច់ខាតត្រូវតែរើបំរៈ។

Anonymous said...

Sihamoni has a habit to put both hands together when he chats with people, whether those people are old or young or poor or rich, he always does that. I see many people don't have to be Khmers, even White Americans some put their hands like that while they chat with friends or colleagues.

Sihamoni is thousand times better than his krazee Dad.

Anonymous said...

King Sihamoni told his old friends in France, he will resign when his father dies. He will be moving to live in France and take care his family and his old mother and two nieces, daughters of his young brother. He smiles in front of people but he always look sad behind.
He also helps his step mother in Paris, his father's wife named Norodom Norleak. She is old and alone in Paris apartment.

Buddha Bless King Sihamoni. So sad to be born from a bad father.