Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ស្ថាប័នប្រព្រឹត្តអំពើពុករលួយរបស់ អោប យួនទៀង និង ស្កែរ៉េមី


Anonymous said...

If this institution is led by Op Yuon Teang and Spey Lob Lob Remy, it will only serve their father Ho's ambition who wanted Cambodia to be a weak and corrupt country so that Vietnam could exploit it.

Ah Kwack Hun Lien needs to free himself from Yuon's slave first if he really wants his grand children to see Cambodia in the world map.

Anonymous said...

Does ACU dares to bring those corrupted police officers not arresting the shooter at the scene?

Anonymous said...

About ACU, I think it is wise for us Khmer to give a chance to this institution to show us what it can do. KI Media is certainly a good tribune for all Khmers to express criticism and anger. We are building together our nation, we all agree. Do not use the bad words to insult people, say what you think interesting to tell us.
Back to ACU: for the time being they are working on corruption in Cambodia, of course they caught only small fishs, the biggest was this Posat prosecutor but who knows?. It is something rather than nothing as we say in French: c'est mieux que rien. We will see at the long run, of course we know that the big corrupt officials are among the government members and among judiciary staff and we will see if Top Sam and Om Yinteang are going to tackle the core one day!? They must, if they listen to me.On the other hand, we should not forget that corruption is deeply enshrined in our society, I see it every day around me. The more I vomit on it the more they grow like a worms. Very scary I tell you!!!

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Corruption Unit is established to combat corruption.

And, now it is heard that There are secret corruption in the ANTI-Corruption Unit. So, What should We Do?.......

Anonymous said...

To 9:21 am. If your assertion that there is corruption within the ACU is true, in this case ACU will be judged severely by people. If we have proof we should inform Cambodian people and ACU will be banned for ever from Cambodians' eyes. You may say: they don't care. Nevertheless, voters and international community are going to consider the fact.

Anonymous said...

It is a waste of money to have anti-corruption institution. If Cambodian law is so good and tough in protecting Cambodian people and why bother?

Some of Cambodian leaders such as Hun Sen and others have become King and Queen of Cambodia and no matter what they do and nothing can touch them!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Anti Corruption Unit, they are as useful as the Doc-Cam under the Director Pro-CPP Traitor Youk Chhang.

Do they dare to arrest anyone? No, they only arrest those against the CPP. Think about it, its all a big show for dictator Hun Sen to play with.

I have a feeling soon, someone will once again be a scapegoat, then everything will be silent again. This is Hun Sen's game, he can make war or peace anytime he wants to his advantage.

Anonymous said...

It should investigate why so much has been spend on KR trial but only 1 person was prosecuted and thes rest hasnt and what worse is the money spend should have sufficient envidence on Hun Sen, Sim, Rim + others of the CPP are involved in the killing during the KR period... the money $ in Millions where did it all go?

if on average the labour cost in cambodia is cheai including Khmer/Viet KR judges should be max $2000 per month at most.

Anonymous said...

Giving the finger "FUCK YOU" to CPP Banner is a "JOKE" and this banner has made a fool of brainwashed CPP supporters or members.

This has been in front of gullible people for a while.

You will check out inside and you know they are just monkey business cronies and corrupted officials instead.

So, don't let this banner of CPP fool you, Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Corruption Unit is established to operate as another branch for conducting a large-scale systematic and high-profile corruption.

Anonymous said...

អាកែវ រេមី រត់ពីគណបក្សហ្វ៊ុនស៊ីប៉ិច ចូល គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី រួចចូលទៅគណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ទីបំផុត រត់ចូលទៅគណបក្សកុំមុយនិស្តតាមយួន បានន័យថាអាកែវ រេមី គ្មានឧត្តមគតិជាតិ ទេ, វាថោកទាប ជាងឆ្កែអង្កែស៊ី ទៅទៀត!