Sunday, February 19, 2012

ឃាតក ហ៊ុន សែន អង្វរខ្មោចឃាតក ប៉ុល ពត កុំឲ្យនិយាយការពិត


Anonymous said...

គតិដែលដកស្រង់ពីស្រីហិតោបទេសនេះ ជាស្នាព្រះហស្ថព្រះវិរិយបណ្ឌិតោ ប៉ាង ខាត់ ដែលបានបកប្រែមកពីភាសាសំស្ក្រឹត,ជាក្បួន ខ្នាតដែលកូនខ្មែរស្ទើរតែគ្រប់គ្នាបានរៀនតាំងពីនៅសាលាវិទ្យាល័យហេតុអ្វីក៏ខ្មែរបណ្តោយឱ្យជាតិដ៏ទៃពង្វក់ភ្លេចស្មារតីអស់រលីង ! ឱ គួរឱ្យសង្វេក ដល់ប្រជាជាតិមួយដែលកំពុងស្ថិតក្នុងគ្រោះថ្នាក់!តើយើងអាចរៀនសូត្របានខ្លះទេ ពីកំហុសរបស់ប៉ុលពត នៃអតីតកាល ? ឬក៏យួននៅតែអាចប្រើខ្មែរឱ្យទាត់ខ្មោចឆ្កែ ដែលស្អុយរលួយទៅហើយបានទៀត ? ការគប់មិត្តៈ
៥៥.ការចងគ្នាជាមិត្ត រវាងអ្នកស៊ី
៧៧. បុគ្គលគប្បីវៀរមិត្តដែលប៉ងបំភ្លេចបំផ្លាញ ការងារក្នុងទីកំបាំងមុខ ហើយនិយាយពាក្យ ពិរោះផ្អែមល្ហែមក្នុងទីចំពោះមុខ។ មិត្តបែបនេះប្រៀបដូចឆ្នាំដីដ៏ពេញដោយពិសពុល មានមាត់ប្រឡាក់ដោយទឹកដោះផ្អែម។
៧៨. ក្នុងលោកនេះ បើគេនិយាយឱ្យស្លាប់ចិត្ត បើគេធ្វើឱ្យលុះក្នុងអំណាច ដោយឧបាយ មិច្ឆាចារ បើគេមកពឹងពាក់ដោយធ្វើឱ្យជឿទុកចិត្ត ដូច្នេះហើយ តើនរណាឡើយដែលគេមិនអាច បញ្ឆោតបោកបាន ?
ឱ គួរសង្វេគណាស់ !
៨០.បុគ្គលគួរកុំចងមិត្តសម្លាញ់ ឬចងស្ពានមេត្រី មួយអន្លើដោយមនុស្សទុជ៌នឱ្យសោះ ដូចជាធ្យូង បើនៅក្តៅវារលាកដៃ បើរលត់ហើយវាប្រឡាក់ដៃ
៨១.នៅមុខអ្នក វាសំពះលុតក្រាបជិតបាតជើង នៅក្រោយអ្នក វាបេះសាច់ឆ្អឹងជំនីរស៊ី វានិយាយ សំដីទន់ផ្អែមល្អូកល្អិន មានលែបខាយដ៏វិចិត្រ ល្ហឹមៗជិត ត្រចៀកអ្នក បើអ្នកមានចន្លោះ លូកចូលទៅបេះយកថ្លើមប្រមាត់មួយរំពេច ឥតកោតញញើតឡើយ សត្វរុយវាចេះធ្វើត្រាប់ លក្ខណៈមនុស្សចិត្តអាក្រក់សាមាន្យបានទាំងអស់
៨២.មនុស្សទុច្ចរិតនិយាយពាក្យពិរោះគួរជាទីពេញចិត្ត តែមិនត្រូវយកជាហេតុមកធ្វើសេចក្តីស្និទ្ធ ស្នាល ព្រោះតែសំដីពិរោះនោះទេ ប្រៀបដូច ទឹកឃ្មុំជាប់នៅចុងអណ្តាតក្នុងចិត្តពេញទៅដោយពិសពុលក្តៅក្រហាយរោលរាល។

Anonymous said...

If Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan did not oppose the Indochinese Federation planed by Hanoi, but cooperate, they all are Samdach Decho, Samdach Pothisal, and Samdach Chakrey by now !

Anonymous said...

Some Khmer people and some of you as bloggers or readers are bullshit with your very low education. Please think logically.

San Rainsy has been trying to get help from us, but some Khmer people criticized him as the power hungry and not working together as teams no matter what types of parties have formed.

Sam Rainsy has done a very good to make the Khmer voices be heard. He has tirelessly tried to very hard to let the world and Khmer people abroad know that Yuon/Vietnamese leaders and folks at the borders and illegal Yuon/Vietnamese settlers in Cambodia have been following the footstep of Ho Chi Minh for several decades until now. Not just Yuon/Hanoi leaders followed the Ho Chi Minh's footstep and goal, but the Yuon/Vietname people have been following the Hi Chi Minh's secret agenda, just like a dream to have entire Cambodia and Laos to be one country called Vietnam after the name of Indochina.

So, Indochina is a fool name (that is like a scapegoat) in the blind eyes and deaf ears as Pol Pot and Lon Nol knew so well. The secret signs or symbols of "CVPP" that Ho Chi Minh invented in his evil mind. Those signs of CVPP have been hidden in the Mekong Lake and Tonle Sap lake where the illegal Yuon/Vietnamese settlers and fishermen have been living on. There are many illegal Vietnamese settlers have living in the small towns of Cambodia. All of these situations have been showing that they have been swallowing step by step for the next many years to come.

You can be the judges and tell us, Khmer people, how many illegal Yuon/Vietnamese settlers in Cambodia between 1979 and 2012.

Some very well educated Khmer people agreed with Penn Sovan, Sam Rainsy, Pol Pol, Lon Nol and other Khmer heroes.

Khmer Yeurng (part 1)

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, Heng Samring and Chea Sim did not know the secret Ho Chi Minh's dirty secret to take the entire Cambodia. Maybe these three guys knew, but they did not understand or became well educated enough to know the purpose of Ho Chi Minh's footstep for their Vietnamese Dream or goal. Ho Chi Minh was dead before 21st century. The world is changing. The low-class and unedcated Vietnamese folks still believe in old footsteps of Ho Chi Minh as their God or something to wrongly swallow Cambodia and Laos. The past is over so that the stupid and uneducated Vietnamese folks are still following illegally to kill Khmer people and take land. The Vietnamese people are still stupid to post Picture of Ho Chi Minh everywhere. Yes, the saw the secret sign of Hi Chi Minh called CVPP = Cambodia-Vietnam People Party after CPP in Cambodia today.

Just think about it, Khmer folks. There are some Khmer folks like Heng Samrin, Chea Sim and Hun Sen are stuck in the hand of CPP Yuon/Vietnamese Officials in Phnom Penh and Hanoi until today.

These three guys are just a small piece of Khmer population and mean nothing for Khmer people. These three guys are just a piece of junk creating the jungle of law, enjoying the fake power illegally installed by Vietnam/Hanoi masters, having the wealth and destroying the natural resources of Cambodia, the Kingdom of Wonder.

The world know about the situations in Cambodia, but the world still want to figure out how to solve these problems without killing or injuring Khmer people plus the illegal Vietnamese settlers in Cambodia.

Khmer people have been protesting peacefully against the fake Cambodian government in CPP regime, but did not work before CPP under Yuon/Vietnamese cronies and Hun Sen abused the powers and used the military forces and weapons against the peaceful Khmer people who are seeking freedom and democracy in Cambodia.

Some Khmer people are successfully in doing the businesses and become wealthy, but those Khmer people do not see the bad things are coming from evil Ho Chi Minh's secret dream (or goal for his low-class and uneducated Vietnamese folks to follow to kill Khmer people)to destroy them (those wealthy Khmer people), innocent and powerless Khmer people and Khmer nation.

Khmer folks, please think about it and you want to do in your lives. What do you want to do? Do you want to vote CPP or the Khmer Democrat party (like Sam Rainsy Party and other freedom and democracy lovers parties).

Khmer Yeurng (part 2).

Anonymous said...

Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan,

“I have to say that Pol Pot was a patriot.” says Khieu Samphan .

- Khieu Samphan said in 2006 interview.

All Dear Khmer,

Please read and judge the following to judge Khieu Samphan had to say that Pol Pot was a patriot.

Pol Pot had fought for the rest of his life to protect Khmer sovereignty from yuon Hanoi aggression or not?

My personal view:

I agree with Khieu Samphan .o

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not,

Pol Pot,

Pot Pot had some contribuiton in 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.

Anonymous said...

3:50 AM,

I agree with your comment not only 100% but 1000%.

As 3:50 AM says:

If Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan did not oppose the Indochinese Federation planed by Hanoi, but cooperate, they all are Samdach Decho, Samdach Pothisal, and Samdach Chakrey by now !

Anonymous said...

Wake up Ah Roleuy Kwack!!

Krou Teay Tha Ah Kwack Trov Ngorp Taihong in 2012 or 2013.