Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Closing Order of Case 002 against Senior KR Leaders Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith

In light of the HISTORIC (!) start of MOST COMPLEX (sic!) trial hearings beginning on 27 June 2011 and again ANOTHER HISTORIC (!) START of this same MOST COMPLEX (sic!) on 21 Nov. 2011 of Case 002 against the surviving Khmer Rouge senior leaders Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith, KI Media is posting installations of the public document of the Closing Order of Case 002 (Indictment).  The Closing Order of the Co-Investigating Judges forms the basic document from which all the parties (Co-Prosecutors, Co-Lead Lawyers for all civil parties, Defense Lawyers) will be making their arguments before the Trial Chamber judges (one Cambodian President, 2 Cambodian Judges, 2 UN judges).  Up until now, the hearings involving these four surviving senior Khmer Rouge leaders have been in the Pre-Trial Chamber over issues of pre-trial detention and jurisdictional issues.  Beginning in June November 2011, the Trial Chamber will hear the substantive (sic!) arguments over the criminal charges (genocide, crimes against humanity, penal code of 1956, etc., only the Phase I Movement in April 1975).  Available in Khmer, English and French. Contact the ECCC for a free copy. 


of Co-Investigating Judges You Bunleng and Marcel Lemonde
15 September 2010
 Participation in the Common Purpose
 Knowledge and Implementation of this Policy at S-21

Interrogation at S-21

968. Nuon Chea was aware of the practice of serious mistreatment during the interrogation of S- 21 prisoners. It appears that Nuon Chea received some S-21 confessions with annotations from Duch or interrogators mentioning that torture was used.4045 Duch also states that he used to report to Nuon Chea on interrogations.4046 Duch says that in many cases, he was given instructions concerning the extraction and content of specific confessions.4047 According to Duch, Nuon Chea did not often give orders about the techniques to be used during interrogations as Son Sen had done.4048 On some occasions, Nuon Chea would give precise instructions to Duch not to mistreat prisoners during interrogations.4049
969. For one of the cases of rape that occured at S-21, Duch states that he reported it to his superiors but that they did not say anything.4050 However, it is unknown whether Nuon Chea ever received this particular report.
Execution of Prisoners at S-21
970. Duch states that "Nuon Chea clearly told me that all people whom were sent to S-21 had to be killed. As I was in charge of S-21, I followed implemented his orders" 4051 He explains that he used to receive specific orders from Nuon Chea only for mass and exceptional executions but that for regular or "ordinary" executions he could make the decision without any particular instructions following the general line given by Nuon Chea.4052
971. Duch explains that he was made aware of the June 1978 Directive, related to the change in the political line in respect to smashing the enemies, by several means: in the Revolutionary Flag magazine of May-June 1978;4053 in an information circular; and during a political study session in 1978 presented by Pol Pot.4054 Duch states that at first he believed these instructions and passed them on to S-21 personnel but that "3 or 4 days after that, Nuon Chea summoned me as usual and I answered that I had nothing to report because I hadn't interrogated anyone. He then criticized me and said "Comrade Duch, you know the party line well'. I then understood that all of this was but a ploy and that everything was to recommence as before".4055
972. On specific occasions, Duch received orders from Nuon Chea to execute S-21 inmates. These inmates included two members of the FULRO movement,4056 Vorn Vet's wife Vin and Cheng An's wife Phoas,4057 Nun Huy alias Huy Sre the cadre in charge of S-24,4058 Pha Tha Chan the Vietnamese interpreter of S-21 (spared by Duch),4059 Standing Committee member and government Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economy Vorn Vet,4060 and returned former GRUNK Official Chao Seng.4061 Duch also provides details on the execution of four "Westerners" just outside the S-21 compound.4062 During his trial he stated "I still remember the words that Uncle Nuon told me. He said, for the long-nose people they had to be smashed and they had to be photographed. You have to remember, we do not spare. We do not have to have their bones in exchange for a bulldozer" 4062 In at least one instance Nuon Chea gave orders not to kill a prisoner but to keep him in S-21.4064
973.            Duch explains that he received explicit and express orders from Nuon Chea on several occasions to execute S-21 prisoners en masse 4065 In particular, Duch states that in December 1978 "about 300 prisoners were executed as soon as they arrived at S-21, without interrogation and on Nuon Chea's order (the Eastern Zone had rebelled and interrogation was unnecessary because we were sure of the prisoners' betrayal" 4066 In an interview with a journalist, when asked about this specific event, Nuon Chea denied having given this order.4067 Finally Duch states "on the 2nd or 3rd of January 1979 (I do not remember clearly), Nuon Chea called me in to receive an absolute order. That is, he required that S-21 smash (kill) all the victims ".4068 According to Duch approximately 200 inmates (except four) were executed following this order and he adds "Nuon Chea decided to smash all the prisoners, but allowed me to keep those four prisoners by telling me that '[you] must manage the situation by self-mastery' which meant smash those people when necessary. I gave this order to Hor who subsequently sent the order to other interrogators. When the Vietnamese army arrived, those interrogators would have been held responsible if they did not follow the order which was to kill those prisoners" 4069 Those four prisoners were subsequently executed when the Vietnamese troops arrived.4070
974.            Duch also explains that on some occasions Nuon Chea and Son Sen asked him to take photographs of the executed prisoners so that the upper level could be certain that they had been killed.4071


Anonymous said...

​The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) baptized (Duch) instead of real names (Kaing Guek Eav) is not the revolutionary name as is commonly believed but rather to hide the truth.

​The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) amplified, and broadcast advertising, the false name (Duch) as the scapegoat to launder their crime against humanity.

The false name (Duch) is copied and repeated Non-Stop by the global media to continue deceive the world and also to attack and dishonor real name famous (Duch) such that (Duch Sidim; Duch Kimhak; Sok Duch) and (Duch Som) grandfather's Ms.Theary Seng etc.

Paris V.February 22,2012​​​​​​​

Anonymous said...

លាននាក់ បានប្រឌិតឈ្មោះ(ឌុច)ឲ្យហៅជំនួស

លាននាក់ បានផ្សព្វផ្សាយឈ្មោះក្លែងក្លាយ(ឌុច)

ដែលមាននាមត្រកូល(ឌុច) ជាឧទាហរណ៏ៈ
(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម ឌុចគីមហាក់ សុកឌុច)និង​​(ឌុចសម)ជីតាអ្នកនាង(សេងធារី)។ល។
