Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fate of Comrade Sihanouk under his protégé's DK regime

ការពិត សីហនុ ជា ខ្លា សង្គម នៅ តែស្បែក និង ឆ្អឹង អត់ចង្កូម។ រោមមាត់ ក៏ត្រូវ ដកអស់ទៀត។ ដូច្នេះ ចាំតែ ថ្ងៃស្លាប់់។

ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ បើលែង ខ្លា ចាស់នេះ ឱយ ដើរទៅ តាមផ្លូវ ក្មេងៗ ច្បាស់ ជាខ្លាច។ មនុស្សចាស់ ខ្លះ ដែលពុំស្គាល់ ថាជាខ្លាស្គម ក៏ខ្លាចដែរ។

យើងមិន កាប់សម្លាប់ គាត់ទេ។ តែចំពោះ ប្រជាជាតិ និង ប្រជាជន គាត់ក៏ មានទោស ធ្ងន់ ក្នុងថានៈ ជាអ្នក កាប់សម្លាប់ ប្រជាជន

In reality, Sihanouk is a skinny tiger with only his skin left to cover his bones and he has no more fangs. His beard was pulled out. Therefore he only waits for the day he will die.

However, if this older tiger is released, then he will surely scare children along the roads. Some adults who do not know that he is merely a skinny tiger will also be scared as well.

We will not kill him. But, to the nation and the people, he carry a heavy charge in his position as the killer of the people.

Hou Youn was killed sometime in late 1975 and Hu Nim in May 1977. I have Hu Nim confessions (he wrote his confessions, in part, in poetic, phonoaesthetic form). Nim was implicated by previous Tuol Sleng victims. His death had nothing to do with HRH Sihanouk. Youn's death is still rather controversial. In my "chats" with Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea in 2005, both suggested he was not killed by Angkar. Both suggested that his bodyguards killed him. Of note, after his death, official documents still referred to him in friendly comradeship terms, suggesting that he was not regarded as a traitor to the revolution. You would have heard contemptible references such Ah Hu Nim, Ah Sao phim, after they were killed. These guys were "traitors" to the revolution.

Of note, HM had already resigned in March 1976, over a year before Hu Nim was arrested and killed. Talks/decision by the CPK Standing Committee/Politburo about what to do with the Prince, including killing Prince Sihanouk took place 11-13 March 1976 in the Meeting of the Committee in which Kheiu samphorn (Hem) attended and discussed about the issue (first and last pages of the Minute is attached).

Nuon Chea, when asked about Youn's death, recently stated in court that Hou Youn had "problems with his bodyguards".


Bora Touch


Anonymous said...

When our Cambodia regains its full independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, we, Cambodia must copy Singapore ways of ruling. And we must also introduce capital punishment for serious crimes, such as traitors that serve foreign powers and betray their own country.....

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is still partly responsible for the destruction of Cambodia by his joining with the Khmer Rouge in 1970.

He defended the KR at the UN close to the end of 1975 instead of calling for help from the UN to stop the eventual destruction of Cambodia and Cambodians.

By then he must have known for sure that many who had served under Lon Nol had been brutally killed. As a claimed father of the nation he should know better that revenge is wrong.

He only resigned after having known that the KR did not give a damn about his monarchy and what he always wants - the preservation of his monarchy and some power!

He is doing the same thing right now by cooperating totally with Hun Sen so his son can be a king of Cambodia even though the kingship is meaningless and totally powerless.

What is the point of keeping the food when it is rotten to the core and cannot be eaten?

He made an unsolicited declaration and promise that he would die in Cambodia no matter how his health turned only to break it a few weeks later.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Just because Esq. Bora Touch mentioning of Sihanouk apparent non-involvement in Hou Nim's death doesn't mean that Sihanouk is an innocent bystander. If Sihanouk is really a man and a hero to Khmer people, Sihanouk must be brave enough to volunteer himself to tell the truth nothing but the truth to KRT court, under oath...

Sihanouk was still the Captain of Cambodia's sunken ship!!!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is the father of the criminals who committed atrocities and mass murder on Cambodians.

It's a mistake that Khieu Samphan saved his neck from Pol Pot's hoe head. He deserves no mercy.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why a gentleman of Bora Touch's caliber and generation cannot correctly spell the name Hou Nim, Hou Youn, and esp. Khiev Samphân...

Anonymous said...

Try this Siha(in Siam is fornicate)nouk(Siam is bird that implied twohead bird or male genetilia)...

Was it Hu Nim and Hou Yon? Two of the three ghosts whom Sihanouk had them shot and buried in Kirirom National Park by Lon Nol when they attempted to flee the Nam Vang city.

Bak Sihanouk is a liar and evil with multiple heads and hands in Cambodia purse.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk can lie to world but he cannot lie to himself.
After being overthrown in March 1970, he did whatever he could to regain his power.
He asked his countrymen to sacrifice their lives for him and they did, hundred of thousand of them perished and millions more after April 1975.
He should be hung by his old saggy balls.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding us? He has no balls...According to source close to Sihanouk, Sihanouk has been castrated per Monique's order...

Peking Duck

Anonymous said...

Neither Sihanouk nor a single Khmer has a ball to play. You all can bark and blame each others as you want, but the fact was Vietnamese Expansionism started since the late of 1800's. The Vietnamese built a mighty army to take over Indochina from French by a most powerful superpower Soviet supported, as so they did wiith or without Sihanouk or any one of a single Khmer.
Phan Boi Chau & Dong Du movement to Japan, back to Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand then they created Khmer Viet Minh. Sihanouk or no Sihanouk were just born in the wrong time and the wrong place, they all got no balls to play, none whatsoever.

The Khmers freed from French but never been freed from Indochina that Yuon took over after French. Furthermore, blaming his Khmer-French-Italian wife is also Khmer behavior as the world knew about.

The speculations by many of you (Khmers) are not even closed to Viets expansionism started since 1800's. Your barking is a music that Viets enjoy to read/hear.

Anonymous said...

Khmers claimed that if Sihanouk did not allow Viet Cong to use Ho Chi Minh trail, Khmers will be survived.
WRONG. The discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong and Giap in Peking was that Zhou ordered Pham & Giap and Sihanouk to do his plan. Pham & Giap needed Zhou's helps to take South Vietnam and so Vietanm owed Zhou. Kissinger chatted on the phone with his friend Zhou. Kissinger told Zhou to take South Vietnam is OK with him (document just released from GWU). Zhou got two islands and Ho Chi Minh got Laos, not Cambodia yet but the Viets are still working on.
Valentino, a Khmer Ambassador to Peking blamed everything on Sihanouk's wife, yes and so many Cambodians. They blamed her and her mother for everything except a common cold. But they never blamed Sihanouk's another wife in Paris alone right now that she is a sex maniac spelt with many partners mostly African men. She and Sihanouk's mother were the people who created bad rumor about Sihamoni's mother, and yes they accused her as Yuon which in fact she is not. She is Khmer born in KK (SVN now Ho Chi Minh city) but at that time it was part of the French country, her paternal country not Yuon country.

Anonymous said...

12:04 AM,

So what is the solution now?

Even a dog in Cambodia knows that Vietnam wants to expand into Cambodia.

All Cambodians know that fact, but the problems with Cambodians are that they can't work together and some of them want to serve other foreigners so they can beat the shit out of their Khmer competitors and be forever the boss running their country at the command of their foreign boss.

Anonymous said...

12:04 AM,

So what is the solution now?

Even a dog in Cambodia knows that Vietnam wants to expand into Cambodia.

All Cambodians know that fact, but the problems with Cambodians are that they can't work together and some of them want to serve other foreigners so they can beat the shit out of their Khmer competitors and be forever the boss running their country at the command of their foreign boss.

Anonymous said...

And what are we going to do to save our country from now on? We can't change the past...

Anonymous said...

In Camboia's politics,If you can't corrupt the husbands, talk to their wives, in the end you be able to corrupt the husbands. Their self interests are much more important than national interests.
That's why it is important to bring in the hangman Singapore Style.

Anonymous said...

And if you ask them why they involve themselves in corruptions, they say, my pockets facing up not down.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Bora Touch must learn more about the Paris peace Accord 1973.
From that time the begining of war for power inside Angkar Khmer Krohom(the hard line with the modarate)

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំយល់ស្របតាម Pissed off ហើយនឹងអ្នក
ទាំងពីរនេះត្រូវអស់ក្នុងសម័យលន់ នល់។គាត់
កើតទុក្ខមិនសុខចិត្តក្នុងការបាត់បង់នេះ រត់ទៅប៉េកាំង។ចិនផ្ដល់អាវុធ សម្លៀកបំពាក់។
យួនមានកងទ័ព វាយលុកខ្មែរ កាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
ឥតត្រាប្រណី ដែលមានខ្មែរវៀតមិញ និងខ្មែរ
ខ្មែរក្រហមឈ្នះ ពួកវាបែរជាមិនឲ្យសីហនុ
ទីងមោង ព្រមទាំងកូនសីហមុនី។
ការលោភលន់អំណាច រាជបល្ល័ង្ករបស់សីហនុ
ហិនហោចទាំងរាស្ត្រប្រជា ទឹកដីខ្មែរ អំណាច

សូមទោស!សូមបកស្រាយឈ្មោះ សីហនុ
មានន័យយ៉ាងណា។សីហៈ តោ សិង្គ(Lion)
(អ)នុ ប្រែថា បន្ទាប់(អ is hiding​ sound។ណុកពាក្យសៀមប្រែថាសត្វបក្សីនោះ

Anonymous said...

Khmer-French-Italian, how's it possible DNA wise 12:04 AM?

Peking Duck

Anonymous said...

Peking Duck (10:47 PM),

You are not allowed in here and get your ass out and move your ass to Yuon/Viet Hanoi and add your comments in Your communist Viet websites.

So, don't be so flip-flopped and pretending to be Peking Duck which is belonging to China, a friend of Khmer for thousands of years ago.

Don't use Khmer idiom and names. Don't use Chinese idioms and names. You and your Yuon/Viet are trying to make Khmer fight their own Khmer, make Chinese fight their own Chinese and lastly, make Chinese fight with Khmer.

You and Yuon/Viet are hypocrite and untrusted.

Anonymous said...


Peking Duck is a very nice nickname and it has a nice ring to it....please do not discriminate, but participate and integrate, okay?

Heng Soy is a chinky descendant and he may not be too happy about it when the rest of you KI-Media discriminates okay?

Peking Duck

Anonymous said...

Lots of discrimination here on KI-Media!

Anonymous said...

9:52 AM
Peking duck is Yuon duck, that is why you sense there's discrimination.
They make like Khmers fight Khmers.

Hello Peking Dick. How is your DNA proving yours? Yuon or Chen or Xmer or Siem?