Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Hun sent out to do Papa Hun's chore

Hun Manet inaugurating the Dreamland park, a task usually reserved for Papa Hun


Anonymous said...

cambodia should seek investment in theme park with lots of rides like at disneyland's, etc... it will give something extra for tourists to look forward to when they visit cambodia. cambodia should also build lots of food courts in cambodia because tourists like to eat as well. god bless cambodia.

not only for tourists, rich khmer wanted something to do for relaxation and recreation as well, so, it is good to have all these theme parks in cambodia, you know.

Anonymous said...

i know!
you know!

Anonymous said...

why don't take all the English words and write in khmer, instead of using khmer language, PATHETIC!

Doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

Old fashion politics is still being practised by the Hun Clan and its corrupt regime. CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF GADDHAFI MODEL IS BEING PRACTISED BY THE HUN CLAN IN CAMBODIA.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens with dictatorial rule where everything [mostly bad things]flow from top to bottom, and where no one from below dares to reverse or channel the direction of the flow. For example, some people were aware of public safety issues such as the one that led to the Koh Pich tragedy, but it would have been against local norms to point this fact out to someone in official position or authority. So keeping quiet and let things take their course is the usual custom!

The trend of transliterating English words and phrases in Khmer maybe a popular thing to do and makes commercial sense as it panders to the tastes and fashion of the young, in particular, but it doesn't do any good for the prestige or the dignity of the local language or culture.

Why not use English to name English brand names like "Dreamland" and use Khmer to write the equivalent meaning in Khmer alongside that name? Just because English is an international language, it doesn't necessarily follow that its use should be at expense of local Khmer culture.


Anonymous said...

This gives us the bad headache because of the same old dictator.

Watch KONY 2012 and the world will change.

This young dictator (Hun Manet) needs to be taken down if he is installed as the leader.

Anonymous said...

baby hoon, is baby vietcong!

Anonymous said...

they should make cambodia into the center of education and the center of r and r in the world. everybody in the world should come visit cambodia and enjoy life there, instead of violence, hate, discrimination, prejudice, bias, etc..., ok! stop being evil and selfish for a change, ok! there are more to cambodia than you and i, you know!

Anonymous said...

12:43 AM, under the communist regime with a full of shitty freedom of expression and forgetting about the enemies who tried to poise you. Go ahead and enjoy without being worried that your enemies putting you to sleep and slit your throat. Your country is gong to Vietnam completely. Wonder you, your family members and friends think like you.

Yes, you love this young dictator Hun Manet who is going to replace his criminal father Hun Sen (Vietnamese dog) that destroyed some Khmer cultures, traditions, and everything and convert everything to Vietnamese culture for many years to come. That is how you is stupid to think that way and you made Vietnamese and Thai think you are so dumb and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia must use Khmer language:
Speaking,writing,reading,and everything must write in Khmer.
Then the other languages should
write at the bottom Khmer words.

In Vietnamese store or places
wrote in Vietnamese.
The Vietnamese thought Cambodia
no longer as Cambodia.It is a
Vietnamese province.

Anonymous said...

in cambodia, we speak khmer and write and read in khmer language. if you can't read and speak khmer, please ask khmer people for help, ok! of course, we can use english, too, but don't whine about it, though. no viet/youn language is allowed in cambodia, period! if you want viet/youn, then go to your viet/youn country, why you want to come to cambodia and not speak my khmer language?

Anonymous said...

There are some Vietnamese folks who are crazy. They don't know that their Vietnamese leaders and followers are real Thieves. Many Laotian people think Vietnamese are trying to kill them as well.

Bad Vietnamese folks who live in other country think like a little kids and brainwashed by their Communist Vietnamese leaders and dead and evil Communist Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh.

Anonymous said...

7:43 AM. Hey Vietnamese whore. We cant understand your English. Did your whore mum teach you any Khmer, can you write something in Khmer, Vietnamese Whore.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian (khmer) people do not own Cambodia any more, and Cambodia does not belong to Khmer Nation any longer. NOW Cambodia belongs to the HUN's, The Sok Kong's The Sok An's and so on,... with the Viets backing....

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាចោរម្រាយពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រអោយរហាម តែពួកវាបែរជាមានលុយសាងសង់តាមតែអំពើរចិត្ត

Anonymous said...