Wednesday, March 14, 2012

លោក សម រង្សី បាត់បង់​អភ័យ​ឯកសិទ្ធិ​ជា​អ្នក​តំណាងរាស្ត្រ

លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រឆាំងយួនរំលោភព្រំដែនខ្មែរមានទោសអីដែរ ?
ហ៊ុន សែន ក្បត់ជាតិ សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ កាត់ដីឲ្យយួន គ្មានទោសទេ ?


Anonymous said...

អាហ៊ុនសែន អើយ ម៉េចក៏អាឯងថោកទាបម៉្លេះ?

Anonymous said...

ឮថា លោកសម រង្សី កំពុងរៀបចំគំរោងបើកយុទ្ធនាការណ៍
កេណ្ឌប្រមូលខ្មែរក្រៅប្រទេសដើម្បីប្ដឹងហ៊ុន សែន ទៅតុលាការឧក្រិដ្ឋអន្តរជាតិអំពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋសង្រ្កាម
និងឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ របស់ហ៊ុន សែន
នោះ ទៅដល់ណា ទៅដល់ណីហើយ..?


Anonymous said...

សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ស្វាងឡើង..! ភ្ញាក់រលឹកឡើង..!
ឈប់រស់ក្រោមការបោកប្រាស់ ញុះញង់របស់ គណបក្សសម រង្ស៊ី តទៅទៀតទៅ ពួកគេ បានបោកប្រាស់អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាជាង
ឥឡូវនេះមេបក្ស សមរង្ស៊ីកំពុងតែដើរបោកខ្មែរក្រៅប្រទេស
ដែលល្ងង់ខ្លៅមិនមានការចេះដឹងថា គាត់នឹងប្ដឹង
សមេ្តចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន
ដាក់គុកអន្ដរជាតិ ? hahaha

សូមអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាពិចារណាទៅមើល សូម្បីតែសម រង្ស៊ី ខ្លួនឯងក៏ត្រូវដេញចេញពីដំណែងដែរ គ្មានអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធិជាតំណាងរាស្ដ្រស្អីទៀតទេ
១២ឆ្នាំទៀត ធ្វើដូចម្ដេច សម រង្ស៊ី អាចទៅប្ដឹង
សមេ្តចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន
ដាក់គុកអន្ដរជាតិបានទៅហក ? បើសម រង្ស៊ី ខ្លួនឯងជា
ពិរុទ្ធិកជនរបស់សមេ្តចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន ១២ឆ្នាំទៅហើយនោះ ។ hahaha

ហ្នឹង មិនសំដីបោកប្រាស់ថោកទាប របស់ សម រង្ស៊ី ទេឬ?


Anonymous said...

2:41 AM ហាហាហាហា ពួកអានិស្សិតក្តាប់

Anonymous said...

2:23 am, how stupid you are-
-how much money does Rainsy have now? how much money does he make if he works for private sector ? why he risk his life for khmer people?
20 years from now rainsy will die- so will hun sen, no one will live forever. But who suffer from viet control. Rainsy's children will not but cpp supporter's children will .
are you still stupid now.

Anonymous said...

sam rainsy lobbying international support who are gullible without even traveling to cambodia. that's not real democracy, real democracy is in cambodia by the people of cambodia, not by international community overseas, you know. sam rainsy will have a rude awakening when his international followers all of a sudden abandon his party as they have nothing to gain from his party. anyway, smart, wise, enlightened people will come to cambodia to observe, study it, see with their own eyes, etc..., but just buy rumors from this sam rainsy run away refugee, self imposed refugee type, you know. of course, there are more to cambodia than this unpopular, stupid guy, always run away and living overseas most of his life. of course, he will die of old age overseas eventually becuase nobody can live forever on this planet, you know!

Anonymous said...

sam rainsy is using the international sympathizers of his to work against cambodia's national interest, etc! shame on him! what part of no interfering with a sovereigned nation's internal affairs is he not understand about outside involvement? i guess he was too stupid to know that, really!

imagine if he is successful in cambodia, cambodia will be govern by outsiders, not khmer people. what is this stupid guy thinking? about himself? he is one stupid khmer person! hurting cambodia will backfire on him and eventually hurt himself in the process. what a shame on his stupidity!

Anonymous said...

this guy is exploiting international sympathizers while violating cambodian law. no wonder he was stripped of his parliamentary seat, etc. now, do they think cambodian people in cambodia going to support him to lead cambodia? i doubt it. this guy has too many ignorance about cambodia that he will cause people in cambodia to stand up against him. remember, majority does rule in cambodia, not some run away minority. it should be about cambodia, not about him and his international supporters who know very little about cambodia, let alone committed and dedicated to helping cambodia become strong and stable country. what a loser he is, really!

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese whore, can you speak normal English.

Anonymous said...

3:35 AM, 3:57 AM and 4:03 AM are the same person of the Communist Vietnamese CPP party. How stupid this unusual and awful person is. This person of 3:35 AM, 3:57 AM and 4:03 AM does not know what he is talking about. How dumb this person is.

Bravo Sam Rainsy Party!

Anonymous said...

look at syria, end up destructive like in lebanon to the point of no return! i don't think cambodian people in cambodia will support that kind of violence, period! so don't even insinuate that in cambodia. cambodia is not syria, etc, you know! cambodian said it's not time for another destruction one after another that cause death, destruction, etc. it's just not the right time for sam rainsy so-called revolution, ok! very unpopular in cambodia for that, you know! don't even bring it up! that's using violence! no popular at all in cambodia. instead if you want to help change cambodia, do it through education, reforms, nonviolent method like humanitarian assistance to win the heart and mind of the khmer people in cambodia, mostly definitely not advocating violence because not only that's not popular, it is unwise and destructive and hurt not only cambodia, but yourself and others as well. all other diplomatic methods aren't being exhausted yet, so, no violence it allowed in cambodia just like no death penalty is allowed in cambodia due to many death already, you see.

Anonymous said...

all i'm saying is come to cambodia to observe and see for yourself, instead of buying and falling into exploitation by this sam rainsy guy. we know he is racist, poitically biased, prejudice,etc. as a leader, being racist is unlawful under any law, you know!

Anonymous said...

remember is america or france is racist like sam rainsy, all refugees of the world or immigrants of the world will have no chance living there, so think about how racist can affect people, ok!

Anonymous said...

យើងមើលឃើញថា តាំងពីសម រង្ស៊ី បានលោតចូលក្នុងភ្នក់ភ្លើង នយោបាយមក
យើងសង្កេតឃើញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថាសម រង្ស៊ី បាននាំយកសកម្មជន
នយោបាយរបស់ខ្លួន និងពលរដ្ឋសាមញ្ញអោយទៅស្លាប់,
ជាប់គុក និងក្រុមឃាតករ ហ៊ុន សែនតាមប្រមាញ់ធ្វើឃាត ,
វាយបង្រ្កាប ងាប់ និង ខ្លាចបាក់ស្បាតរាប់មិនអស់ ...
តើអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមើលឃើញសម រង្ស៊ី បាននិងកំពុង
ធ្វើស្អី និងដើម្បីស្អីដែរ ឬ ទេ???

Anonymous said...

i think anybody who choose to pick side is hurting cambodia and themself, not helping at all, you know! if you want to help, you don't support violence, period!

Anonymous said...

and i thought only the KR regime under pol pot was stupid, now this other stupid sam rainsy with his supporters, i guess stupidity is part of any equation after all.

Anonymous said...

Merci de réfléchir un peu mes chers compatriotes. Qui a vraiment tué notre peuple tous les jours? Qui a donné la terre, la mer(KOH TROL) Khèmere aux YOUNS ? Qui a signé les traités complémentaire en 2005? Qui a fait le coup d'état en tuant le Générale HO SOK, TANG SAMBATH etc ... et de nombreuses militants de Funcipec et les 11 journalistes Khmers.Ranariddh est encore vivant, allez lui poser des questions.Donc, il ne faut pas pointer du doigt quelqu'un qui n'est pas pris de pouvoir. Rainsy est un des victimes par le régime de Hun Sen comme nous tous. ça ne sert à rien d'accuser Rainsy, il ne fait que défendre le pays qui est en voie de disparition une manière ou une autre. Je ne dis pas que cette personne est parfaite en son action que ce soit sur le plan politique, économique etc... c'est un être humain comme nous, donc, il peut faire des erreurs comme nous. Et nous, avez-vous fait quelque chose pour le pays? êtes-vous compétent en la matière? que pouvez-vous faire à la place de Rainsy?

Anonymous said...

that is better for him to stay out cambodia.
it is a disturbed person.

Anonymous said...

sam rainsy got nothing to lose because he is living and enjoying life overseas while his constituents suffered endless predicament in cambodia. what kind of leader is he? maybe traitor, cheater, coward, incompetent, you name it! stop hurting cambodia and khmer people!

Anonymous said...

4:26 AM said:

“ remember is america or france is racist like sam rainsy, all refugees of the world or immigrants of the world will have no chance living there, so think about how racist can affect people, ok! “
- My question to this dumb ass:
- Does he understand anything about being a ‘refugee’ and an ‘immigrant’?
The Vietnamese living in Cambodia now are not refugees, they are called settlers or colonists. Vietnam is not at war now and they are not prosecuted if they go back.
Refugee - he should know why the Khmer who fled Cambodia after April 1975 and the Vietnamese boat people were called refugees.
Immigrant – to be an immigrant a person should enter a foreign country through the proper channel which is called immigration.

This person above @4:26 AM is seldom answer your question unless he sees that he has the upper hand, he is your truly :
you know!

He posts almost nonstop because this is his full time job. He gets paid for posting for Hun Sen’s gang or he is a Viet. How can he spend his time all day writing these nonsense postings without being paid and how does he feed his family if this is not his job?

The easy way to deal with him is to ignore all of his postings; it’s very easy to recognize his writing even his name is “anonymous”, because he is:
you know!

Anonymous said...

well, strengthen both the rule of law and immigration law in cambodia to solve illegal immigration. you guys are lawmakers, just do it, ok! that is more proactive than picking side and arguing like no tomorrow, ok!

the solution is easy, but some hardhead people like only of themself and not doing anyone a favor with problem solving or solution, you see. not smart or wise at all, sad, indeed, you know!

Anonymous said...

they lack social skills!

Anonymous said...

7:39 AM

Just answer the question truthfully.
Are you getting paid for posting or not, if not I don’t see how can you feed yourself for spending most of your time here.

you know!

Anonymous said...

7:56 AM

Just ignore him. He is worthless for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

You are right 7:18 AM. About half of the postings here are his’ on this article alone.

They are:

3:35 AM, 3:57 AM, 4:03 AM, 4:15 AM, 4:24 AM, 4:26 AM, 5:02 AM, 5:07 AM and 7:39 AM…

And there are many more on the other articles.
Man, I wish I would have a job like that, but I am a Khmer I cannot do that even the money is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

The disturbers can be good and
bad because they can make us
feeling good and mad.
These people can make us improving
All bloggers here Knew who is.
Why? Because he repeated the same
words:you!OK! Really!Etc...
He is a fish in our jar.

Anonymous said...

3:35 AM,

You claim to love Cambodia and ask God to bless her all the times in this forum and yet you think that pulling the border post is a wrong thing to do?

Tell me why? Just concentrate on this point. Tell me why Sam Rainsy who pulled the border post implanted in a Khmer peasant's land by Vietnam should go to jail and why the other two peasants should be in jail right now?

For having been courageous enough to defend Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

if sam rainsy and his srp party is smart and wise, they should try to firmly control one of the branches of gov't e.g. judiciary branch if not legislative branch or executive branch. this way they get levelage in gov't. but they got to smarten up and be wiser and enlightened, etc, if not, they have no hope for an influence in gov't of cambodia. and don't even think about using violence to achieve your goal, this is not the dark ages era, you know. try to control the judicial system of gov't in cambodia, if they least they can do to help reform the gov't. stop being selfish, greedy and evil for a change, really! when are they going to wake up for a change? for goodness sake, start using your god given brain to make a real, lasting difference, ok! stop being stupid forever, ok!

Anonymous said...

sometimes, i think sam rainsy is over reacting by pulling the border marker. i mean, we all know from history that viet/youn always wanted to take advantage of cambodian territories, lands, etc. just look at the mekong delta and koh tral for example, that's something to remind khmer people from all walks of life to not trust youn and so forth. however, if rainsy is smart and wise, he should just protest it and demand to see the joint border committee works, etc, but you don't just go and use your anger to react violently like that, that is wrong no matter how justify it was at the time. i think it has to do with the agreement of both countries to work together to redemarcate our international borderliines. sam rainsy was over reacting, not aware that in doing so, he violate the joint committee to work things out in regards to borderlines, in this case. i think there was a method to his madness. you always have to be mindful of the existing law before you over reacting, etc, i believe. sam rainsy tend to use violence to achieve want he want. right or wrong, you protest first, then ask to see the agreement, the old map, the international treaty, etc... plus, i don't think it was rainsy's job in the joint border committee. why don't he let the joint border committe work it out? that's where he was wrong, i think.

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM

And Hun Sen and his cronies are not using violence because they are the law.
You are stupid or blind and maybe worse.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM

you know!

Anonymous said...

To 01:35pm,
Dr. Sam Rainsy is a Khmer hero. He dedicates
his life to protect and preserve the Khmer
Nation and people from the Viet expantionists and their slaves.
He cannot come to Cambodia at this time
because Hun Sen's court had sentenced him
to prison for twelve years.
With supports from international organizations and entities, he can come to
further help his Country.
Only the Yuons and their slaves are
AGAINST Dr. Sam Rainsy and his endeavours.

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

Hey Vietnamese WHORE, so when Sam Rainsy pulled the illegal border post encroached on the Khmer farmer property, that was MADNESS but when CPP shoot his own people, eg, Chouk Bandit shoot unarm protesters, (protected by Governer, Police, Deputy PM, Prime Minister)

That is PEACEFUL resolution? But Sam Rainsy method is MADNESS?

Vietnamese WHORE, how much did the 3 monkeys pay you ?

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM

You are the one who should wake up, dumb ass.
Hun Sen has already controlled all 3 branches of the government: legislative, judiciary and executive, don’t you know that, dummy.
Maybe not, that is why you keep on repeating: you know! really! ok! etc!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen doesn't even know the difference, this uneducated Vietminh never finished high school

Anonymous said...

What set us apart from the Vietnamese WHORE (know! really! ok! etc!) is we are free to speak our minds, but he cannot.
If he doesn’t say the way they want him to, he will be out of luck and in trouble.

Anonymous said...

7:24 PM
Do you mean to say that Hun Sen only knows the difference between his wife’s 2 rear end holes and that is it?

Anonymous said...

you know! really! ok! etc!

Before posting @12:18 PM and 12:28 PM did you read the 2 questions at the top in Khmer?

លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រឆាំងយួនរំលោភព្រំដែនខ្មែរមានទោសអីដែរ ?
ហ៊ុន សែន ក្បត់ជាតិ សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ កាត់ដីឲ្យយួន គ្មានទោសទេ ?

Maybe you don’t read Khmer.

Anonymous said...

យើងមើលឃើញថា តាំងពីសម រង្ស៊ី បានលោតចូលក្នុងភ្នក់ភ្លើង នយោបាយមក
យើងសង្កេតឃើញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថាសម រង្ស៊ី បាននាំយកសកម្មជន
នយោបាយរបស់ខ្លួន និងពលរដ្ឋសាមញ្ញអោយទៅស្លាប់,
ជាប់គុក និងក្រុមឃាតករ ហ៊ុន សែនតាមប្រមាញ់ធ្វើឃាត ,
វាយបង្រ្កាប ងាប់ និង ខ្លាចបាក់ស្បាតរាប់មិនអស់ ...
តើអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមើលឃើញសម រង្ស៊ី បាននិងកំពុង
ធ្វើស្អី និងដើម្បីស្អីដែរ ឬ ទេ???

Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha is a real Khmer Nationalist who couldn't compare to San Rainsy. Listen to his radio at you will understand the real hero in this generation.

Anonymous said...

it is ok to have a challenger in politics, however, you can't win all or control all gov't branches e.g. legislative, executive and judicial; at least confirm and clever manipulate or control one of them that you think will bring out the most reform and that is the judiciary branch, the first one, although the other ones will need reforms as well eventually. but you can't have them all. so be clever good strategy and focus on one and be really good at it, to start with. set good example or people will note your party as one of them just in a different color or different name. nowadays, don't underestimate the public because the younger generation aren't dumb and stupid; in fact they tend to be smarter and more educated as well. the key is to unite, if you can't work toward unification, then you and your party aren't worth the effort because unity, you are doomed, if not soon, it is later. so always work toward unity, that's where strength is. remember after independence from france, sihanouk and cambodia was strong and peaceful and was considered a brief but golden era of khmer culture, renaissance, growth, prosperity, etc. why? it was unity of the country and khmer people that gave it strength and power. again, i emphasize unity, that is the magic word. if you can grasp this concept, then you are an incompetent, stupid and perhaps uneducated type of leader(s). always work toward unity of all khmer people and make debating a part of good, constructive gov't. get the people involve by asking them question on how can gov't be useful and good for all and the country. get rid of any type of class status, prejudice, hate, discrimination, otherwise, you can be blinded by it and contradictory to your goal of unity and good gov't. well, it's a different story if you are a hypocrite about your goal. and people can see that, good or bad, people can see. leader(s) are public figure, the people can see that. again, unity, education, reforms, and get rid of outdated, useless style and discourage the use of discrimination that especially based on people's national origin, religion, color, sexual orientation, background, etc. know how to win the heart and mind of the people, be charismatic, but not fake and of course learn from the best out there, and don't be selfish, greedy and evil toward your countrymen, instead, educate them all. these are keys to your political success and even success in in life and work. a good character and trait. and surround yourself and your party with good, smart, expert advisors that will boost your popularity, etc... have that can do attitude and never give up. be open to suggestion, constructive criticism, etc...and never discard experience as uselessl. having lots of life experience will help boost your smartness as well. this is could be anybody in cambodia. if not you, it's somebody else...god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

play by the rule of law,too, is good for cambodia! of course, you will always have a sector of society that will abuse with the loophole, but the point is to play and live and work by the rule of law, period!

Anonymous said...

SSR is proKhmer, everyone else are Youn. Listen to his radio he will tell you that. He even say Sam Rainsy is also youn. Lolz

Anonymous said...
